
作者&投稿:贲骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. We can't help but sighed with impression to the art and sculpture in the museum.
2.To the result of her carelessness, she failed to complete that challenging task.
3. We could never imagine how we can live without electricity.
4. I started working as a teacher when I was about twenty.

Make has proved himself as a competent manager
the people with a power competive intension like win
She is a professional female
Diploma is only a brick to succeed .

1.桌子下有些土豆。There are some potatoes under the table
There is some chicken inside this two baskets
There is an elephant on the tree,there are four mice in the elephant's ear,there are eight flies in the mice's mouth.
There are many paper under the table,there are an onion beside the table ,there are some fruit beside the onion Everday,she eats the fruit beside the onion.

1.桌子下有些土豆。【The table under some potatoes.】
这两个篮子里有一些鸡肉。【These two have some chicken in the basket】
3.这棵树上有一头大象,大象的耳朵里有四只老鼠,老鼠的嘴里有八只苍蝇。【. this tree has an elephant, elephant ears have 4 mouse, mouse mouth eight fly】
4.桌子下有许多纸,纸的旁边有一个洋葱,洋葱的旁边有一些水果。她每天吃洋葱旁边的水果。【There are many paper under the table, there is a paper on the side of the onion onion, next to some fruit.She eat every day, next to the fruit of onion.】

我英语6级 相信我!

There are some potatoes under the table.
There are some chicken in the two baskets.
There is an elephant on this tree,there are four mice in the elephant's ear,there are eight flies in the mice's mouth.
4.桌子下有许多纸,纸的旁边有一个洋葱,洋葱的旁边有一些水果。她每天吃洋葱旁边的水果。There are some pape runder the table , the paper is next to an onion, the onion is next to some fruit. She eat the fruit next to the onion everyday.

There is some peanut under the table.
There is some meat inside this two basket.
There is an elephant on this tree,there are four mice in the elephant's ear,there are also eight flies in the mice's mouth.
There are many paper under the table,beside the table have an onion,beside onion have some fruit. Everday,she eat the fruit which beside the onion.

4.桌子下有许多纸,纸的旁边有一个洋葱,洋葱的旁边有一些水果。她每天吃洋葱旁边的水果 1. Some of potatoes are under the table.

2. The two have some chicken basket.

3. This tree there is an elephant, elephant ears, there are four rats, mice have eight flies mouth.

4. There are many paper under the table, next to a paper onions, onions, some fruits next. Next day she ate the fruit and onion.

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英文翻译, 能否帮我将中文译成英文,拜托了
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麻烦大家帮我翻译几个句子 由中文转化成英文 谢谢
1 I remember the good weather day, sunny, is Friday. Feeling very excited, very pleased with the school, but also a lot of pressure. They need to study hard.2 school some time ago he did not seize the moment and fun, not spend time on learning, to the end of a very ...

我有几句中文,谁帮我翻译成英文,很容易的,要正确!!! .大多数优秀的篮球运动员都在NBA.2.NBA的球员扣篮,投篮很酷.3.姚明在NBA火箭队.4.易建联在NBA的新泽西网队.还有单词.得分,篮板,助攻,抢断,盖帽,犯规,扣篮,投篮,突破我就50分了献给好人... .大多数优秀的篮球运动员都在NBA. 2.NBA的球员扣篮,投篮很...

宝安区19658479951: 将四句中文翻译为英文 -
幸呢丽珠: 1、将来我想作为篮球运动员来工作.I want to work as a basketball player in the future.2、生活在乡村对于我来说是一个全新的经历.It is a completely new experience for me to live in th...

宝安区19658479951: 谁来帮我把4句中文翻译成英文啊?
幸呢丽珠: we go to shaing for going surfing and barbecuing in the beach 2 we appreacite beautiful sundown together 3 in the night , we have a walk along the beach under the moonlight 4 now, this unforgetable experience is impressed in my mind

宝安区19658479951: 把下列四句中文翻译成英文
幸呢丽珠: George is a talented student in science and technology.The principal aprroved his nomination in the department.His family is happy with his career choice.Teaching Alex skiing is so miserable.

宝安区19658479951: 谁能帮把这几句中文翻译成英文?谢谢一、喜欢坐在台阶上发呆二、喜欢有星星的夜空三、绕眼的聚光灯下四、只有我一个人五、舞动我美丽的翅膀第四句改... -
幸呢丽珠:[答案] Like sitting on the step staring flankly.like having night sky of stars.wind it under the spotlight of the eyes.Stand in the middle of the stage Beautify a language.Wave my wing beautiful.是根据你修改...

宝安区19658479951: 4句中翻英.
幸呢丽珠: 1.你越积极越有可能交到新朋友.(likely)The more active you are, the more likely you can make new friends. 2.医生建议我们家中要常备急救箱.(handy)Doctors suggested us always keeping a first-aid kit handy 3.直到最后一刻他才意识到自己身处...

宝安区19658479951: 四句中翻英,有提示
幸呢丽珠: 1,after looking at those pictures,the drawer couldn't put his feelings into words. 2,it's out of question to win the match without training. 3,the caricature drawed by computer will never take the place of the ones drawed artificially . 4 the ballet actor performed other than beautifully and perfectly.

宝安区19658479951: 请把这4句中文翻译成英文.谢了!
幸呢丽珠: 1. The teacher name is Luo Weihong, Hunan, 30 years old, tall and thin, with glasses. 2. For students demanding seriously, preparing lessons carefully, correcting homework seriously. 3. Learning is different from the others, and encourage students ...

宝安区19658479951: 学霸些,帮我把这四句句子翻译成英文!!! 射鹿须乘箭,故憎引路归.遇道同仙籍,光华映晚辉. 谢咯 亲们! -
幸呢丽珠:[答案] 等下

宝安区19658479951: 谁能帮我翻译一下下面几句中文,翻译成英文?
幸呢丽珠: 1.这是双肩包.这不是书.This is a backpack. It isn't a book. 2.这是铅笔盒吗?是的.Is this a pencil-box? Yes, it is. 3.那是英汉词典,那不是汉英词典.That is an English-Chinese dictionary. It isn't a Chineses-English one. 4.那是什么?那是橡皮吗?不,不是.What's that? Is it an eraser? No, it isn't.

宝安区19658479951: 英语短语(中文翻译成英语)...
幸呢丽珠: be afraid of sth in difficulties/ have difficulty practice doing sth the way of doing sth

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