
作者&投稿:类炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2dining room
6 have [take] a bath
9clean and tidy
11The Magic of the Kite
12model aeroplane
15woollen sweater
17mixed and disorderly
19In front of recycle bin
20In the recycle bin beside
21at all places

1。 stand high above the masses
2。 lyric 是歌词的意思。the content of a song 歌词内容
3。 virtue 美德,优秀的品质
4。 honor: (1)光荣,荣幸。(做此意,感到光荣或荣幸)(2)荣誉,名誉,声誉。(在此是中性的,就是声誉或尊严的意思。)如:捍卫祖国的荣誉(3)荣誉称号,奖励,头衔。如:win the highest honour.赢得最高荣誉。(其实就是获得最高奖励,获得最高头衔的另一种说法。)
glory: 荣誉,光荣,桂冠。(在此是因为做出成就或有价值而赢得的好的be far removed from the masses and reality

virtue goodness morality excellence 美德,这些词均可

libretto lyrics song lyrics


honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大学)荣誉学位课程, 优等成绩: [attrib 作定语] an honours degree course in French literature 法国文学荣誉学位课程.
{C, U] special cause for pride, respect or honour 产生骄傲、 崇敬或荣耀的原因: One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial. 英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利.


honour 1
(US honor) / ˈɔnə(r); ˋɑnɚ/ n
[U, sing] source of pride and pleasure; privilege 光荣; 荣幸: the seat of honour at the head of the table 上首席位 * It is a great honour to be invited. 承蒙邀请, 十分荣幸.
[U] (a) good personal character; strong sense of what is morally right 节操; 正义感: a man of honour 品德高尚的人 * Honour demands that he should resign. 为了保持气节, 他应该辞职. (b) reputation for greatness, good behaviour, truthfulness, etc 荣誉; 名誉; 信誉: fight for the honour of one's country 为祖国的荣誉而战 * My honour is at stake. 我的名誉利害攸关.
[U] great respect; high public regard 崇敬; 公众表示的敬意: They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他们肃立向她致敬.
[sing] an ~ to sth/sb a person or thing that brings credit to sth/sb 给某事物[某人]增光的人或事物: She is an honour to her profession. 她是同行的光荣.
[C usu pl 通常作复数] thing given as a distinction or mark of respect, esp an official award for achievement or bravery 作为荣誉或尊敬的标志而授予之事物(尤指为表扬成绩或英勇行为而正式授予的): bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier 以隆重的军葬礼埋葬死者 * Birthday/New Year Honours, ie titles, decorations, etc awarded in Britain by the Sovereign on his or her birthday or on 1 January each year 英国国王或女王在其诞辰或元旦之日授予的荣誉称号、 勋章等.
honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大学)荣誉学位课程, 优等成绩: [attrib 作定语] an honours degree course in French literature 法国文学荣誉学位课程.
your/his/her Honour [sing] (used to or about certain judges or people of importance as a title of respect 用作对某些法官或显要人士的尊称): I plead innocent, your Honour. 我不认罪, 法官大人.
[C esp pl 尤作复数] (in card-games) any of the cards of highest value (纸牌戏中)最大点数的牌: hold five spades to (ie of which the highest is) an honour 手中有五张黑桃, 其中有一张大牌.
[U] (in golf) right of driving off first (高尔夫球 的)先打权: It's `your honour, partner. 伙伴, 该你先打.
(idm 习语) a debt of honour => debt. do sb `honour (fml 文) show respect for sb 向某人表示敬意或致敬: Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼, 向女王表示敬意. do sb an honour; do sb the honour (of doing sth) (fml 文) give sb a privilege 给某人以特权; 使某人有特殊的荣幸: You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸. * Will you do me the honour of dining with me? 可否赏光与我一起吃饭? do the `honours (infml 口) act as host or hostess; perform some social duty or small ceremony 尽主人之谊; 履行某种社交责任; 执行某种小礼仪: Who's going to pour the tea shall I do the honours? 谁管斟茶--我来斟好吗? have the honour (of sth) (fml 文) be granted the privilege specified 获得某种特权; 获得某种特殊的荣幸: May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? * To whom do I have the honour of speaking? 能跟您谈话十分荣幸, 请问尊姓大名? (there is) honour among `thieves (saying 谚) criminals often have their own standards of behaviour that they live by 罪犯往往也有赖以生存的行为准则; 盗亦有道. honours are `even the contest is level 比赛打成平局: Both teams have won the same number of games so honours are even between them. 两队积分相同, 比赛结果不分胜负. (in) honour `bound (to do sth) required to do sth as a moral duty but not by law 道义上应做某事的; 理应做的(非硬性规定的): I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好, 因为是我答应过的事. in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's honour out of respect for sb/sth 出於对某人[某事物]的敬意: a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式. on one's honour (to do sth) under a moral obligation (to do sth) 在道义的促使下(做某事). on my `honour I swear it 我发誓; 我以人格担保: I promise I'll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保, 一定把钱还给你. a point of honour => point1.put sb on his, etc `honour make sb promise solemnly to do sth 使某人郑重承诺做某事. one's word of honour => word.
# `honours list (Brit) list of people given titles, decorations, etc by the Sovereign (国君授予称号、 勋章等的)荣誉名册.

