
作者&投稿:脂花 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Onespecialist species, for example, has valves weighted at the base, acharacteristic that assures that the organism is properly positioned forfeeding in mud and similar substrates.

主要成分:One specialist species has valves ——有一种特殊的物种具有在基底承重的瓣膜(结构)

  【主语】One specialist species
  【valves的后置定语】weighted at the base


  【插入语】for example,
  【base的同位语】a characteristic that assures that the organism is properly positioned for feeding in mud and similar substrates. (这种基底是)一种确保生物体为在泥淖和类似的土质中摄取营养而完全定位特征。 其中——
   — 定语从句:that assures that …
   — 嵌套宾语从句:theorganism is properly positioned for feeding in mud and similar substrates

2、Generalist species now living in arctic water give few if any indications of a tendency towards significant future specialization

主语:Generalist species now living inarctic water 生活在北极水域的广食性物种
谓语动词:give 显示出
宾语:few indications of a tendencytowards significant future specialization 几乎没有(显示出来)重要的未来适应性变化倾向的迹象
插入语:if any 若有任何迹象的话(插入在宾语形容词修饰词few 和名词 indications 之间)




没有什么学问的EH,考虑到他的水平(不怎么高这个事实) (little scholarship 没有什么学问 has existed on 在……身上),开始关注试图去解开精彩的演技背后的那个人的虚假的面纱。(unmask有揭露伪君子的意思)



1、Simultaneously,the history of women's writing has been suppressed, leaving large, mysteriousgaps in accounts of the development of various genres. 

  句子主体:Simultaneously, the history ofwomen's writing has been suppressed ——与此同时,妇女著述的历史记载已被掩盖

  陪衬性状语:leaving large, mysterious gapsin accounts of the development of various genres 

    【现在分词】leaving (= and the history leaves)——(这种历史)听任/任凭

    【宾语】large, mysterious gaps —— 夸大其词的不可思议的鸿沟

    【宾语补足语】in accounts of the development of various genres 出现在不同流派发展的记述中(account 的意思是描述、记述、陈述)



2、Feminist criticshave also pointed out that the twentieth-century writer Virginia Woolf belongedto a tradition other than modernism and that this tradition surfaces in herwork precisely where criticism has hitherto found obscurities, evasions, implausibilities,and imperfections   surfaces in 是什么意思 后面几个抽象词又如何确切地翻译

  • 主句:Feminist critics have also pointed out —— 女权主义评论家同样已经指出

  • 并列宾语从句:

    — that the twentieth-century writerVirginia Woolf belonged to a tradition other than modernism ——20世纪的作家维吉尼亚·伍尔夫属于传统派而不是现代派

    — and that this tradition surfaces inher work precisely where criticism has hitherto found obscurities, evasions, implausibilities,and imperfections   —— 这种传统恰好至今还在她的评论文章表现出来的作品中有所流露。(surfaces in 在…中显露出来/浮出水面,surfaces 是从句的谓语动词,where …是嵌套定语从句,指代 in her work)

3、No feminist criticism of it has been flawed 在中文中的确切意思是什么

    是否跟在上面这一句的后面?如果是,it 就是指代这一句中的 her work,即 “没有对其作品的女权评论一直都是无懈可击的”;如果不是,可以在其他处找到所指代的名词。

1. ‘large, mysterious gaps — 夸大其词的不可思议的鸿沟’ – NO! ‘巨大而又莫名的缺失’

2. ‘in accounts of the development of various genres 出现在不同流派发展的记述中’ – A. it is ‘gaps in accounts’; B. ‘the development of various genres’ – ‘风格的流变’

3. ‘参考译文:与此同时,人们已经不知道妇女著述的历史记载,这种记载听凭漫无边际且无法理解的差异出现在不同流派发展的一些记述中。’— ‘mysterious’ Chinese.

4. ‘Feministcritics have also pointed out — 女权主义评论家同样已经指出’— look at the Chinese.

5. ‘that the twentieth-century writer Virginia Woolf belonged to a tradition other than modernism — 20世纪的作家维吉尼亚·伍尔夫属于传统派而不是现代派’ -- ‘属于一种传统’, not ‘属于传统派’! ‘属于一种传统’ ≠ ‘属于传统派’!

6. ‘and that this tradition surfaces in her work precisely where criticism has hitherto found obscurities, evasions, implausibilities, and imperfections -- 这种传统恰好至今还在她的评论文章表现出来的作品中有所流露。’ — is this Chinese?

7. ‘No feminist criticism of it has been flawed’ & ‘没有对其作品的女权评论一直都是无懈可击的’— at least the Chinese should be made intelligible.



没有什么学问的EH,考虑到他的水平(不怎么高这个事实) (little scholarship 没有什么学问 has existed on 在……身上),开始关注试图去解开精彩的演技背后的那个人的虚假的面纱。(unmask有揭露伪君子的意思)



in accounts of various genres: 在不同科目的历史记录中,留下了空缺。

re的汉语意思是关于。含有re的英语句子及翻译 1、Ten minutes later he re-entered the hotel.十分钟后,他重新返回了酒店。2、The committee voted to re-elect him (as) chairman.委员会投票再次选举他担任主席。3、An improving economy helped set the scene for his re-election.好转的经济为他...

