
作者&投稿:占包 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

31.What is the train C_______ to Birmingham?
A. fee B. tip C. fare D. cost
名词 n. 车费
money that you pay to ride on a train. bus, etc.
The fare to Guangzhou is 91 RMB.
What's the fare?

32.He was ___D____ the preparation of an international conference when I arrived in Beijing.
A. engaged to B. engaged for C. engaged on D. engaged in
BE engaged in ..从事于。。忙于。。

33.I am pleased to take _____A__ to exchange views with you.
A. this opportunity B. a chance C. this time D. a period

34.In those days, the Portuguese (葡萄牙人) were trying to reach India by sailing round Africa, but Columbus _C______ prove that India could be reached by sailing west.
A. was determined in B. determined C. was determined to D. determined in
be determined to 是坚定;坚决;决心的意思 是固定短语 不是表示被动语态 所以原句是对的 可以看以下例句: 1. I\'m determined to leave. 我决意要走了

35.Wang Li’s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.C
A. 王立的父亲在北京大学时就在这所学校教书。B. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以前就在这所学校教英语。C. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以来就在这所学校教英语。D. 王立的父亲还没有从北京大学毕业,就在这所学校教英语。

36.Bill hit his car into a wall last night. D
A. 昨晚比尔在围墙内敲坏了他的车。B. 昨晚比尔将他的车弄坏了。C. 昨晚比尔撞车了。D. 昨晚比尔开车时撞到了墙上。

37.It was the car accident that deprived her of a normal life.B
A. 是一次车祸影响了她的生活。B. 正是那场车祸剥夺了她的正常生活。C. 她正常的生活被车祸打乱了。D. 她中断了她的正常生活,又遇到了车祸。

38.It never occurred to her that such a minor mistake would cause her to lose her job.D
A. 如此小的一个错误会使她失去工作,这是从未发生的。B. 她从未因犯小的错误而失去工作。C. 她从未在工作中犯小的错误, 这使她失去了工作。D. 她从未想到这么小的一个错误竟会让她失去工作。

39.Not only does John read newspapers, he also reads magazines.D
A. 约翰既不读报, 也不看杂志。B. 约翰不读报, 但看杂志。C. 约翰报纸和杂志都看。D. 约翰不仅读报, 而且还看杂志。

40.—Congratulations! You won the first prize in today’s speech contest.
A. Yes, I beat the others.B. Yes, I won the first.C. It is a pleasure.D. Thank you


37 C
38 C
39 C
40 C
41 C
42 C

11.In the middle of the room stands a _____C__ table.
A. beautiful wooden round B. round wooden beautiful C. wooden round beautiful D. beautiful round wooden
12.We need a place _____B__ this one.
A. twice as larger as B. twice as large as C. as twice large D. as large as twice
13.It is ___C____ that he has to ask for help.
A. so a big job B. a so big job C. a such big job D. such a big job
14.I felt that I was not yet _____C__ to travel.
A. so well B. so good C. strong enough D. enough well
15.She only knew that she went there _____C__, but forgot about the exact date.
A. Sunday B. on Sunday C. on a Sunday D. in a Sunday
16.He goes to __C_____ church every Sunday. _______ church he usually goes to has the seating for over a thousand.
A. a; The B. /; The C. the; The D. a; /
17.Tom likes to playing ____D___, while his sister likes to play _______.
A. football; the piano B. the football; the piano C. the football; piano D. football; piano
18.Tea and coffee are _____A__ popular beverages in the United States.
A. most B. the most C. a most D. the more
19.___C____ the computer _______ it can work.
A. Smaller; faster B. Smallest; fastest
C. The smaller; the faster D. The smallest; The fastest
20.When I came to see him last evening, he _____D__ football game.
A. has watched B. was watched C. watches D. was watching

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A. beautiful wooden round B. round wooden beautiful C. wooden round beautiful D. beautiful round wooden 12.We need a place ___B__ this one.A. twice as larger as B. twice as large as C. as twice large D. as large as twice 13.It is ___C___ that he has to ask ...

35.Wang Li’s father has taught English here since he graduated from Peking University.C A. 王立的父亲在北京大学时就在这所学校教书。B. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以前就在这所学校教英语。C. 王立的父亲从北京大学毕业以来就在这所学校教英语。D. 王立的父亲还没有从北京大学毕业,就在这...

1.—Could you help with English?—No problem.A.me, my B.my, mine C.I, me 答案:A 2.Thank you your help. It’s very kind you.A.for, to B.for, of C.with, of 答案:B 填空 1.---What would you like to___?--- Well, a hamburger a...


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愚刮倍珞:[答案] 答案是cdabaa(若需解答情回复)

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