U] high fame and honour won by great achievements 光荣; 荣誉: glory won on the field of battle 战场上赢得的荣誉 * a proud father basking in his son's reflected glory, ie sharing the fame achieved by his son 因儿子的荣耀其父感到骄傲 * Our team didn't exactly cover itself with glory today, eg was heavily defeated. 我队今天未能真正载誉而归(如遭惨败). * The regiment's motto was `Death or Glory'. 该团队的座右铭是‘誓死争取荣誉’.
[U] (Bible 圣经) worship, adoration and thanksgiving 崇敬; 赞美; 赞颂; 感恩: `Glory to God in the highest.' 在至高之处荣耀归与神‘愿荣耀归於至高之处的上帝.’
[U] beauty; splendour 美丽; 壮丽: the glory of a sunset, a summer's day, etc 美丽的日落、 夏日等 * the countryside in all its glory 气象万千的郊野.
[C, U] special cause for pride, respect or honour 产生骄傲、 崇敬或荣耀的原因: One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial. 英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利.

参考资料:lingoes 声誉)fame,praise or honor that is given to sb. because they have achieved sth. important.如:活儿都是我干,荣誉都是他得。I do all the work and he gets all the glory.

凉鞋sandal、番茄tomato、洋葱onion、衬衫shirt、土豆potato、球鞋gym shoes、鱼fish、山羊goat、夹克衫jacket、胡萝卜carrot、靴子boot、香蕉banana、绵羊sheep、鹅goose、驴donkey、长颈鹿giraffe、猪pig、袜子socks、老鼠mouse、长裤pants、蜡笔crayon、铅笔盒pencil box、电脑computer、老虎tiger、马horse、自行车bike、猴子monkey、手hand、树tree、蜡烛candle、足球football、手指finger、拖鞋slipper

Sandals, tomatoes, onions, shirts, potatoes, shoes, fish, goat, jackets, carrots, boots, bananas, sheep, geese, donkeys, giraffes, pigs, socks, mouse, trousers, crayons, pencil boxes, computers, Tiger , horses, bicycles, monkey, hand, tree, candles, football, fingers, slippers


Sandals, tomatoes, Onions, shirt, potatoes, shoes, fish, goats, jacket, carrots, boots, banana, sheep, goose, the donkey, giraffe, pigs, socks, mouse, trousers, crayons, pencil-box, computer, tiger, horse, bicycle, monkeys, hand, trees, candles, football, fingers and slippers.就这些了。

