
作者&投稿:斗华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Passage A Care for Our Mother Earth
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
7.was isolated
Read and complete 7
1. transform
2. all the way
3. sit back
4. resulting from
5. share…with
Passage B Frog Story
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. subtle
2. were overtaken
3. species
4. decades
5. boundaries
6. audio
7. directly
8. focus
9. tone
10. cupped
Read and complete 14
1. at that rate
2. for the sake of
3. come to
4. by hand
5. vice versa
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit2
Passage A Einstein’s Compass
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. fundamental
2. ultimate
3. sparked
4. apparently
5. patience
6. curiosity
7. convince
8. detail
9. responses
10. (has) stirred
Read and complete 7
1. fooled…into
2. came upon
3. join in
4. come up with
5. up to
Passage B The Wake-up Call from Stockholm
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. classical
2. breakthrough
3. elegance
4. faculty
5. handful
6. probe
7. swift
8. transition
9. reactions
10. retirement
Read and complete 14
1. has brought in
2. under his belt
3. specializes in
4. a wealth of
5. be applied to

大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit3
Passage A Bathtub Battleships from Ivorydale
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. attain
2. modest
3. attractive
4. precise
5. campaign
6. market
7. manufactures
8. sponsor
9. imported
10. brands
Read and complete 7
1. frown…on
2. for instance
3. as a result
4. when it comes to
5. under…umbrella
Passage B Haier Seeks Cool U.S. Image
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. revenues
2. targeting
3. appliances
4. via
5. smashing
6. loyal
7. comparable
8. alongside
9. claiming
10. filmed
Read and complete 14
1. beat…expectation
2. So far
3. built up
4. at home
5. on…basis
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit4
Passage A Not Now,Dr.Miracle
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. string
2. stir
3. controversy
4. combat
5. excessive
6. regulations
7. instincts
8. reckless
9. prohibition
10. irrational
Read and complete 7
1. to his name
2. keep at bay
3. under the Sun
4. jumped the gun
5. lined up
Passage B I have His Genes But Not His Genius
Read and think 12
1. composer作曲家
2. beginning开始
3. secret秘密
4. clone克隆
5. adopted收养
6. music音乐
7. ordinary普通的
8. prove证明
9. joke玩笑
10. genius天分
Read and complete 13
1. ban
2. practically
3. survive
4. adopt
5. decent
6. genius
7. gene
8. anonymously
9. resemblance
10. immerse
Read and complete 14
1. in the flesh
2. bring…to term
3. the roof fell in
4. put up for
5. have dug up
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit5
Passage A Tongue-tied
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. qualify
2. had committed
3. hint
4. assume
5. vague
6. peculiar
7. retreat
8. puzzled
9. misleading
10. confused
Read and complete 7
1. resorted to
2. racking one’s brain
3. hangs on
4. jotted down
5. at a loss
Passage B Returning to College
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. features
2. denied
3. appeal
4. usage
5. bet
6. independent
7. associate
8. was stumped
9. refresh
10. educate
Read and complete 14
1. for the sake of
2. pick up
3. break your back
4. get at
5. left off
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit6
Passage A The Woman Taxi Driver In Cairo
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. counterpart
2. efficient
3. relief
4. vague
5. core
6. punctually
7. approach
8. economy
9. exception
10. invite
Read and complete 7
1. pull…through
2. belongs to
3. ever since
4. in turn
5. milled about
Passage B A Russian Experience
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. stretches
2. intense
3. beloved
4. ability
5. positive
6. converting
7. manner
8. toast
9. absorbed
10. be sheltered
Read and complete 14
1. in fine form
2. thanks to
3. give way to
4. is made up of
5. what makes…tick
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit7
Passage A Agony from Ecstasy
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. deepened
2. were exposed
3. curled
4. throb
5. nightmare
6. utter
7. confusion
8. pulse
9. somewhat
10. creep
Read and complete 7
1. on top of
2. as if
3. in a state of
4. ahead of
5. if only
Passage B Drug Warriors
Read and think 12
1. a police detective
2. a drug bust
3. a major operation/a big day
4. had failed to do a good job
5. arrest packets
6. violent crimes
7. smoothly/successfully
8. excited
9. a complete victory
10. they will eventually win
Read and complete 13
1. coordinated
2. suspects
3. raids
4. venture
5. innocent
6. execute
7. afterwards
8. gang
9. issue
10. intelligence
Read and complete 14
1. in charge of
2. carry out
3. on the edge of
4. laid out
5. gave…up
大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit8
Passage A Return from the Cage
Read and think 3
Read and complete 6
1. venture
2. comfortable
3. confine
4. daze
5. drifted
6. lingered
7. bewildered
8. overwhelmed
9. innocent
10. terrified
Read and complete 7
1. sticks out
2. come by
3. under way
4. in search of
5. adjust to
Passage B Yes to Peace—No to Violence
Read and think 12
Read and complete 13
1. erode
2. cease
3. conflicts
4. mandate
5. exhausted
6. promote
7. preferable
8. prolonging
9. compromise
10. was condemned
Read and complete 14
1. take advantage of
2. for the sake of
3. come into contact
4. open the door to
5. takes a stand

