
作者&投稿:豆卢淑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Not a single pebble (that might have indicated that the pebbles came from the nearby continent.)was found

As a young man, he began walking—over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime—through the south to Florida, the west to California, and north to Alaska, where readers are taken along on a particularly harrowing adventure on a glacier.

固定搭配当然有,begin doing sth.。主句就是he began...。where ...是一个非限制性的定语从句,先行词应该是Alaska,这个非限制性定语从句,我认为起到了补充说明的作用。




第一层 主体结构

  • 第一分句:Museums may have enclosed objects with walls, 一些博物馆已经用墙壁把一些东西围了起来,

  • 第二分句:but the 19th century saw theirdoors opened to general public- witnesses whose presence was just as essentialto display of power as had been that of the people before the spectacle ofpunishment in the eighteenth century.

第二层 第二分句的结构

  • 主语:the 19th century

  • 谓语动词:saw 【此处的 see 表示“目睹了…发展的过程”,即“经历”】

  • 复合宾语:their doors opened to generalpublic-witnesses whose presence was just as essential to display of power ashad been that of the people before the spectacle of punishment in theeighteenth century

第三层 复合宾语的结构

  • 直接宾语:their doors

  • 宾语补足语:opened to general public - witnesses whose presence was just as essential to display of power ashad been that of the people before the spectacle of punishment in theeighteenth century

第四层 宾语补足语的结构

  • 过去分词短语:opened to general public 向普通人群开放  

  • 同位语:witnesses whose presence wasjust as essential to display of power as had been that of the people before the spectacle of punishment in the eighteenth century

第五层  同位语的结构

  • 同位语核心名词:witnesses 这些见证人【对 public 的具体说明】

  • 定语从句:whose presence was just asessential to display of power as had been that of the people before thespectacle of punishment in the eighteenth century

第六层 定语从句的结构

  • 主语:whose presence 【whose 是关系形容词,指代 witnesses’(见证人的)】

  • 系动词:was

  • 表语:just as essential to display of power as had been that of the people before the spectacle of punishment in the eighteenth century

第七层 表语的结构

  • 形容词短语:just as essential to displayof power  对权力的展示是必不可缺少的【as 是程度副词】

  • 嵌套定语从句:as had been that of thepeople before the spectacle of punishment in the eighteenth century

第八层 嵌套定语从句的结构

  • 关系代词:as 这一点【指代上文 essential to display ofpower】

  • 系动词:had been 一度是【过去完成时态】

  • 表语:that of the people before the spectacle of punishment in the eighteenth century  十八世纪在惩罚惨状面前的人们的权力展示 【that 指代上文的 display of power,以避免重复】


第一层 主体结构

  主语:The exercise 这种训练,
  复合谓语动词:is intended 旨在
  保留宾语(或主语补足语):to urge fellow researchers to refine, test, and augment the working hypotheses suggested herein and to progress toward these goals with confidence in the validity ofthe relationship premise at the level of consumers' lived experiences with their brands

  【注:改回到主动语态为 someone intends the exercise to urge researchers to …有人打算让这项活动去督促调查者…】

第二层 保留宾语的结构

  不定式:to urge 鼓励
  不定式宾语:fellow researchers 研究生调查人员
  1、to refine, test, and augment the working hypotheses suggested herein
  — 动宾结构的不定式:to refine, test, and augment the working hypotheses 去精炼、检验与补充工作假说
  — 用做后置定语的过去分词:suggested herein于此提出的(工作假说)
  2、and to progress toward these goals with confidence in the validity of the relationship premise at the level of consumers' lived experiences with their brands.
  — 不定式:to progress toward these goals 达到这些目的
  — 方式状语:with confidence in the validity of the relationship premise at the level of consumers' lived experiences with their brands. 以在与他们的类型一致的有生以来经历水平上的有效关联前提方面的信心。

  【此层的句型是 urge sb. to do sth.(鼓励某人做某事)】

第三层 最后一个方式状语的结构层次

with confidence 以…信心
in the validity of the relationship premise 关联前提的有效性方面的(信心)
at the level of consumers' lived experiences 消费者有生以来经验水平上的(前提)
with their brands 与他们的类型一致的(经验).




不管怎样, 就象一般人用两条腿那样站着, 他用一条腿端端正正的站立着


帮我翻译一下这句话吧 中文翻译成韩文 不要用翻译器翻 尽量口语化一点...
10 살 연하랑 결혼하면 안되나?나는 10살 연하도 널 잘 지킬 수 있거든. 非敬语形式 10 1...

I have no culture, in addition to will farm, other what will not do, the whole day have no matter stem at home, life a day be sader than a day.

