
作者&投稿:薛惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I. Introduction
My project is to do the apparel industry, men and women clothing casual restaurant.
Due to limited funding only 2 million, our target customers are fashion students personality, so simple and casual fashion apparel mainly oriented style. Select clothing store are the advantages of the apparel industry is more mature, now near the school have not a similar clothing store, and the needs of the project costs are lower, easy access is also easy to start. And his interest in clothes but also, it is the combination of interest and cause.

Second, the store's location and the customer groups of reasons

1, the store's location: the choice of location is good or bad the future impact of the operation of a large store, so be sure to find a good store business district location. After investigation, I found that the school has a 30 square meters near the entrance of the store ready to transfer, things here at the intersection of campus, convenient transportation, the market is no problem. And here we still have to continue to develop and broad prospects. Finally, I choose to shop out of school population in the West Campus, where about ten meters, only to suffer stores have a bus stop in front of a big road, usually have traffic day and night. And next door there are several colleges and universities, if the publicity well, the flow of people can be imagined. Our position is in the low block, in line with market demand.

2, the client group analysis: The main customer groups are teachers and students. After investigation, we found near the school did not have clothes shop, the spending power of students is not suitable for the middle and low sales of luxury goods. Our position is in the low block, in line with market demand.

Third, the store's decor

Rent a good store, the following should be renovated. Decor related to a shop management style, and appearance of first impression, the overall image of the store, lighting and product displays will also directly affect sales! People rely on clothing makeup, the Buddha to gold, selling clothes also need packaging! Even the best clothes on the flea market to sell goods is spread Moreover, our customer base is a fashion student personality!
Decor related to a shop management style, and appearance of the first impression. When doing interior design, you need according to the current clothing trends to determine the overall style, not the effect of design, so customers can see, the feeling is out of date, but tend to be closely linked to warm and simple elegant style of the main , so the store must make an effort on the decor, giving a strong visual impact and appeal of a fresh feeling.
Fourth, the goods and the purchase channel selection

First, the selection and purchase of goods

Brand-name mainly dominated by foreign goods.

First, choose the goods: First of all, the first purchase to personally go to Guangzhou and wholesalers related issues on a good fight for minimum cost, for more supply. Second, the market aimed at Guangzhou, the major bulk sale, choose quality. Guangzhou shopping network aimed at once again, directly linked to our online, buy low and sell high.
Second, purchase channels: direct mail back to the North Sea, Guangzhou, purchase must be on a good logistics companies, to establish good relations of cooperation, strive for the lowest cost. (Purchase as long as: Guangzhou District Thirteen Road, Kam Tung and the vast majority, Shahe, Station West)

Fifth, manpower planning

The early start to reduce costs, exercise their abilities. Plan early opening is not prepared to hire temporary staff, which I and my partner has overall responsibility for (their own business should be cumulative points), the profitability of investment dividends after the method used.

Sixth, the amount of investment and profit forecasts

First, the amount of investment analysis
1, Rent: 2000 yuan / month.
2, the renovation costs 4,000 yuan.
3, the store model, racks, etc. 600.
4, other costs 500 yuan (leaflets, advertising, travel and logistics costs
5, utilities 400 yuan / month
6, the liquidity of more than 8500

Second, the profit forecast:
Monthly high-priced pieces of clothing to take 30-50, 30-80 to take the low-priced items; a total of 50 boys and girls backpack; girls and 50 pairs of shoes; (the first purchase to "getting goods less, earn more money," the main

