
作者&投稿:锁宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

中国第一位宇航员:几天前他是杨利伟,一个飞行员,有一名妻子和一个年幼得儿子,但就在上个星期四,当他结束太空之旅返回地球后,他被称为“中国第一位宇航员”。上星期三神舟5号飞船绕地球14周,最高飞达海拔343千米的高空,整个航程飞行历时21小时。次日早晨6:23这位38岁的宇航员安全降落在内蒙古境内。现在中国成为继苏联和美国以后的第三可以把人送入太空的国家. 杨利伟出生于辽宁省,1987年他加入中国空军,成为一名飞行员.11年后,他与其他13名飞行员一起加入了中国航天计划,培训了五年. "我一直想成为一名宇航员,"他说. 人们在电视上观看杨利伟的太空旅行,他拿着中华人民共和国国旗向地球上的每一个人招手。他吃了鸡肉和米饭,休息了三个小时. 现在杨利伟不仅是一个丈夫、一个父亲,更是中国的第一位宇航员,一位名族英雄。

漂流瓶最重要的作用是发现洋流。当知道洋流的地点和方向后船可以依赖向前的流向前进或者远离哪些能带着船离开他们航线的洋流。本杰明富兰克林是最早的一批用漂流瓶来研究洋流的人。 他诧异为什么英国的船穿越大西洋要比美国的船穿越大西洋多用掉1~2礼拜。富兰克林认为墨西哥洋流大概能解释这个差异。
他与美国的船长交谈后发现他们知道洋流的每一个转向。他们尽可能的利用洋流。从他与船长的谈话重他得出了第一张关于墨西哥洋流的地图。 然后他利用漂流瓶验证他的地图。今天仍然在运用他制作的那张地图,only with a little bit difference.

=.= OTZ。。plz..come on guys..

On September 11, 2001 terrorist hijacked planes hit American New York's world trade center and the pentagon in Washington, says the incident September 11th. In the United States, and around the world. After U.S. troops in Afghanistan's terrorist attack asylum in the name of the taliban regime in Afghanistan, launched large-scale military retaliation. 2009 on December 1, trust in the United States President Obama American cadets in Afghanistan and Pakistan progress of speech way. He announced a new strategy of Afghanistan, of which the most important decision is an extra 3 million to the troops in Afghanistan. The troops in Afghanistan after the basic, instead of the taliban's trend, appeared before 2010 July 3, Obama appointed David petraeus in Kabul, Afghanistan, announced tough situation in Afghanistan in the next few months, war may be more intense. In war, American soldiers in Afghanistan, residents, who are still in the part of the ruthless war, and this sacrifice so long behind the war on terror, back-to-back is all efforts to fight for their beliefs, or under the determination to follow all previous war has complied with the historical trend of peace.

September 11, 2001 hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington events, the history of "9.11". Caused a great uproar in the United States and around the world. Asylum after the U.S. military to fight terrorists in the name of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, on Afghanistan, a massive military retaliation. December 1, 2009, trust Barack Obama in the U.S. West Point on U.S. progress in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the way speech. He announced a new strategy for Afghanistan, a decision which is the most important additional 3 million to the Afghan army. Fundamental place in the army after the war in Afghanistan the Taliban come back there but the trend, then July 3, 2010, Obama appointed David Petraeus sworn in the Afghan capital Kabul, the Afghan situation difficult in the future months of war may be more intense. During the war, both American soldiers, the Afghan population, as well as Taliban militants, who have lost their lives in a ruthless war 着, and this war on terrorism so long behind, followed closely by all the efforts to fight for their own beliefs determination, or hard work to achieve the same with all previous wars follow the historical trend of the peace


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江川县18690143907: 求助.帮我用英文翻译这篇文章 -
席伯司坦: I hope to hold on July 20..Put the summer vacation at the right moment this day because of us!Concerning the movable contents, I hope to go to the English movie.Thus make we can at the time of take a look at cinematic good good study English....

江川县18690143907: 求翻译一篇英语文章,在线急,不要机器翻译,高手来~! -
席伯司坦: 世界上,越来越多的人从事危险活动.当然,一直都有人在挑战极限,他们爬上最高的山,进入未知领域探险,或者划着小船穿越大洋.然而,人们寻找的极限刺激可能只是持续几分钟或者几秒钟. 让我们用蹦极来举例,你把有弹性的绳子绑在...

江川县18690143907: 随能用英文翻译这篇文章 -
席伯司坦: All the materials you need to Seasame butter. Salt. Oil. Onions. First cooked noodles into the water, said in a cool,Stir in seasoning increase in on the one really adding Stir s...

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