Are you making progress? 你正在努力么?(直:你正在进步么?)Did you sleep soundly last night? 你昨晚睡得好么?Have you gotten over your cold? 你感冒好(即“痊愈”)了么?How come you look so tired? 你怎么会(看上去)这么累?Why are you in such a good mood? 你为什么心情...

1.桌上是什么?一个铅笔盒。What's on the table? A pencil box.2.这些是Nick的裤子吗?不是的。Are these Nick's trousers? No. they are not.3.这支铅笔是什么颜色的?黑色。What colour is this pencil? Black.4.这是谁的自行车?他是我的自行车。Whoes bike is this? It's mine.5...

there αre的解释是什么?
there are意思是有。读音:英 [ðeə(r) ɑː(r)],美 [ðer ɑːr]。例句:1、There are so many different makes to choose from.有很多不同的型号可供选择。2、There are some obvious practical applications of the research.这项研究有一些明显的实际用途。英...

翻译:关于这个任务的所有准备工作都完成了,我们已经准备好开始了。但句子有错误,不能在没有连接词的情况下一个句子有两个谓语have和are,应为:All the preparations for the task having been completed,we're ready to start 。

you’re so busy!翻翻译句子

英语You’re really talented怎么翻译?
"You're really talented" 可以翻译为 "你真的很有才华"。这句英语 "You're really talented" 表示对对方才能的赞赏和肯定。在翻译时,要理解句子的含义和语境,准确传达出对对方才能的赞赏。注意修饰性副词的使用和形容词的位置,选择符合中文习惯的表达方式,确保翻译自然流畅。以下是这句英语的详细...

,you're wearing a pink dress

英语you're never fully dressed without a smile理解

翻译句子 英译中
8.I want you to know,you're the most important thing in my life.我只是想让你知道,你是我生命中最重要的事情。9.The queen is not happy and she asks the hunter to come before her.皇后变的不高兴,于是她要求猎人走到她跟前来。10.More children can have happy dchhl life with ...

清新县13043693640: GRE填空如何理解句子含义?
言维定坤: 新GRE句子填空方法一、判断语气和感情色彩 有时,通过正常的阅读去理解句子比较难且费时间.新GRE考试题但是用感情色彩去判断,处理起来就变得比较方便. e....

清新县13043693640: GRE阅读文章句子求翻译、解释 -
言维定坤: Changed it to a easily understandable sentence."Those not familiar with the individuals that work in the factory, said that the people there behaved like the Tartars." 估计你是遇到生词了.句子结构不是很难. Tartars理解为游牧民族的一支

清新县13043693640: 问一个GRE英语句子翻译. -
言维定坤: 前文提到了Montaigne's对自己作品中人物塑造的追求的标准以及要持续很长时间的影响,那么下文这句话是说:因为他常常告诫读者,他在Myself中所创造的(角色character)的影响是不可能持续很长时间的.他用了一个比拟:角色无法与他用来写作的墨水变干的速度相比,这是一个幽默的比拟,因为我们知道墨水变干的速度很快.

清新县13043693640: GRE句子翻译与理解 -
言维定坤: 1、Simultaneously,the history of women's writing has been suppressed, leaving large, mysteriousgaps in accounts of the development of various genres. 句子主体:Simultaneously, the history ofwomen's writing has been suppressed ——与此同时...

清新县13043693640: 请教翻译一个gre句子,实在不理解原意! -
言维定坤: 诚然,黑到基础(BTB)程序的优良记录在某种程度上证明,没有其他方案可能实现所期望的结果.然而,这是完全有可能的,这意味着除这个程序外或任何其他阅读程序也可以实现想要的目标.

清新县13043693640: GRE句子翻译与理解 -
言维定坤: 我想看看前后的句子,不然直接翻译不太准确.下面是目前的理解:没有什么学问的EH,考虑到他的水平(不怎么高这个事实) (little scholarship 没有什么学问 has existed on 在……身上),开始关注试图去解开精彩的演技背后的那个人的虚假的面纱.(unmask有揭露伪君子的意思) 那具体为什么因为水平不好而关注什么什么,不看原文我就不知道了.FYI.是否可以解决您的问题?

清新县13043693640: 请问这句GRE句子什么意思There was no opposition to it within the legislatureuntil after the measure had been signed into law.其中的until after怎么翻译?是翻... -
言维定坤:[答案] 应该是签署之后才有反对 had been signed过完表示此动作结束,即签署后才有反对. 如果是签署后也没反对,应该用even until after ... was signed

清新县13043693640: 请问这句GRE句子什么意思 -
言维定坤: 应该是签署之后才有反对had been signed过完表示此动作结束,即签署后才有反对.如果是签署后也没反对,应该用even until after ... was signed

清新县13043693640: GRE阅读中一个句子,求分析下句子结构 和 翻译我没看懂 -
言维定坤: 一、句子结构分析让步状语:Although in his seventies at the time of the interview (是 although Picasso was in his seventies 的省略)虽然在采访的时候(毕加索)已经是70多岁主语:Picasso系动词:proved 显出来的是(证明是)表语:alert ...

清新县13043693640: gre的一个句子翻译一下 -
言维定坤: 阿拉斯加的购买与其说是美国的意外成功,还不如说是缺乏资金来防御很长海岸线的俄罗斯帝国的权宜之计.这里主要是弄清楚词组 not so much ...的意思,祝楼主好运!

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