
作者&投稿:冻乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译成英文,在线等,谢谢 !~

ask the boots tube high? boot mouth is a 14.5 inch? whether can provide the size the picture?
i paid for 50usd hope you can mail to china,if not i will fill the postage.
thank you.

It should be no problem if you send the stuff using the address I provided on Ebay. I've been using this address for years. It's possible that the delivery failure is due to a typo or incomplete address.

be aware of causing explosion

be aware of causing fire

Gloves are prohibited

water prohibited in extinguishing

anything cause fire is prohibited

1.Is careful the detonation

2.Is careful the fire

3.Forbids to wear the glove

4.Prohibition water used fire fighting

5.Prohibition belt kindling material

Beware of the explosions.
Beware of the fire.
Do not have gloves on.
Do not put out a fire with water.
Do not bring kindlings.

1 Beware of explosion

2 Beware of fire

3 Gloves are prohibited

4 No watering to put out the fire

5 Keep fire away 或 No kindling (不准带火柴)

1.Warning Explosive
2. Warning Flammable
3.Gloves Prohibited
4.Water Free Extinguisher
5.Flammable Material Prohibited

注意事项!CAUTION!1、非专业人员严禁开启此机器;This machine shall be operated by authorized professionals only;2、机器运作时,请不要将身体靠近机器活动的区域;Stay away from the moving parts of the machine when it is in operation;3、遇到紧急情况的时候,请先按下停止按钮或断开电源后再...

4、n. (Warning)人名;(德)瓦宁 warnlng 读法:英 ['wɔːnɪŋ] 美 ['wɔrnɪŋ]短语:1、Warning Mark 警告性标志 ; 警戒标志 ; [计] 报警标志 ; 指示标志 2、warning tone 提示音 ; 警告音 ; 提醒音 3、warning light 警示灯 ; [安全] ...


Admission by tickets or register after connecting host organization.

Caution This apparatus doesnt't apply to the people who has physical, sensory or mental defective and people who lack experience unless they are responsible for their safety and provision of sufficient care under guidance on how to use the apparatus....

警示牌 小心摔倒 英文说成BE CAREFUL OF STUMBLE 正确吗?
问题中的译文明显的中式英语,应该翻译为: WATCH YOUR STEPS OR MIND YOUR STEPS 或者直接 Slippery,be carefull!

词义辨析 note, caution, warning, 怎样翻译成三个不同的词?(警告程度...
Warning 是警告的意思。 力度很重,触犯往往会有生命危险或法律制裁。 例:We received a warning not to go. (有人警告我们不要去。)PS. 书面上Caution和Warning有程度的不同,但是有些时候Caution和Warning会混用,尤其在标志上或警示牌上。那样的话要根据内容来做判断,往往两词有同样的力度。例...

“勿动 有毒”怎么翻译? 我们想在放有老鼠药的地方贴上警示语“勿动...
是给老外看的话比较直观的方法就是 画个骷髅头,底色可以用黄色,写上danger, poison,toxic 之类的单词就可以了

请勿跨越黄黑警示线 翻译是:Do not cross the yellow and black warning line

谁能帮我把这个 翻译成英文 “运转时 禁止使用” 是电动工具上的警示标...
警告:当运转时,请勿使用---Warning: When running, do not use 警告:当机器运转时,请勿使用---Warning: when the machine is running, do not use 当运转时,请勿使用---When running, do not use

富阳市18975681200: 一些警示词语翻译成英文.(人在线等,谢谢) -
笃悦华富: 1 beware explosion 2 beware of fire 3 prohibit wearing gloves 4 prohibited firefighting water 5 prohibited zone fire

富阳市18975681200: 起到警示的作用用英语怎么说 -
笃悦华富: 你好, 起到警示的作用 正确翻译:Play the role of warning 关键词语:警示caution,作用effect; function 例句: 1.法官说这种惩罚将起到警示他人的作用. The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others. 谢谢.

富阳市18975681200: 英文词组翻译,在线等着 -
笃悦华富: 给...以帮助 give....some help 在...的帮助下 with ....'s help 同情... to be sympathy for.....毕业于.. graduated from.....遇到,获得 meet, obtain 得等认同 got recognition 获利 gain 生理残疾 physical disability 精神残疾 spiritual deformity 克服困难 to ...

富阳市18975681200: 翻译几句规定的英文!在线等! -
笃悦华富: 把你自己的垃圾带回家 不要穿过农田——要走在路上 将你的随身行李装入背包并避免使用塑料袋 如果你要便溺,请将排泄物用泥土掩盖 给你在山上遇到的驴友介绍这些指南 保持自然的野性之美依靠您的文明.ps.题外话:你好像打错最后一个词:civilized

富阳市18975681200: 请帮忙翻译成英文 -
笃悦华富: 1. Red colour represents your current location.2. If there is a fire, earthquake and other emergency situations occur, riding the elevator is forbidden, please press the green arrow wh...

富阳市18975681200: 把这三个中文句子翻译成英文...在线等 -
笃悦华富: Tom has broken the blackboard. Tom has borrowed my dictionary. I've just swept the floor.

富阳市18975681200: 把下面几个词组或句子翻译成英文或中文(英汉互译)能写几个就几个最好全写 在线等25分钟 -
笃悦华富: 1.仔细照顾这条狗 look after the dog carefully 2.从周一到周末 from Monday to Sunday 3.一个来自法国的朋友 a friend from France 4.仔细听我说 listen to me carefully earnest listen to me5.在下午四点半 at 4:30 p.m. 6.洗脸 wash one's face7.work in groups 分组工作 在团队工作

富阳市18975681200: 英语翻译.在线等 -
笃悦华富: So if you play cat and mouse with someone,你玩猫捉老鼠这样捉弄人的游戏you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person.对他人总是忽冷忽热的a child might...

富阳市18975681200: 急求几句话翻译成英语!`` 在线等!! -
笃悦华富: Mirages always happen alongside the coasts, sometimes in deserts as well. People saw houses, men, moutains, forests and so on, which were moving or trembling vividly.On the peaceful ocean, lake or desert, emerged images of buildings, cities, ...

富阳市18975681200: 用英文翻译!只是要两句[短],在线等. -
笃悦华富: 首先得说“被受伤害的人”这词中文读起来就不对.如果说“受伤害的人” 可以使“the people who has been hurted”或直接说“the hurted people”. 至于he fell a victim to the accident.[他在这场以外的受害者.]中文也有问题. 我认为翻译的不对.“He fell to be a victim in the accident.”这样说比较好!

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