凉鞋 sandals、番茄 tomato、洋葱 onion、衬衫 shirt、土豆 potato、
球鞋 sneaker、鱼 fish、山羊 goat、夹克衫 jacket、胡萝卜carrot、靴子 boots、香蕉 banana、绵羊sheep、鹅goose、驴 donkey、长颈鹿giraff、
猪 pig、袜子 sock、老鼠 rat、长裤 trousers、蜡笔 crayon、
铅笔盒 pencil box 、电脑 computer、老虎 tiger、马 horse、
自行车 bicycle、猴子 monkey、手 hand、树 tree、蜡烛 candle、
足球 football(美式)soccer(英式)、手指 finger、拖鞋 slipper

凉鞋sandal、番茄tomato、洋葱onion、衬衫shirt、土豆potato、球鞋gym shoes、鱼fish、山羊goat、夹克衫jacket、胡萝卜carrot、靴子boot、香蕉banana、绵羊sheep、鹅goose、驴donkey、长颈鹿giraffe、猪pig、袜子socks、老鼠mouse、长裤pants、蜡笔crayon、铅笔盒pencil box、电脑computer、老虎tiger、马horse、自行车...

一些的英文单词是some.它的英式读法是[səm];美式读法是[səm]。作形容词时意思是一些;若干。作副词时意思是大约;非常。作代词时意思是一些(人、物)。相关例句:用作形容词(adj.)1、She won a competition in some newspaper or other.她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜。2、If you sav...

flora:[罗神]花神;frank:adj.坦白的, 率直的, 老实的 vt.免费邮寄 n.免费邮寄特权 gay:adj.欢迎的, <美俚>同性恋的, 放荡的, 快乐的 n.<美俚> 同性恋者, 尤指男性同性者 jack:n.(J-)杰克(男子名,也特指各种男性工人), 插孔, 插座, 起重器, 千斤顶, 男人, (船舰上悬挂的)国旗 vt....

Pause:暂停 Timer :定时器 Running:处于运转状态 Airflow:送风 set temp:设定温度 LevelAuto :自动档 Quiet :睡眠模式 Temp :温度 ATRREFRESH :大错了 Power :风量 DEHVMIDIFICATION :你一定打错了。应该是一个与dehumidification相似的词,意思是除湿。swing:摇摆 AIRFLOWDTRECTION :ON :...

fans粉丝,intime银泰, IN时尚,...No Zou No Si不作不死.

1.懒醒; Smart asx 2.大只讲; Roughly 3.低调(形容一个人处事好低调); Low profile 4.不知所谓. Must be dreaming 参考: SELF 1.懒醒 Pretend to be *** art 2.大只讲; All talk but no action 3.低调(形容一个人处事好低调); Low profile 4.不知所谓. 如解作混乱:In a muddle....

忧愁 glum(a.) melancholy(n.&adj.)烦恼 be worried; vexatious(adj.) annoyance(n.)颓废 decadence(n.)decadent(adj.)回忆 recall(vt.) memory(n.)a ~of one's childhood 唯我独尊 consider oneself to be the only important person; be extremely conceited 参考资料:辞典,etc....

繁花恋迷局▌ Memory 惹人爱 Triste 染尘 \/9 Demon。别挽留 Letitgo 经年°reminis Gloaming 薄暮城 Charm 猫姬 S uperficial° 浮浅 One、Life 独厮守 ぢ.Nostalgia 留恋 Glu TtoNy 沉沦 Chafferer 迷心 silent 黑白年代 orvR 音符。Eternally 永恒 Review 旧爱 Excuses 借口 Liberation 解脱。anesthes...

reality远离大众和现实(这种是非常正规的说法,如果是口语中比较随意可以根据语境翻译。比如 he regards himself superior to others 他认为自己比别人好 也可以表示这一类意思)歌词 lyric 或者更简单的 words of a song 美德 virtue 优秀的品质 sterling\/good qualities honor\/ glory honor:(1)光荣,...

