
作者&投稿:雪樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






  这种离婚和合法分居,应认识到在所有其他缔约国,但其余的条款在本公约中,如果在日期机构的诉讼程序的国家的离婚或合法分居(以下简称“国原产地“ ) -
  1 )答辩人,他有惯常居所;或

  2 ) ,请愿人的惯常居住地有下列其中一个条件是进一步履行-



  3 )夫妻双方是该国国民;或

  ( 4 )呈请人是该国国民和下列其中一个条件是进一步履行-

  a )在请愿人有他的惯常居所;或

  b )他经常住有连续一年下降,至少在部分范围内,前两年机构的程序;或

  ( 5 )离婚呈请人是该国国民,并同时满足以下两个条件得到满足进一步-

  a )在呈请人出席了在该国的日期,机构,程序和

  b )在过去惯常的配偶一起居住在一个国家的法律,在日机构的程序,没有规定离婚。




  那里一直是两岸请愿,一个离婚或合法分居的呈请后或跨呈请应得到承认,如果不是属于条款第2条或3 。






  一) ,因为该国国内法中,这种承认是寻求将不允许离婚的,或视情况而定,法律离职后,同样的事实,或

  b )由于适用的法律以外的其他适用的国际私法规则的国家。









  各缔约国可以拒绝承认离婚或合法分居,如果这种认识显然是不符合他们的公共政策( “公共秩序” ) 。







  ( 1 )任何提及的法律起源国应被理解为是指领土的法律,其中离婚或分居,获得;

  ( 2 )任何提及的国家的法律中承认的人应被理解为指的是法律的论坛;和

  ( 3 )任何提及居住地或居所在起源国应被理解为指的是居住地或居所在该领土的离婚或分居获得。


  为施行第2和第3 ,在起源国的事项离婚或合法分居两个或两个以上的法律制度适用于不同的领土单位-

  ( 1 )第2条第( 3 ) ,应适用于夫妻双方的国民的国家的领土单位在离婚或合法分居的形式,获得的一部分,而不论其惯常居所的配偶;

  ( 2 )第2条第( 4 )及( 5 ) ,应适用于申诉人是一个国家的国家的领土单位在离婚或合法分居的形式,得到的一部分。









  各缔约国,但是,应当避免结论其他公约就同一事项不符合本公约的规定,除非特殊原因的基础上的区域或其他关系; ,尽管这些公约的规定,他们承诺将承认按照本公约的离婚和合法分居给予缔约国尚未加入其他公约。



  ( 1 )拒绝承认离婚或合法分居夫妻之间谁,当时的离婚或合法分居,国民的国家的承认,寻求和其他国家没有和法律以外的法律所指出的国际私法规则的国家的承认是适用,除非达成的结果是一样的将已达成的适用法律所指出的这些规则;

  ( 2 )拒绝承认离婚时,当时有人获得,双方经常住在国家没有规定离婚。一国利用保留在本款不得拒绝承认适用第7条。
















  任何国家都可以,但不迟于时刻,其批准或加入,使一个或多个中提到的保留第19 ,第20 , 21日和24日在本公约。没有其他的保留应被允许的。





























  a )在签署和批准第26条所指;

  b )在日期本公约生效依照第一款的第27条;

  c )在加入中提到第28条的日期它们生效;

  d )在扩展中提到第29条的日期它们生效;

  e )在谴责中提到第30条;

  f )在保留和撤销中提到第19 ,第20 , 21 , 24和25 ;

  g )在声明中提到第22条, 23日, 28日和29日。


  在海牙签署的,在第一天的6月, 1970年,在英文和法文写成,两种文本具有同等效力,在一个单一的副本应存放在档案中,荷兰政府,以及它的核证副本应送交,通过外交渠道,向每一个国家派代表出席了第十一届会议的海牙国际私法会议。

Article 1

The present Convention shall apply to the recognition in one Contracting State of divorces and legal separations obtained in another Contracting State which follow judicial or other proceedings officially recognized in that State and which are legally effective there.

The Convention does not apply to findings of fault or to ancillary orders pronounced on the making of a decree of divorce or legal separation; in particular, it does not apply to orders relating to pecuniary obligations or to the custody of children.