せず是一个2级语法。“ず形”是一个非常近似“ない形”的用法。表示否定。约等于ない。动词都有对应的“ず形”。跟“ない形”变化一样是“未然形+ず ”特例是“する”要变成“せず”。详细变化和用法可以查看标日中级上下册的关于"ず"。

5)可是我的母亲却不以为然,这句话好像漏掉了吧,my mother did not agree with it,“不以为然”译成:did not agree with it 较好;6)but my mother encouraged me a lot. 英语的Even though(或though,although)之后千万不能再与but连接(莫受汉语的影响),应去掉“but”;7)她经常给...



请大家帮我把这句话翻译成英文 即便这样,我还是很抱歉
Even so, i feel really sorry anyway.

英语翻译 请翻译下面这句话: 收件人信息是和你给我的名片上的一样...
Is the information of the recipient the same as that on the name card you gave me?收件人信息是和你给我的名片上的一样吗?

思南县15745718101: 这句话怎么翻译成中文呀? 详细分析一下句子结构,还有语法等,不要只是翻译哟! -
彩叶迈爽: 在经历过不幸和困难后,很少有人还能保持从前的身心健康和活力. very few是主语,指很少有人.come through 经历.distressful periods是苦难的日子.physical and mental vigor 身体和精神的活力. Very few can come through distressful periods.本身一个完整的句子,拥有完整的意思.后面的with more physical and mental vigor than they had before.做状语,修饰人的状态.

思南县15745718101: 怎样翻译这句话,请分析这个句子的结构 -
彩叶迈爽: 一楼的那个答案是把我对别人的回答抄袭过来粘贴到你这里的.正好这是一个比较复杂的结构,看来我还得按同样的思路回答你的问题并让这种不劳而获的钻营者请君入瓮.第一层 主体...

思南县15745718101: 求大神翻译一下这句话,并简单分析句子结构 -
彩叶迈爽: 一、句子结构分析<br><br><br><li>让步状语:Although in his seventies at the time of the interview (是 although Picasso was in his seventies 的省略)虽然在采访的时候(毕加索)已经是70多岁<br><li>主语:Picasso<br><li>系动词:proved ...

思南县15745718101: 请问谁能帮我翻译一下这句话,并帮我分析下这句话的结构,我自己没办法弄懂它.谢谢了! -
彩叶迈爽: 翻译:像利用世界各地的博物馆和科学设施地利用网站(的情况下),电脑让家庭作业用世界范围内的资源被完成变得可能.后面的us...

思南县15745718101: 请翻译这句话,并从语法角度分析下句子的结构,详细点啊 -
彩叶迈爽: 翻译:一些小的陨石坑的边缘(百微微)隆起,高于周边的地形.这个句子是典型的“主语(Small craters )+谓语(have )+宾语(rim crests )”后面的that are elevated above the surrouding terrains. 是定语从句,修饰先行词 rim crests 由于先行词在定语从句中做主语,所以常用that引导.当然这句话的翻译不能按照度英文字面翻译,应该按照中文的习惯翻译.

思南县15745718101: 帮忙翻译这句话,并请讲解一下句子结构,谢谢! -
彩叶迈爽: 不是一个完整句,缺少谓语动词, The maximum power (主语)in kW (定语修饰 power)which (定语从句先行词,修饰 max power, 从句中 capable of 的宾语) an engine...

思南县15745718101: 这句话如何翻译?请详细分析句子结构,谢谢!
彩叶迈爽: 楼上解释的很好了我只来翻译一下. 最上面是一个清晰的狼的轮廓.它静静的坐着,耳朵警惕地竖起来,在倾听. ok.请看逗号后面的部分"主语"是ear,都是说"耳朵"咋样咋样,而句子前面的主语是是outline,在这种叙述对象发生变化时,本句对于描绘"ear"这部分用了独立主格.独立主格中,不能用动词的谓语形式,对于形容词,前面也要省略be动词.这里pointed是过去分词表被动,(动词非谓语形式),alert这里是形容词,(前面没有be),listening表主动,(也是非谓语形式).这例子包含了几种非谓语形式,不错.

思南县15745718101: 这句话怎么翻译成中文呀? 详细分析一下句子结构,还有语法等 -
彩叶迈爽: which引导非限制性定语从句,也就是说which后面的从句是修饰前面整个句子的.这句话意思是说在未来,各公司的产品之间将需要更多的兼容与合作,毫无疑问,将来苹果和IBM都需要注意他们的市场策略.there will probably be more ...

思南县15745718101: 请翻译此句英文,并解析句子结构,句子如下: -
彩叶迈爽: 董事会议室里通过的战略,即使是一个小孩都会说是注定要失败的.问题是董事会议室里从来不会有小孩.--言外之意是批评董事会议室里的董事们缺乏沟通理解信任,讲的话都是...

思南县15745718101: 请翻译一下这段话并分析句子结构,谢谢! -
彩叶迈爽: 您好,这句英文是口语吧? 一处缺Be动词还有一处语法错误,1. 先试译(原句较长,灵活翻译):学习绘画或弹奏乐器对儿童大脑发育的必要性众所周知,因此,摒弃艺术课程是特别的不明智之举. 2. 原句应更正为:Casting art programs ...

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