
作者&投稿:里狭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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在英国,不仅仅是富裕的人们可以带自己的孩子去海边。如果一个工人,或是是个公共车司机,一个街道清洁者或是个服务生想带自己的妻儿去Southend 或是 Margate, Blackpool 或是 Clacton这几个地方,他们也能很容易的办到。


According to the U.S., "Baltimore Sun" reported on November 12, public health experts pointed out recently that the United States, personal health and global environment, they are closely related to - obesity and global warming should be with the rule.

Doctors and climate scientists issued to the initiative of the American people to a daily half-hour walk or bicycle instead of driving, and eat less red meat and other beef. This is not only beneficial to weight loss, but also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Experts predict that if the age of 10-74 of all Americans between the ages of driving half an hour less per day and replace them with walking, can reduce the annual 64 million tons of greenhouse gases, and saving 24.6 billion liters of gasoline. In addition, a half-hour walk every day can make all the Americans in this age group to reduce the weight of 1.36 billion kilograms.

A lot of living habits, obesity is caused by your bad skin condition and the main reason, because you are unconsciously develop the habit, so you will not feel bad habits is the most important of your killer! Body Police training is a lot of attention should be paid to tell you Hello!

A, stay up all night

Some people often say that they are night owl, which is less than 34 points late at night, sleep on the bed gradually the time was the next move, and finally becomes less than dawn on sleep. Then to improve these conditions, you can try before going to bed to try to eat a little something sweet, because the carbohydrate food can make you change the brain activity of slow, which is why there are saying that drinking milk before going to bed, can be the cause of the sleep La!

B, when sleep can not remove fatigue

General fatigue over the weekend in order to fully rest and sleep, it can be eliminated no matter how sleep but can not remove the fatigue, in order to become a problem now, so that fatigue or fatigue as the disease of people had this disease will continue with insomnia state, or a headache, it was also how I could not sleep, this approach is the only law of life and stability.

C, a big meal after the 9:00

Eating late at night will be obese is a known fact that eating late at night your skin will become zero resilience, you will also have a long, rough skin痘子and so on, so there is no law would have to eat the skin variation!

D, drinking too much water before going to bed

When you awaken, you will feel that your face looks bloated complexion good enough? In drinking too much water before going to bed will make your facial lines are the poor be changed, so do not drink before going to bed too much water.

E, to smile to eat

Good things come to mind, it is very important, because when you have a very good mood to eat, you can make an egg into the three nutrition!

F, irregular eating habits will obese body

Reduction is not an ideal diet, but diet should be changed to create the basis for the body to eat, there is not eclipse because of nutritionally balanced so your body can even do!

My friend
I have a good friend, whose name is XX. he is 14 years old, and he looks very handsome. We are classmates, he is very tall, and has big eyes, and a round face. He likes playing basketball and also be good at it. When it's weekend, he always askes me to play basketball together, but i lose everytime.
He likes reading very much. When he is free, you can always see him reading seriously, and can't bear to bother him.
So his study score is excellent, it's admired by lots of classmates.
He is my good partner. I love you, guy.

[My friend]
I have a good friend, His name is XX, his 14-year-old, he looks very handsome, he and I are classmates.
He very high, with a pair of big eyes, a round face, he likes to play basketball, but also a very good technology. His weekends he would go about my playing, but every time I win, he can not.
He also loves reading, when he did not do, you can always see him with a serious look at the book, do not want to disturb him, and he also very good academic performance, which the envy of so many people.
He is one of my good partner, I love you, man

my friends
I have a good friend, His name is XX, his 14 year old, he looks very handsome, he is my classmates.
He very high, with a pair of big eyes, a round face, he likes to play basketball, but also a very good technology. His weekends he would go about my playing, but every time I win, he can not.
He also loves reading, when he did not do, you can always see him with a serious look at the book, do not want to disturb him, and he also very good academic performance, which the envy of so many people.
He is one of my good partner, I love you, man

My Friend

I have a good friend, his name is XX,( he is )fourteen years old, he looks very handsome, he and i are classmates. he is very tall ,a round face with a pair of big eyes. he not only likes to play basketball but also has good skills.he would like to play with me in the weekend, but i lose every time. he also likes studying,when he is nothing to do, you can always see him with a earnest look at the book. it makes you can not bear to disturb him. because of this reason, he gets a good mark which is admired by many people.
he is my good partner, i love you, guy.

My friend
I have a good friend named xx.He is 14 and looks really handsome.We are classmates now.
He is tall,with big eyes and a round face.He enjoys playing basketball,and he is so skillful that I coudn't win him even once when we play it together at weekends.
He also like reading.In his spare time,you can see him reading carefully.It makes you cannot bear to interrupt him.Therefore,he can get high mark and many classmates envy his ability.
This is my good friend.Hey,I love you ,guy!



一棵树的四季 从前,有一个人有四个儿子。他想要给孩子们上一堂课,所以他让每一个儿子都去观察一棵梨树。第一个儿子在冬天去了,第二个则选择了春天,第三个是夏天,最小的儿子到了秋天才去。当他们都归来的时候,他让儿子们形容自己看到的树。“树上一片叶子都没有。它很丑。”第一个儿子...

1.Joe Sanders拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园.几乎每个人都参加每年举办的"最佳花园竞赛",而每次都是Joe Sanders获胜.Bill Frith的花园比Joe的大,他比Joe也更勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但Joe的花园更富有情趣.他修筑了一条条整洁的小路,并在一个池塘上架了一座小木桥.我也喜欢花园,但我却不愿意辛勤劳...