Article 2

Such divorces and legal separations shall be recognized in all other Contracting States, subject to the remaining terms of this Convention, if, at the date of the institution of the proceedings in the State of the divorce or legal separation (hereinafter called "the State of origin") –

(1) the respondent had his habitual residence there; or

(2) the petitioner had his habitual residence there and one of the following further conditions was fulfilled –

a) such habitual residence had continued for not less than one year immediately prior to the institution of proceedings;

b) the spouses last habitually resided there together; or

(3) both spouses were nationals of that State; or

(4) the petitioner was a national of that State and one of the following further conditions was fulfilled –

a) the petitioner had his habitual residence there; or

b) he had habitually resided there for a continuous period of one year falling, at least in part, within the two years preceding the institution of the proceedings; or

(5) the petitioner for divorce was a national of that State and both the following further conditions were fulfilled –

a) the petitioner was present in that State at the date of institution of the proceedings and

b) the spouses last habitually resided together in a State whose law, at the date of institution of the proceedings, did not provide for divorce.

Article 3

Where the State of origin uses the concept of domicile as a test of jurisdiction in matters of divorce or legal separation, the expression "habitual residence" in Article 2 shall be deemed to include domicile as the term is used in that State.

Nevertheless, the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the domicile of dependence of a wife.

Article 4

Where there has been a cross-petition, a divorce or legal separation following upon the petition or cross-petition shall be recognized if either falls within the terms of Articles 2 or 3.

Article 5

Where a legal separation complying with the terms of this Convention has been converted into a divorce in the State of origin, the recognition of the divorce shall not be refused for the reason that the conditions stated in Articles 2 or 3 were no longer fulfilled at the time of the institution of the divorce proceedings.

Article 6

Where the respondent has appeared in the proceedings, the authorities of the State in which recognition of a divorce or legal separation is sought shall be bound by the findings of fact on which jurisdiction was assumed.

The recognition of a divorce or legal separation shall not be refused –

a) because the internal law of the State in which such recognition is sought would not allow divorce or, as the case may be, legal separation upon the same facts, or,

b) because a law was applied other than that applicable under the rules of private international law of that State.

Without prejudice to such review as may be necessary for the application of other provisions of this Convention, the authorities of the State in which recognition of a divorce or legal separation is sought shall not examine the merits of the decision.

Article 7

Contracting States may refuse to recognize a divorce when, at the time it was obtained, both the parties were nationals of States which did not provide for divorce and of no other State.

Article 8

If, in the light of all the circumstances, adequate steps were not taken to give notice of the proceedings for a divorce or legal separation to the respondent, or if he was not afforded a sufficient opportunity to present his case, the divorce or legal separation may be refused recognition.

Article 9

Contracting States may refuse to recognize a divorce or legal separation if it is incompatible with a previous decision determining the matrimonial status of the spouses and that decision either was rendered in the State in which recognition is sought, or is recognized, or fulfils the conditions required for recognition, in that State.

Article 10

Contracting States may refuse to recognize a divorce or legal separation if such recognition is manifestly incompatible with their public policy ("ordre public").

Article 11

A State which is obliged to recognize a divorce under this Convention may not preclude either spouse from remarrying on the ground that the law of another State does not recognize that divorce.

Article 12

Proceedings for divorce or legal separation in any Contracting State may be suspended when proceedings relating to the matrimonial status of either party to the marriage are pending in another Contracting State.

Article 13

In the application of this Convention to divorces or legal separations obtained or sought to be recognized in Contracting States having, in matters of divorce or legal separation, two or more legal systems applying in different territorial units –

(1) any reference to the law of the State of origin shall be construed as referring to the law of the territory in which the divorce or separation was obtained;

(2) any reference to the law of the State in which recognition is sought shall be construed as referring to the law of the forum; and

(3) any reference to domicile or residence in the State of origin shall be construed as referring to domicile or residence in the territory in which the divorce or separation was obtained.

