
作者&投稿:缪岚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Congratulations for your passing through the oral defense of doctoral dissertation.

Congratulate you've pass the doctor thesis debate.

Congratulate you on having passed Ph.D. thesis face-to-face examination

Congratulations on your passing Doctoral Dissertation Defense

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1. He is regardless of illness,and go on dealing with the problem of the city pollution.2. For us,whether winning or losing doesn't matter, participation does.3. In my opinion, if only go through a large amount of practice,we would qualify to take the work.4. I find ...

几句翻译 中译英 官方一些
Through ethical trade activities to improve working conditions(通过有道德的贸易活动改善工人的工作条件)Child Labor(童工)Forced labor(强迫劳动)

中译英 、、
5、每次我见到他,就想到他爱狡辩的习惯。(Each time)6、一听到这50多人被困了的消息,他立即赶到了现场。(As)7、如果你不更加努力,你就永远无法通过考试。(祈使句+or)8、不管我们赢或是输,我们将尽力。(Whether)9、尽管我很喜欢音乐,最终我还是放弃了。(Even if)10、无论你是谁,...

1. Anna, we need you to confirm whether the materials listed in the annex have been approved\/certified by ROHS. Which are the ones that have been approved, and which are the ones that have not ?Please explain, thanks 2. Please refer to the reply by the supplier please ...

1、There is no doubt that receiving a letter in the post is something to look forword to.毫无疑问,人们是期待有人给他们寄信的。2、Through letters you will not only find out more about each other.通过信件,你不仅仅能更加了解对方。3、Different people have different ideas about how...

1.鲁迅被认为是中国现代文学之父.(regard...as)Luxun is regarded as the father of Chinese modern literature.2.到她毕业的时候,她已经通过业余兼职获得了足够的工作经验.(by the time)She had got enough work experience though part-time jobs by the time she graduated.3.由于孤独无援,他...

One way to get to know new friends is in the life of collage.because you are much easier to make friends with people who are alive in the same time as you and to have the same ideals and beliefs. Another way is to attend the contemporary's party. it is also a good ...

1.The 武昌 is the place of[with] the hot 亥 revolution explosion 2.Be a 炎 yellow descendant, can also call to pay respects Emperor Huang 陵 3.Five generation of Wu more the country and south Sung found a capital in Hangzhou all and once 4.The ovation comes from the ...

翻译 中译英 不要百度或者google 急 !可微改
The meaning of unity, unity is strength. A chopstick is easily broken, bound together ten pillars chopsticks will break. Unity from the resultant force. Unity and harmony of the collective, can make we are of one mind, complementary advantages, better finish the task, also can ...

青田县19532371667: [中译英]祝贺你通过了博士论文答辩谢谢 -
孟券氨苄:[答案] Congratulations for your passing through the oral defense of doctoral dissertation.

青田县19532371667: [中译英]祝贺你通过了博士论文答辩 -
孟券氨苄: Congratulations for your passing through the oral defense of doctoral dissertation.

青田县19532371667: 通过论文答辩用英语怎么说 -
孟券氨苄: 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply

青田县19532371667: 博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说? -
孟券氨苄: 博士学位答辩或论文答辩 debate for the doctorate 论文答辩 debate for the thesis

青田县19532371667: 汉译英 简单的~~
孟券氨苄: 我觉得正确的答案是: fuck you mother ,man . 大家不要上当,这个家伙从来不会选正确的答案,是刷分的.

青田县19532371667: “如顺利通过论文答辩”用英文怎么说? -
孟券氨苄: 如顺利通过论文答辩 If the oral defense goes smooth, If I can pass the oral defense successfully,

青田县19532371667: 博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说?
孟券氨苄: plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis

青田县19532371667: 论文答辩要说什么 -
孟券氨苄: 我做过上届师兄师姐的论文答辩记录工作,感觉论文答辩并不难,首先请放心,不要紧张,轻松点,答辩的老师都不会为难学生的. 答辩中最主要的问题就是你一定要熟悉你的论文,老师在答辩前根本就没有时间看你的论文,都是临时翻开随便...

青田县19532371667: 同等学力人员申请硕士学位与在职研究生有什么区别 -
孟券氨苄: 在职研究生的申硕方式有一月联考(专业硕士)和同等学力申硕两种.在职人员选择不同的申硕方式,决定着最后申硕成功后获得证书.所以在职研究生既有单证也有双证.选择同等学力的方式报考,在完成学业后,可获得硕士学位证书和课程...

青田县19532371667: 中译英 恭喜你拿到了录取通知书 -
孟券氨苄: 恭喜你拿到了录取通知书 Congratulations on your getting the letter of admission!Congratulate you on getting the letter of admission!两种均可,建议第一种!----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

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