
作者&投稿:冷郎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is Hangzhou Metek(MetalTech.) Co., Ltd., Thank you for your invitation, we are very interested in the 20XXNational Hardware Show in Las Vegas and willing to pay a visit then. As it willbe the first time for us to participate in such an event, we sincerely hopethat we could be provided with some useful information about the followingquestions.
1. What is the application procedurefor visitors?
2. Can we get an invitation by fillingthe Registration Form and the Non-Immigrant Visa Invitation Application Form? Anddo we need two invitations for two persons?
3. Are the admission tickets alsorequired if we already have the invitations? If so, how can we get them?
We will be very grateful if youcan provide any useful information and we are eagerly looking forward to yourreply.

Yours XXX
Dec. 23rd, 2014

We can send you the sample you need, please provide us your shipping address.
Upon confirming that the sample is acceptable, we can begin production within half a month - as it will take us that long for material acquisition.

If you should have any other questions, please feel free to call XXX at 电话号码。



昨日**** 来函告知了您的联系邮箱,我们就立马写信与您,以便说明情况,解除误会。
Incoming letter yesterday * * * * have informed a mailbox of your connection, we write a letter right away immediately and you, misunderstand to explain condition , remove. Words accepting if our product and price give way to expensive Fang Neng , give us a response in time please. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * * say the expensive square government mailbox has put up a problem , can renovate soon if only can * * *. If being able to receive letter , ask inform of our expensive square telefacsimile, MSN or SKYPE, for the purpose of timely exchange.
Sincere hope and expensive method work together!


Yesterday * * * * you inform us, we will contact with you immediately to write, remove misunderstanding.
If our product and price you can accept, please give us the response. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * *
Listen to * * *, your official mailbox amiss, wish I could soon. If you can receive letters, please inform us of your phone, fax, MSN or so, communication. SKYPE

Incoming letter yesterday * * * * have informed a mailbox of your connection, we write a letter right away immediately and you, misunderstand to explain condition , remove. Words accepting if our product and price give way to expensive Fang Neng , give us a response in time please. MSN: * * * * *, E-mail: * * * * * * say the expensive square government mailbox has put up a problem , can renovate soon if only can * * *. If being able to receive letter , ask inform of our expensive square telefacsimile, MSN or SKYPE, for the purpose of timely exchange. Sincere hope and expensive method work together!

Dear Mr.(or Madam) XXXXX,We understand from your information posted on www.XXXXXX.com that you are in the market for importing light industry products from China. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with ...

商务信函的翻译范文 谁有的发个……
The layout of letters 1.The top part of a business letter 日期:Date: 23 December 2007 地址:Mr. James Green Sales manager BBB PLC 55-60 Old St, London E6 6HG 称谓:Dear Mr. Green (Dear Gentlemen, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Madam)2.The body part of a business ...

Dear Sir\/Madam:1.Your fax dated June 26th has been recevied. 95pence\/ yard you quoted can't be accepted as the market price is 90pence\/ yard, please lower your price to 90pence\/ yard.You called us and said the Minimum order quantity was 10,000yards\/color, but 7,500...


1. An Inquiry An inquiry is a request for informationon goods. When business people intend to import a product, they send out aninquiry to an exporter. It may ask for a quotation or an offer for the goodsthey wish to buy or simply request for some general information regar...


To whom it may concerned,We have received your letter of March 9th. You have asked us to pay the electrical toys on your NO. 3837 Order sheet by terms of encashing sheets.We have been persistent to use the payment of the letter of credit which is paid by the the pencash...

foreign party external party

翻译。不会。 求学霸们拯救
一封商务信函 就是想跟你做生意 先生您好:已从鹿特丹的(公司的名字在下见识浅薄不好随便翻译)收到您的名字和地址,我们目前期望与您建立商务关系。我们已从事工艺品进口事业多年。目前,我们对多种多样的中国的工艺品有极大的兴趣。如果您的价格合理,我们相信这是份可以合作的生意。我们期待您的尽早...

Dear Michael,this is Mat, assistant of the manager of the copyright management dept., THV, Helen.I'm so glad to know you in 2010 ATF Exhibtion in Singapore.I'll contact you if any cooperation chance after i process all the information about the 2010 ATF Exhibtion.Best regards...

洛南县18485692563: 翻译一封短篇外贸信函~~!!3Q~(汉译英) -
伍真康宁: Deacon: I am pleased to receive your side of Inquiry on April 10, according to the request of you, it is sent illustrated catalogue and price list. Another mailing of some samples, I believe that after the inspection, you will agree with our product quality, ...

洛南县18485692563: 译成英语商务信函XX先生:本月18日来电收悉.首先,对至今未向贵方提供有关这次订货的任何消息致歉.我方一直要求厂家提供确切的交货日期,我方觉得在... -
伍真康宁:[答案] Dear Mr.XXX, Your (电指电报?传真,姑且用传真)fax dated 18th of this month was well received. First of all,sorry for not having given you any news regarding the order so far.We have kept asking the factory to inform us of the exact date of delivery,...

洛南县18485692563: 商务信函翻译成英语.谢敬启者: 事由:衬衫 我们从一本贸易杂志上得知贵公司名称和地址,同时我们获悉贵公司是当地纺织行业领先企业.很荣幸写信给贵... -
伍真康宁:[答案] Dear subujets:interliningswe have come to know your name and address from a trading journal,you are a leading textile company,we feel honour to write to you and wish to establish business with you.we ...

洛南县18485692563: 英语翻译急用一个英文信函,大意如下,请熟悉商务信函的高手帮忙翻译一下,很高兴收到您的来信,对于你所说的产品**,我们很有兴趣.希望您能提供**的... -
伍真康宁:[答案] We are very glad to receive your letter.As for the product XXX you mentioned,we are very interested in it.Please offer its quality specifications and your expected price.We look forward to your reply ...

洛南县18485692563: 翻译一封信函(汉译英) -
伍真康宁: Dear Sir / Madam: I thank you for this interview to spend time and energy. And you think that's very happy, and that many of your company. As I have mentioned before, my professional knowledge of your company is very useful, especially to endure ...

洛南县18485692563: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英语,商务信函,我英语太差,大概意思如下:1、由于中秋假期我公司放假四天不上班(今天刚上班,客户前天就邮件催回复来着... -
伍真康宁:[答案] Dear _____:I sincerely apologize for the late reply,we have been on holiday since four days ago due to Mid-Autumn festival.We have already shipped the samples,please kindly confirm upon receipt.The tr...

洛南县18485692563: 英语翻译一封商业信函里的, -
伍真康宁:[答案] 我们对你您所提供的信息非常感谢. information's 这个打错了. 商务信函里常用appreciate. eg:your help will be highly appreciated.

洛南县18485692563: 高分求一个商务信函翻译成英文. -
伍真康宁: Mr MTT: (你好在英文信件里不存在,西方人都是直接进入主题.楼上的how do you do是见面时的客气问候,不该出现在这里.所以"你好"不翻译)I apologize for response by now.I have just take over this job and need time to acquire the former ...

洛南县18485692563: 商务函电句子翻译,中译英~ -
伍真康宁: Our Tiantan Brand men's shirts are packed in polybags of one piece each, 5 dozen into a carton lined with water-proof paper and strenghten with 2 iron straps.Since there is no direct steamer to your port, transhipment should be made via London.

洛南县18485692563: 商务信函的翻译 -
伍真康宁: Dear friendly:We have confirmed your message on Mar 9th in which you prefer to honor the draft pertains to electronic toys under PO.3837 by DA. We have been using confirmed irrevocable L/C against sight draft as our conventional payment ...

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