只有地球 (我们只有一个地球)我们只有一个地球。 但是现在,环境变成越来越坏。正如你所知,为人们足够没有干净的水。 大多数的他们因为水失去他们的生命。 在许多国家中,人们必须用来住减少树。 如此在那里是使水不逃走的无。 我们也已经污染土地,河和空气。 因此我们必须面对越来越多的洪水和干旱...


你好!翻译为:today was a busy day.because that the new year is coming,my house was cleaned up.i helped to clean the house,but mum choosed e the easiest work for me .let me wipe windows and tables.my sisiter helped mum to clean the cook and reatroom.what a tired day i...



有些生活中深海区。其中也有很多微生物,大部分鱼类都以此为食。海洋是很冷的。当人们潜到海里,海水会越来越冷。只有极少数人可以潜入海底。但是,在1970年,有5位女士在深海里生活了14天。直到完成考察工作,她们才回到陆地。这个是我自己翻译的,意思是对的,就是不一定专业。 呵呵~~...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 请帮忙翻译篇文章,英文~50分哦!!!有追加! -
纪药水王: 30 年以前,在哈特韦尔的Ponkapog湖,新泽西,是生气勃勃的. 很多鸟和动物在水旁边住,这充满鱼. 现在有很少鸟,动物和鱼. 湖水被污染. 它在一种脏棕色的颜色里, 并且这充满奇怪的植物. 这怎样发生? 第一个,我们必须考虑水怎...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 敬请高手帮我翻译这篇文章成汉语,不要机器翻译的....好的加分.. -
纪药水王: Stephanie Story小姐和Todd Warren Kurio先生在2月5日晚上7点半结婚的,在德克萨斯洲的达拉斯的Highland Park Presbyterian教堂. 新娘是达拉斯的Herbert Brule story Jr. 先生和太太的女儿, 新郎是奥斯丁的Gerald Stanley Kurio先生和太太的儿子. 人名地名一概不翻译,除了具体的地方名字吧,其实很简单的,这篇

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 求高手帮忙翻译这篇英语短文【不要翻译器,要人工的】翻得好有分加,有分加!!!~~~谢谢啦. -
纪药水王: 现在在世界上有很多人.在未来将会有更多的人.地球会非常拥挤,每个人只有一个人的小房间.也许会有站在房间只有地球上的600年后. 因此,男子是思维的方式来解决问题. 也许人将留在月球上有一天.但对空气,没有植物,没有生命存在.因此,科学家们在许多方面做实验.他们要解决很多问题之前,男人可以在月球上生活,我敢肯定,我们的梦想会在未来的真实. 所以,现在,我们必须努力工作.有一天,也许我们可以使我们的世界的伟大贡献.在那一刻,我们将自豪.这很好.希望我的答案对你有所帮助!

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这篇短文,谢谢! -
纪药水王: 你好 范文如下:It was really a busy day. For the new year is around the corner, we did a through spring-cleaning. Meanwhile,I'd like to do some help so mom let me sweep the windows, chairs and tables. And sister helped clean the kitchen and toilet...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面的几篇短文,1.Father and SonTom was a school boy.One day he was lying in bed when his father come into his room.“What ... -
纪药水王:[答案] 1.父亲和儿子汤姆是一个学生.一天他躺在床上时父亲推门进了他的房间.“你现在正在干什么?”他的父亲问.“我正在休息呢.”汤姆回答道.他经常在完成作业后休息一会的.“你能告诉我在英语字母表里有多少个字母吗?”他的...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 【高分】请高手翻译一篇小科技短文,有追加分哦! -
纪药水王: 1男性和女性的差异性研究 你相信男人和女人用不同的方式思考吗?许多人说不相信.他们认为男人和女人生来就具有完全相同的思维和学习能力,只有社会生活这个因素会影响他们的思维方式. 在过去的十年中,许多科学家研究了男人和女人...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 急求!!帮忙翻译一篇古文!!!最佳答案再追加50分! -
纪药水王: 古之圣王有义兵而无偃兵.夫有以噎死者,欲禁天下之食,悖;有以乘舟死者,欲禁天下之船,悖;有以用兵丧其国者,欲偃天下之兵,悖.夫兵不可偃也.譬之水火然,善用之则为福,不能用之则为祸.若用药者然,得良药则活人,得恶药则...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 一篇英语短文求翻译【急用】【好的追加100分】I have some good frends who live in Hilltop Village.I like to go there to play with them.We like to play in the park... -
纪药水王:[答案] 我有一些好朋友住在Hilltop.我喜欢到那边去和他们一起玩.我们喜欢去一个公园玩名叫在中央公园.肯特路沿着公园的一边,格林街沿着公园的另外一边.在肯特路和格林街交汇处是sally的家.helen住在sally家的隔壁.jenny住在sally和helen家对面,mary的...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 翻译一片短文,很简单,好的追加分数 -
纪药水王: My mother always gets up at 5:30 in the morning. She gets up so early because she has to cook for us before she catches her bus which goes at 6:45. She spends her who...

科尔沁左翼中旗15961244077: 请高手帮我翻译这篇英语短文!急! -
纪药水王: 居住在该国长期以来一直是美国梦的一部分.几代的美国人认为该国建立一个理想的环境中生活,提高家庭 自耕农是谁住的人的自我与国内生产主要强调自力更生的生活方式.而工业时代是由信息和电子产品所取代,一些人试图寻求从现代社会...

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