Unit1 PassageA 1任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)。
(be eligible to) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for thes。

In October 2000, President Clinton $16 million approved to build a nationwide "underground railway" freedom center in American history, to commemorate the first great civil rights struggle. The railway is unusual, it doesn't sell tickets, nor the train running, it is a fugitive lines and reliable somebody else to liberation of South America as slaves secret network. In American slaves has not liberation, millions of black engaged in the high strength work, suffering from non-human life, but they LPNG longing for the free life. However, the railway is to provide them with the opportunity to become free. Of course, no matter the white or is religious freedom body in maintaining the black, the railway. They overcame many difficulties, and even risk their lives to help other black free. To escape the black, experienced difficulty road, finally reaching the have abolished slavery in Canada, started dreamed of, true free life.


《大学体验英语综合教程课文辅导》的尺寸为20.8厘米 x 15厘米 x 1.6厘米,重量约为358克,轻巧便携,无论是课堂学习还是个人自学,都是理想的选择。这本书不仅提供了课文讲解,还可能包含丰富的练习和实战案例,帮助学生全面掌握英语知识,提升实际应用能力。



大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit2 Passage A Einstein’s Compass Read and think 3 1~5 CDACB Read and complete 6 1. fundamental 2. ultimate 3. sparked 4. apparently 5. patience 6. curiosity 7. convince 8. detail 9. responses 10. (has) stirred Read and complete 7 1. fooled...

Unit 1 1 How did the war ,which brought terrible disasters to mankind,impact on such a poet.2 Mothers are sometimes blind to the faults of their beloved children which will cause the children to make the same mistake again.3 As a new immigrant in this completely strange country...

《大学体验英语综合教程学习辅导书3目录》一书的各章节标题如下:第一单元:爱护我们的地球 第二单元:诺贝尔奖得主 第三单元:知名品牌 第四单元:克隆与伦理 第五单元:终身教育 第六单元:环球旅行 第七单元:药物滥用 第八单元:世界冲突 附录:测验答案 ...

通过本系列“课文辅导大全”,学生可以在教材学习和四六级考试之间建立一座沟通的桥梁,以提高英语语言应用能力和应试能力。本系列教材是《大学体验英语综合教程》的同步辅导用书,包含以下特色内容:文化背景阅读指导 这部分对课文相关文化背景知识进行深入阐述,包括风俗、节日、人物、作家作品和术语等,帮助学生...

Unit3>FamousBrandNamesLead-inAnswer:  436215 PassageAThinkAboutIt:1.Whatisabathtubbattleshipreferredtoasinthispassage?Answer:AbathtubbattleshipisatoybattleshipmadeofIvorySoapthatchildrenplaywithinabathtub.2.WhyisIvorySoapsopopularamongAmericans?Answer:Itispureanditfloats.3.How...


西湖区17232652416: all great journeys start with a dream 译文 大学体验英语综合教程第三版unit2 passageA 的文章翻译! -
直维阿壳:[答案] 这个句子翻译出来是:所有伟大的旅程从一个梦想开始 .

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直维阿壳: 机械设计与制造专升本考试科目有:①大学英语、②高等数学、③机械设计. 机械设计与制造专升本考试科目的参考书目如下: 一、大学英语 1、孔庆炎等.大学体验英语(第三版)综合教程(第一、二册)[M].高等教育出版社,2013 2、芮燕萍等.大学体验英语(第三版)一周一练(第一、二册)[M].高等教育出版社,2013 二、高等数学 1、黄立宏.高等数学(第三版)[M].复旦大学出版社,2013 三、机械设计 1、《机械设计》,第九版,濮良贵,陈国定,吴立言主编,高等教育出版社

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直维阿壳: http://wenku.baidu.com/search?lm=0&od=0&ie=utf-8&word=大学体验英语综合教程%20第三版%20unit2

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直维阿壳: Unit1 Passage A Care for Our Mother Earth Read and think 3 1~5 BBCAD Read and complete 6 1.strategies 2.specific 3.consumers 4.released 5.trapped 6.consequence 7.was isolated 8.priority 9.convenience 10.elements Read and complete 7 ...

西湖区17232652416: 大学体验英语综合教程3课文翻译 -
直维阿壳: http://www.bcu.edu.cn/jgshzh/jszhx/dxtyyy/three%20four/Level%203/index.html 大学体验英语3的网址 有课文翻译的 你自己看看吧.我的也是这里找的.

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直维阿壳: http://www.door6.com/app/recite/course-vocabulary.do?bid=201&cid=4370

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