Article 14

For the purposes of Articles 2 and 3, where the State of origin has in matters of divorce or legal separation two or more legal systems applying in different territorial units –

(1) Article 2, sub-paragraph (3), shall apply where both spouses were nationals of the State of which the territorial unit where the divorce or legal separation was obtained forms a part, and that regardless of the habitual residence of the spouses;

(2) Article 2, sub-paragraphs (4) and (5), shall apply where the petitioner was a national of the State of which the territorial unit where the divorce or legal separation was obtained forms a part.

Article 15

In relation to a Contracting State having, in matters of divorce or legal separation, two or more legal systems applicable to different categories of persons, any reference to the law of that State shall be construed as referring to the legal system specified by the law of that State.

Article 16

When, for the purposes of this Convention, it is necessary to refer to the law of a State, whether or not it is a Contracting State, other than the State of origin or the State in which recognition is sought, and having in matters of divorce or legal separation two or more legal systems of territorial or personal application, reference shall be made to the system specified by the law of that State.

Article 17

This Convention shall not prevent the application in a Contracting State of rules of law more favourable to the recognition of foreign divorces and legal separations.

Article 18

This Convention shall not affect the operation of other conventions to which one or several Contracting States are or may in the future become Parties and which contain provisions relating to the subject-matter of this Convention.

Contracting States, however, should refrain from concluding other conventions on the same matter incompatible with the terms of this Convention, unless for special reasons based on regional or other ties; and, notwithstanding the terms of such conventions, they undertake to recognize in accordance with this Convention divorces and legal separations granted in Contracting States which are not Parties to such other conventions.

Article 19

Contracting States may, not later than the time of ratification or accession, reserve the right –

(1) to refuse to recognize a divorce or legal separation between two spouses who, at the time of the divorce or legal separation, were nationals of the State in which recognition is sought, and of no other State, and a law other than that indicated by the rules of private international law of the State of recognition was applied, unless the result reached is the same as that which would have been reached by applying the law indicated by those rules;

(2) to refuse to recognize a divorce when, at the time it was obtained, both parties habitually resided in States which did not provide for divorce. A State which utilizes the reservation stated in this paragraph may not refuse recognition by the application of Article 7.

Article 20

Contracting States whose law does not provide for divorce may, not later than the time of ratification or accession, reserve the right not to recognize a divorce if, at the date it was obtained, one of the spouses was a national of a State whose law did not provide for divorce.

This reservation shall have effect only so long as the law of the State utilizing it does not provide for divorce.

Article 21

Contracting States whose law does not provide for legal separation may, not later than the time of ratification or accession, reserve the right to refuse to recognize a legal separation when, at the time it was obtained, one of the spouses was a national of a Contracting State whose law did not provide for legal separation.

Article 22

Contracting States may, from time to time, declare that certain categories of persons having their nationality need not be considered their nationals for the purposes of this Convention.

Article 23

If a Contracting State has more than one legal system in matters of divorce or legal separation, it may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, declare that this Convention shall extend to all its legal systems or only to one or more of them, and may modify its declaration by submitting another declaration at anytime thereafter.

These declarations shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, and shall state expressly the legal systems to which the Convention applies.

Contracting States may decline to recognize a divorce or legal separation if, at the date on which recognition is sought, the Convention is not applicable to the legal system under which the divorce or legal separation was obtained.

Article 24

This Convention applies regardless of the date on which the divorce or legal separation was obtained.

Nevertheless a Contracting State may, not later than the time of ratification or accession, reserve the right not to apply this Convention to a divorce or to a legal separation obtained before the date on which, in relation to that State, the Convention comes into force.

Article 25

Any State may, not later than the moment of its ratification or accession, make one or more of the reservations mentioned in Articles 19, 20, 21 and 24 of the present Convention. No other reservation shall be permitted.

Each Contracting State may also, when notifying an extension of the Convention in accordance with Article 29, make one or more of the said reservations, with its effect limited to all or some of the territories mentioned in the extension.

Each Contracting State may at any time withdraw a reservation it has made. Such a withdrawal shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Such a reservation shall cease to have effect on the sixtieth day after the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Article 26

The present Convention shall be open for signature by the States represented at the Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

It shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Article 27

The present Convention shall enter into force on the sixtieth day after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification referred to in the second paragraph of Article 26.

The Convention shall enter into force for each signatory State which ratifies subsequently on the sixtieth day after the deposit of its instrument of ratification.