1."Yugoslavia week breeze" of the Book of Poetry

2.The The What the this the the poem relate BE:the the At the an the the on all the the sides the wreath water, the the the the water grass, the the such the as bacterium, the the the the waterfowl 欢 , the the call the of the the sand bank side, the the have the a the the slender beauty the the but the again the the kind good the the and the wise miss, the row one the the 侗 the 庵 the the 郏� the the 诜 the 崦� the is the the �葜 the the almond the 叛 the promise 夭 burn the �舨耸 protect the � words 渡 fasten a bag sway the 痪� flow out the 醇�� suffer from the � sorrow the 椤K the �� vulgar non- The The 蟮 the 秸 the the 馕幻 the the look the at the the 龅氖 the the 缗 the � the the � circle the the 幌 the road the the 梗� the the � the 蛔 the the 啪酢 the the K the � the the �� the the � the 倮 the the stab 趾 the the an the alliance the the �� the the �� the 淮罾 the 恚� the �鞴 the 娜≡ the alliance � the � evenly the the 幻 the flick go Ч� >�颖 the 凰 send 钫勰サ谩 the dam is beside the 沼 lie blink �纷� bed stretch tight forgive?
3.The Book of Poetry has two Englishs of the 著 s to translate originally
4.The Conduct and actions of manage the surname preaches teacher, the for more than 30 years from 1837-1873 yearses of swiming 华 .It is choose to teach for the Oxford university the first Chinese language academic chair after returning an English.The Its 著 say very plentiful, the Chinese classic the of 13 through the all translate the basically English, the it may the be said the English inside the of circle the Sinology lay the foundation stone the the reason the surname is the a scholar, the the style the is careful, the so the the Book of the Poetry of the his translation the is an the original text the more and finally, the weakness is to sometimes lose in cautious.The We to see his translation of 《close 雎》.
5.We can see, the translation of the reason surname is almost a word with a word of to should.Don't lack the purpose of the teaching among them, also it is thus clear that scholar of careful.However Be a poem to read, obviously and too swollen tediousness.Make the engaging fair lady translating the the modest, retiring, virtuous a word with a word of to, the young lady, say with it to be a translation, was near to in annotation more.The Still have, the not even 荇 vegetables of"the not even", the translate to also translate the here long faithfully, the the there short, even sentence the type is also basic to shine on original poem to arrange in order.The Opposite translate in the reason, the translation of the 韦 benefit it may be said the poem 趣 was full of life.The The 韦 surname is a scholar to translate a house, the not only translating an excessive department a Chinese verse work, the but also translating Japanese ancient novel 《the the source the surname thing language 》.The Thus learned 韦 surname but, but never have to lead Chinese Japan. Say according to him, is in order not to break the eastern idea in his heart.The The 韦 translated Book of Poetry to be publish in London in 1937.The There are people of the past to manage a virtuous translation of 雅 , the condition is a with abundant resources it may be said.Even if his brilliant writing in the translation, translated Book of Poetry into a real readable collection of poems.So someone says the 韦 surname is a genius to translate a house.And his Book of Poetry translate originally up to now is still translated origin for the best English by.
The Show us he to 《the the pass 雎》the translation of the article
6. The The elephant voice of the leader phrase"the the pass pass", the the 韦 translates to have no such as manage a surname so high fidelity to shine on to translate, but"the the fair fair" that invented a per language double to close.The Fair one word since can with the elephant voice bird 鸣 with beautiful light frailty, the and then hint at the fair lady(the fair lady) its righteousness, and have 趣 of compare the 兴 .One word choose, seeing master's time, it make the person sigh for the view see again the translation of"engaging fair lady".The One 联 , the use a lovely, the the third and fourth 联 ss used a shy word, the a topic, the change to play again and again, fair, lovely, shy, noble, the don't lose original intention, and then avoid superfluous and repeated.
7.The The second 联 "think" heel"carefree" is all meaning for remember fondly, the the 韦 this the former translates for the he grieved,
The The latter translates for the long unhappy thoughts, the using musically topic to change to play of skill, the draw a deep sigh short 嗟 , sing again and again.The But the third manages to translate medium superfluous"the not even 荇 vegetables" to then use grows the water mallow in the fourth 联
Come to should.The Grows one the phrase add a movement, the making the idea of"the not even 荇 vegetables" jump however paper up, write an exhausted reason to translate to win
The here long there short four righteousness of the words
8.Manage a surname, it translate, it may be said likeness.Near delicate strokes.The The 韦 surname translates poem, don't tie down by the form but original poem poetic charm to jump however
But, near comfortable.The Contrast two poems, sigh the 韦 surname to translate an ingenious pen only.I exhaust whole life, the identical with ability is near of
9. Compare it in the painting, translate poem to have comfortable delicate strokes of argue
The problem add:Please don't want translate with the phrase 霸 machine of[with] etc. to me, thank
The first should be:week Yugoslavia breeze, mean the form of the verse in the Book of Poetry, style, I will not translate, asking a superior to point out.


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英语翻译 高手求助 高分悬赏 汉翻英
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阿合奇县13430804052: 英文帮助翻译词句.请英文高手帮忙把下面的话翻译成英文:1、哦!非常感谢!2、这么晚打扰您真不好意思.3、为什么呢?4、祝您天天开心、工作愉快!晚... -
英雪清肺:[答案] 1,Oh!Thank you very much! 2,so late I am sorry to disturb you. 3,Why? 4,every day I wish you a happy,happy!Good night!

阿合奇县13430804052: 请各位英语高手帮忙将以下两句话翻译成英语,求手工翻译,谢谢! -
英雪清肺: 1: note: Bill of lading number 0933, 0934 and the bill of lading 0935 in part PO#12,13, the test report is the same. 2: attachment for the B / L #0935 PO#14 and PO#15 part of the test report, the bill of lading the remaining portion of the PO#12,13 and BL#0933 of the same test report.

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英雪清肺: I don't want to accuse you of meaning, I just want to ask. Since you said no, I believe you. Those people are too eight hung, the original no thing, all the ups and downs, and by them. The next time you don't want disorderly borrow mobile phone them. ...

阿合奇县13430804052: 哪位英文大师,可以帮忙将以下段落翻成英文,急,求助!! -
英雪清肺: In this case, the significance of the application of OIS was in manifesting itself. The projects , in its own individuality , increased the speed of the people who attending the conference collecting information .From the company''s point of view,the ...

阿合奇县13430804052: 急~~请大家帮忙将以下内容翻译成英文 -
英雪清肺: This paper conducts an empirical analysis, for 2007 and 2008 and 2009 zhejiang electronic components industry to the listed company capital structure by enterprise scale, how the profitability of the influence of factors are analyzed. This paper ...

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英雪清肺: First of all ,thank you for giving me the opportunity to work once, thank you very much , if without you, I think I haven't the opportunity to enter into this ,which I have not been exposed to the industry.For the first time I said i want to go, you retained me, ...

阿合奇县13430804052: 请高手帮忙把以下内容翻译成英文,急用!
英雪清肺: He is good at painting and swimming, learning things faster, learn to perform better. Him to consider the matter thoroughly, to everything very well planned way. He was also willing to help others: to help students learn mathematics; in the bus seat to ...

阿合奇县13430804052: 请英文高手帮助翻译以下英文内容,不胜感激!!!

阿合奇县13430804052: 求助,请帮忙翻译以下为英文,谢谢! -
英雪清肺: 我们尝试调整这个Artwork,根据你的效果图, We try to adjust the Artwork, depending on your rendering, 但是无法100%吻合这种颜色, But you can't 100% fit this kind o...

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