当心(造成)爆炸 be aware of causing explosion 当心(造成)火灾 be aware of causing fire 禁止戴手套 Gloves are prohibited 禁止用水灭火(灭火中不得用水)water prohibited in extinguishing 禁止带火种 anything cause fire is prohibited

海阳市18911531930: 求这些词的英文解释,急!fortnight,treasure,valley,variety,butcher,pioneer,tobacco,exhibition,librarian,mechanic,biography,whistle,quarrel,cafeteria,cassette,... -
闻樊悦康:[答案] fortnight,two weeks treasure,a collection of valuable things such as gold,silver and jewellery valley,an area of low land between hills or mountains,often with a river flowing through it; the land that a river flows through variety,several different sorts of the ...

海阳市18911531930: 帮忙翻译一些词语! -
闻樊悦康: 1:我的日记my diary2:我的音乐my music3:好友连接frieds'link4:我的心情my mood5:我的相册my album6:“版权所属***”Copyright© ***. All rights reserved注:© 通常可以代替...

海阳市18911531930: 一些很流行的词的翻译~~~急啊~~~ -
闻樊悦康: hot summer low cut thin tiny without sleeve

海阳市18911531930: 急求:一世相惜、一世守护、无与伦比、天长地久、默默守护、花开花落、学会珍惜、繁华落寂、奢侈的爱、情深缘浅 . 这几个词的英语翻译 -
闻樊悦康: 一世相惜 A common revision 短句(找不到) 一世守护 I guard 短句To have to hold, from this day forward , for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in richness or in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part 从今以后,我们彼此拥有,彼此扶...

海阳市18911531930: 非常紧急....急求翻译高手将下列词汇翻译成英文,(这些词汇是玻璃制品行业的词汇) -
闻樊悦康: 刚好我做过这行,这些词都明白什么意思但我可能翻译也不好,毕竟跟外商可以沟通就行了,不是很正规.其实有些机械翻译我觉得也是可用的,实在不行你可上宜家或者有销售这些玻璃器皿的网站看看: 1.破皮气泡:这个是指玻璃上的气泡没...

海阳市18911531930: 我需要一些成语的英文翻译,越多越好!!!!!! -
闻樊悦康: 爱屋及乌 Love for a person extends even to the crowson his roof; Love for a person extends to everything associated with her or him; /谚语:He that loves the tree loves the branch; / He who loves Bertrand loves his dog; / Love me, love my dog; / ...

海阳市18911531930: 大家给我把有关这些词的英文单词写出来. 急·
闻樊悦康: Now draw a picture of Toby's animal. 现在给托比的动物画一幅画像. 颜色:黑色black,白色white,红red,蓝blue,绿green,橘红orange,紫色purple,灰色grey,透明clear,黄色yellow 文具:钢笔pen,铅笔pencil,橡皮eraser,书book,圆珠笔ball pen,订书机staple 衣物:衬衫shirt,西装suit,裙子skirt,裤子pant/trousers,套装dress,外套coat

海阳市18911531930: 求开拓性,创造性,合作性3个词的英文翻译.都为名词 比较急! -
闻樊悦康:[答案] initiative,creativeness,cooperativeness

海阳市18911531930: 急求英语形容相貌的单词!求一些形容相貌的英语单词,比如:good - looking、blond hair这一类的.要有中文翻译哦!越多越好.先给30分,如果答得多,超... -
闻樊悦康:[答案] 美丽 comeliness fairness goodliness loveliness pulchritude 漂亮 finery presentability prettiness swanky 丑陋 ugly 难看 malformation 头发类型 short long blond curly wavy brown black 体形 瘦 emaciated lankness lean poor thin tight thinness 肥 fat large ...

海阳市18911531930: 求英文翻译 急 -
闻樊悦康: 这不是英语练习册上的嘛!1.White symbolizes purity in Europe, so brides usually wear white. 2.《The Titanic》is thought of as the best film he has ever directed. 3.He goes to Beijing to work and thus he has an opportunity to visit the Palace Musium....

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