Article 28

Any State not represented at the Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law which is a Member of this Conference or of the United Nations or of a specialized agency of that Organization, or a Party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice may accede to the present Convention after it has entered into force in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 27.

The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

The Convention shall enter into force for a State acceding to it on the sixtieth day after the deposit of its instrument of accession.

The accession will have effect only as regards the relations between the acceding State and such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the accession. Such a declaration shall be deposited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; this Ministry shall forward, through diplomatic channels, a certified copy to each of the Contracting States.

The Convention will enter into force as between the acceding State and the State that has declared its acceptance of the accession on the sixtieth day after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance.

Article 29

Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification or accession, declare that the present Convention shall extend to all the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible, or to one or more of them. Such a declaration shall take effect on the date of entry into force of the Convention for the State concerned.

At any time thereafter, such extensions shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

The extension will have effect only as regards the relations with such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the extensions. Such a declaration shall be deposited at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands; this Ministry shall forward, through diplomatic channels, a certified copy to each of the Contracting States.

The extension will take effect in each case sixty days after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance.

Article 30

The present Convention shall remain in force for five years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 27, even for States which have ratified it or acceded to it subsequently.

If there has been no denunciation, it shall be renewed tacitly every five years.

Any denunciation shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, at least six months before the end of the five year period.

It may be limited to certain of the territories to which the Convention applies.

The denunciation shall have effect only as regards the State which has notified it. The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting States.

Article 31

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands shall give notice to the States referred to in Article 26, and to the States which have acceded in accordance with Article 28, of the following –

a) the signatures and ratifications referred to in Article 26;

b) the date on which the present Convention enters into force in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 27;

c) the accessions referred to in Article 28 and the dates on which they take effect;

d) the extensions referred to in Article 29 and the dates on which they take effect;

e) the denunciations referred to in Article 30;

f) the reservations and withdrawals referred to in Articles 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25;

g) the declarations referred to in Articles 22, 23, 28 and 29.

In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Convention.

Done at The Hague, on the first day of June, 1970, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Netherlands, and of which a certified copy shall be sent, through the diplomatic channel to each of the States represented at the Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.







郭敦顒回答:在X轴上取点D(6,0)和E(4,0),则有关图形的面积有职下结果 SRt⊿ODA=6×2\/2=6,SRt⊿OEB=4×6\/2=12 S直角梯形EDAB=(2+6)×(6-4)\/2=8 S△OBC=(4-2)×6\/2=6 S△OAB= SRt⊿OEB+ S直角梯形EDAB-SRt⊿ODA=12+8-6=14,S△OAB=14,S四边形OABC...

初一数学概念 实数:—有理数与无理数统称为实数。有理数:整数和分数统称为有理数。无理数:无理数是指无限不循环小数。自然数:表示物体的个数0、1、2、3、4~(0包括在内)都称为自然数。数轴:规定了圆点、正方向和单位长度的直线叫做数轴。相反数:符号不同的两个数互为相反数。倒数:乘...


小学接力赛作文350字左右 急急急!!! 重金悬赏哦! 知道的就发给我,我...


2.从第三自然段中找出两个描写人物神态、行为的贬义词写在横线上。再找出两个描写英国人油画画得好的褒义词写在横线上。描写人物神态、行为的贬义词:若无其事 怦怦直跳 描写英国人油画画得好的褒义词:色彩鲜明 构图典雅 3.在文中用“ ”画出徐悲鸿镇定坐在首席的句子。他若无其事地坐在...

”又转头对爸爸说:“你还怪孩子呢,还不是跟你学坏了,你要给孩子做个榜样,赶快给我戒烟!”爸爸一听,尴尬极了, “好!好!只要为了孩子,我的坏习惯都要改!可是儿子,你要吸取教训,大了千万不要抽烟啊。”爸爸亲切地摸着我的头。妈妈笑着对我说:“你看你这么调皮。”日月如梭,每一次想到这...


