
作者&投稿:浦阁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

旅游作为重要的对外宣传方式之一,涉及旅游与文化的翻译。中国旅游翻译的原则是介绍中国文化,吸引国际游客。旅游翻译不应该只是语言之间的转换,更应该是文化层面的诠释。旅游翻译应顺应跨文化交际和世界文化大融合的趋势,从单纯语言形式的对比和转换上升到文化分析和对比的高度,揭示语言形式与文化隐喻所蕴含的深层含义,真正使翻译活动成为跨文化交流, 促进旅游业发展,在国际旅游市场竞争中打响自己的旅游品牌。

Hello,翻译如下:Foreign tourism as an important form of publicity, one of the translation related to tourism and culture. China's tourism is to introduce the principles of translation of Chinese culture, to attract international tourists. Tourism Translation should not just switch between languages, but should be the interpretation of cultural dimensions. Tourism Translation should conform to the cross-cultural communication and integration of major trends in world culture, from the pure form of language comparison and conversion up to the height of cultural analysis and comparison, reveal the form of language and cultural metaphors inherent in the deep meaning of the translation activities into a truly inter - cultural exchanges, promote tourism development in the international tourism market competition started their own tourism brand.
Power for China to achieve its tourism goals, should pay attention to the role of tourism promotion. Cultural awareness of the unique tourism resources required travel translation of the aesthetic potential tourists as possible to meet the psychological and cultural practices at the same time, it should give full play to the advantages of culture, try to carry forward the Chinese traditional culture. Tourism and Culture should be a translation of the best scenario would be alienation and Naturalization translation strategy integration and used to make naturalization and alienation to dynamic unity. To achieve this state must first translator with cross-cultural awareness, followed by the need to translate theory to guide their practice, the last also need strong bilingual capabilities and cultural grounding.

The government plans to create more employment opportunities for the young.就可以了


Luxun is regarded as the father of Chinese modern literature.

2.到她毕业的时候,她已经通过业余兼职获得了足够的工作经验.(by the time)

She had got enough work experience though part-time jobs by the time she graduated.

3.由于孤独无援,他除了沦落街头行乞什么也干不了.(turn to,can do nothing but)

He can do nothing but beg along the streets for he has nobody to turn to.


He's a person of so much learning that we all admire him very much.


I cant imagine that he could make a raise of a small fortune during a short time.

Lu Xun is regarded as the father of modern Chinese Literature.

2.到她毕业的时候,她已经通过业余兼职获得了足够的工作经验.(by the time)
By the time she graduated,she has got eough working experience bu taking part-time job.

3.由于孤独无援,他除了沦落街头行乞什么也干不了.(turn to,can do nothing but)
Because of turning to nobody,he can do nothing but beg along the venu
He is such a person with lots of knowledge that we all admire him
I cannot imagine how he could collect such a small fortune during such a short time

1. Lu Xun is regarded as the father of modern Chinese literature.

I am one who did not know to feel grateful.In my mind, you are the friend who may trust forever .I am so rely on you. But I knew that we have too much different , I can never approach you.好累啊,终于打完了,明白了吧!原来翻译的这么久,你却以为是机器翻译的,可笑 ...

1, I do not believe that these so-called health foods are what is the value (so-called)2、你不应该将此事归咎于他,他是无辜的(blame) 2, you do not the matter should be attributed to him, he is innocent of the (blame)3、他总是吹嘘自己父母多么的有钱,而不知道自食其力...

1 We have to tighten our belts if the economic situation continues to worsen.2.The majority of teachers are willing to help the student to study,but the student should be initiative.3. The interests on Physics makes this scientist engages his whole life in scientific research.4. ...

Wont it be decided after swaping contracts that when to move in ?When to move in will be decided after exchanging the contracts, isn't it?Is not it after exchanging the contract when to decide to move in ?我只想到这三种翻译,希望对你有帮助,望采纳!

1.the boy who puts on a bag is TOM.2.the boys who are playing basketball on the playground are from the same class.3.the woman who cleans the room everyday is my mum.4.Bill Gates is the man who let private computer enter every family.5.the teacher who is sitting in ...

