
作者&投稿:柯怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1.I will get home in ten minites.
2.We can speak to anybody at anywhere with the help of the mobile.
3.The mobile has changed our behavious and the way of conversation.
4.Wherever we are, whatever we do, we need to keep in touch with our families and our friends.
5. Having a mobile makes us feel more safte, because we can ask for help at the event of an emergency.
6. The teacher and the students are disturbed, they are unable to have a lesson.

I'll be home in ten minutes.
Mobilephones make us possible to communicate with anybody in any area.
Mobilephones have already changed our way of behaver and connection.
Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we shoule keep in touch with our familis and friends.
Owing mobilephones makes us feel safer, as we can ask for help in amergency.
Teachers and students are disturbed, that makes teaches hard to teach.

10.我为你骄傲 Je suis fier de vous 你在网上找在线翻译...那里面什么都有...http:\/\/www.123cha.com\/tran\/ 什么语言都能翻译 另外,请参考这个:关于翻译网站:有2个比较好的多语言在线翻译网:http:\/\/www.123cha.com\/tran\/ http:\/\/www.sowang.com\/fanyi.htm(中文搜索引擎指南——多语言...


1。和其他语言一样,你在英语上花时间越多就能学的越好 The more time you spend time on learning english,the better you will learn, just like learning other languages.2。他们已经安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那一定会玩的很开心 They have arranged everything for us to visit ...

主句:主语(what we have been exposed to via the media)谓语(have fast paced)宾语(our sensibilities)状语(so much)主语 从句:that 主语(taking things slow) 谓语(requires)宾语()effort on our parts).翻译:通过媒体,我们所暴露出来的已经迅速地赶上了我们的敏感度,快得以至于让事情变慢...


1.她这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要(make)Her failure from this test made her realize how important it is to review on regular basis.2.请一定不要忘记离家前你父母对你说过的话.Please don't forget what you parents said before you left home.3.我确信她的英语知识对这...


以下为本人的纯人工翻译,能力有限,希望对你有帮助。1.We haven't got any steak at all'我们一点牛排都没有了 2.We must go to the butcher's to get some.我们必须到肉贩那去买一点 3.I hope that you've got some money.我希望你能拿到一点钱 4.We need a lot of things this ...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission ...

long-term interests and temporary interests.6我会买一个新的以免错过下次party,6. I will buy a new one lest miss the next party.lest 作连词时,后面的状语从句常用should或原形动词(即虚拟语气)。不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

徽州区17136412884: 帮翻译一个英文句子吖!特急!!! -
校浩可立: fall in love with water ,don't let it go.If you love water don't let it leave youFalls in love with the water not to let it leave you

徽州区17136412884: 几句英语句子, 希望帮忙翻译一下.很急!
校浩可立: 1.I am glad to work for the TV station. 2. Was he taking photoes under the tree? 3. I had read a book before I went to bed yesterday. 4. No one konws what did he do last year. 5. He stood here but did nothing . 6,Did you went to Newyork during the ...

徽州区17136412884: 帮我翻译几句英文句子,急.很急,非常急 -
校浩可立: 1、下32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333335333161午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙.(tend to) The gym tends to be very busy at about six pm. 2、这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好.(stay away from) This area is not ...

徽州区17136412884: 帮忙翻译几个句子!急!帮忙翻译几个英语句子!急!1:读书能带给我们快乐,我们能从书本中获得知识和真理.2:我最喜欢的是《读者》,海明威是我最... -
校浩可立:[答案] 1:reading can bring us happiness,we can be gained from books knowledge and truth.2:my favorite is "reader",Hemingway is one of my favorite writer.3:let us enjoy reading it,reading can make you strong ...

徽州区17136412884: 急,英语翻译求助!谁能帮我把一下句子翻译成英文?内容如下:我相信我能胜任这一职务,因为之前我在其他公司有三年的工作经验,并且我通过了英语六... -
校浩可立:[答案] I believe I qualified for this position, because in other companies before I have three years of work experience, and I passed the English CET!

徽州区17136412884: 帮下忙、、英语请帮我翻译几个句子1.除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉2.我告诉他什么时候想回来就回来3.他很快就会好的4.许多旧的风俗已不复存在 -
校浩可立:[答案] 1 i'll never make a apology unless she does it first 2 i told him that he could come back whenever he wanted 3 he will be better soon 4 many old customs have gone with wind

徽州区17136412884: 求英语大虾帮我翻译句子,急啊~
校浩可立: My love to you weight 21 kilo gram. Send you a cup as a gift,and I would like to accampany with you all this life. To the whole world you are only one,but to me you are the whole world.

徽州区17136412884: 英语在线翻译句子 我初一的.别太复杂,谢了.明天就要交作业了,高手们帮我个忙吧.谢谢谢谢谢谢谢.1.河里的孩子正在喊救命,让我们帮他出来.2.你的同桌是... -
校浩可立:[答案] 1. The child in the river is crying for help, asking us to help get him out. 2. What's your desk partner like? -- Very kind and helpful. 3. What's his home like? -- Small and tidy. 4. She needs some help, let him help her clean up. 5. Don't worry about your ...

徽州区17136412884: 帮我用英语翻译这几个句子 拜托了 很急的~
校浩可立: 1.I'm very pleased with your job! 2.You always speak exavtly! 3.You are successful in your business! 4.I feel respect for your job! 5.You are very humorous. 6.You are successful in your business! 7.How clever the child is ! 8.You look very great today! 9....

徽州区17136412884: 帮我翻译一句英语,我很急,帮个忙,谢谢!
校浩可立: 请你按照我说的做” YOu can do it as I told you.

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