徽县18938878058: 最有意味的古语——重金悬赏!两个字,需要标明出处、意思、象征等等……事成之后,再加200分. -
冶子扎冲:[答案] xniou

徽县18938878058: 语文求助,急!重金悬赏!答得好有追分! -
冶子扎冲: 心怦怦直跳 若无其事色彩鲜明、构图典雅3、画出:因为作画晚去了一步,一跨进会堂见有个空位,便坐了下来.他环视现场,发现坐在旁边的人们正用不同的眼光盯着他.怎么回事?仔细一看,原来自己坐在了首席的位置上.徐悲鸿这才明白过来,他的心怦怦直跳.他想.于是,他若无其事地坐在首席的位置上.4、画出:宽大的墙壁上,立刻出现了一匹呼之欲出的骏马,它似乎正向人们飞奔而来.

徽县18938878058: 急求!帮我查询一下火车中转路线!重金悬赏,先出20分,回答有用再加100! -
冶子扎冲: 刚刚帮你查了,城固到广州的K768还有9张无座票. 你这个路线今明两天已经没有座位票了.你还是先坐汽车到西安,然后再坐火车到广州吧,明天...

徽县18938878058: 请用简短的语言概括下列课文的意思; 急急急,一天时间,重金悬赏,我先采纳的一定加分.急急急 -
冶子扎冲: 4月14日,我在浙江金华,游北山的双龙洞. 很简单,这是中心句!!我们老师讲的,我上六年级,相信我,没错的!!加油哦!! 另:楼上的不对,因为作者不是经过,而是游览金华的双龙洞!!

徽县18938878058: 悬赏问题有加分
冶子扎冲: 你是要问“悬赏问题”吗? 悬赏问题就是你给你所选答案的人一定金额的赏金 你问的问题:“悬赏问题有加分”后面有个20 就是你所给满意答案者的悬赏金额 你所说的加分 就是加悬赏 明白了吗? 如果还有什么不明白的可以再补充

徽县18938878058: 重金悬赏QQ飞车道具开永久A车B车S车时间写的具体点,拒绝复制..写的几率高的加分!!重金悬赏! -
冶子扎冲: 玉石卷轴在0:00左右百分之十五抽到奔驰(天数不定) 玉石卷轴在15:30到16:00百分之七十抽到黄金戒指 玉石卷轴在15:30到16:00百分之十抽到大黄蜂永久 玉石卷轴在3:00左右百分之一抽到黑金剃刀(天数不定) 玉石卷轴在4:00左右百分之二...

徽县18938878058: 重金悬赏!!答案有效可加分!!阴道感染 -
冶子扎冲: 不会感染,平时下河洗澡的情况比你的情况严重的多,也不见得有几个感染.你的情况是阴道受到刺激,阴道里是不可以有酒精的,会烧伤阴道的.所以你现在用温盐水清洗就可以了,三天后还有的话就去药房买点妇科洗液,妇科千金和洁尔阴都可以的,不过这几天是不能房事的.

徽县18938878058: 重金悬赏 解决掉在加50分
冶子扎冲: 第一个问题1—1/16*12=1/4

徽县18938878058: 急急急急!高分悬赏!!!先给50分,建议好的话再追加50 -
冶子扎冲: 我就是上到大三出去工作的!期末考试的回学校考,而且毕业的时候也和大家一样正常毕业了!该拿的证都拿到了! 首先你得把你们导师弄明白了!告诉他你的想法,最好你叫导师单出去到饭店好好谈谈,然后把酒喝明白了,再然后物质啊什么东西送人家点,送的东西多少贵重视你自己情况而定!基本这事情就差不多了! 但是一年中学校的事也不会少了啊,那就得看你接下来的日子和你们导师处的这个关系了,当然物质还是必不可少的!再找几个关系好的同学沟通一下,以备点名的时候你不在帮你喊到的! 你有一点说的很对,只要系里不上报,基本上你就OK了!试着去做吧,现在的人很现实的! 就象我现实的为了50分而回答你这个问题~~`呵呵~`

徽县18938878058: 悬赏分是不是加分啊 还是什么的 还有提问要不什么积分
冶子扎冲: 悬赏就是你 认为急需要别人解答的问题`提问最少5分`但你如果认为这个问题重要`你也可以根据相对的等值来加分以便别人会更快`更好的帮你解答~

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