汉译英 怎么说?
1、Chinese-English Translation 汉译英 例:三级笔译实务试题(一)英译汉(English-Chinese Translation)(二)汉译英(Chinese-English Translation)此部分试题要求考生能够运用一般翻译策略和技巧,进行双语互译...2、一名女翻译 a female interpreter 或:an interpretress(女翻译员)那位观光客由一位...

我希望我们能有一次通话的机会,这样会谈得比较清楚些,但你的电话一直无人接听.I had hoped that we could have a chance to talk over the phone, that way we can have a better discussion, but there weren't any answer on your phone.如果开L\/C,你方必须出示正规的销售合同(背面列有详细...

Wang Lei is not that the school no longer has This job involve that requires you lived abroad for three months each year The experimental group is made up of by the 10 pupils and two teachers The famous scientist's speech produced a great impact on young people As students, we...

短文 中译英 请高手译 好的加分
哎~~~呀~~~文学色彩如此强烈啊!!!但是能够接受 The most memorable person in my life There are many memorable people in my life; however I would have to say that my grandpa is the most memorable person to me. He is an old man who is in his seventies with white hair, his...

1 身体健康要靠好的食物,新鲜的空气,充足的睡眠和适当的运动(depend on)Good health depends on nutritious food, fresh air, enough sleep and proper exercise.2 我们所说的和今秋的活动有关 (have sth to do with)What we talked about has something to do with the activities of this ...

修武县17095533485: 翻译啊,中译英 -
冯米甲状: In the constantly growing, the only demanding quality, to pursue the process leading to the magical time to create a brand, the world witnessed in the value of labor, with its unique characteristics, so that consumers enjoy the ultimate romantic.

修武县17095533485: 翻译啊…求翻译啊、中译英啊
冯米甲状: My dream is to be a teacher, because this is my childhood dream, I think with the children are happy, and not a waste of time. At present, our country wants to be a teacher who is not much, because income is not high, work hard. This is my dream.

修武县17095533485: 中译英翻译啊 用间接式回答 帮忙啦!!!!!
冯米甲状: 1.She told me that Mary had settled in Canada. 2.这句是"李明问她是否会康复"?.LiMing asked whether she would recover or not. 3.Anny said that she got tired of doing the same thing every day. 4.LiMing asked me that whether I had packed up my bag or not.

修武县17095533485: 请高手翻译啊.汉译英. -
冯米甲状: 1 Manchester center high school have far more than your school. 2. Whether students is to exercise or want entertainment, they can use our stadium. 3 we ensure to take good care of each student. 4. Don't miss the chance in the open meet David. ...

修武县17095533485: 英语翻译中译英1.她写子多认真啊!2.这些花卉邮票多漂亮啊!3.他跑步多快啊!4.多高的一座山啊!5.他们跳舞真好看啊! -
冯米甲状:[答案] How carefully she writes! How beautiful the flower stamps are! How fast he runs! What a high mountain it is! How nice they dance! What+冠词a/an/the+形容词 How+形容词+名词+动词 根据不同情况会有所改变

修武县17095533485: 帮忙翻译一句话啊!!!(汉译英) -
冯米甲状: Chengdu as a city and its eternal city remains unchanged, is not capable of not only the history of cities in the world, can not but be described as a miracle.

修武县17095533485: 求翻译啊(中译英)好点的哦, -
冯米甲状: Over the past four years, I do not know whether you are still in the FW company, I am very sorry too long time no connect. Holding the good hope, to email to contact you. With best wishes. I'm D, zhongshan golden years before company as a product ...

修武县17095533485: 中译英 翻译啊
冯米甲状: Sorry, due to limited knowledge of English I can not answer this question.翻译网( http://translate.google.com/#zh-CN|en|)

修武县17095533485: 中译英---这个句子尽管我们在一起相聚的时间很短,但我们却极大地增进了彼此间的了解和友谊,留下了美好的回忆.中译英怎么翻译啊.答案是这样翻译的:... -
冯米甲状:[答案] Though it is so short for our togetherness, the understanding and friendship between us have been greatly promoted and the beautiful memory will be kept by us.

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