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作者&投稿:和修 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This film is an apex work among the animated films produced by Hayao Miyazaki. Since then, the film has never been exceed.

What is funny is that one dog laughs at another for the reason that it is a dog.

The meaning of unity, unity is strength. A chopstick is easily broken, bound together ten pillars chopsticks will break. Unity from the resultant force. Unity and harmony of the collective, can make we are of one mind, complementary advantages, better finish the task, also can produce more talents. Organizations have the cohesive force, centripetal force, have a good business environment, work atmosphere, is the vital qi, all aspects of performance is bound to be outstanding. Unity is complementary to each other and trust, trust other people is a good virtue, friends and colleagues must give full of trust, at the same time to oneself to be humble, smile a bit, a little a bit, active, unity is strength, unity is a great wisdom, unity is big, lives and works in a fresh air wind is, unity and harmony, the environment of mutual trust, will feel better, spiritual pleasure, and make not over of the matter, you can concentrate on doing things, and a career. On the other hand, lives and works in a contradictions, tensions, mutual suspicion, will be depressed, spirit is depressed, long hard work force, nature also cannot achieve. Unity does not repel each other's criticism, there is no such criticism is impossible to achieve unity. Can't get to know each other without criticism, and thus less than unity. So humbly accept criticism Self-criticism is very important, and finally to unity. Cooperation in life, all walks of life. So, we should have a correct understanding of the importance of cooperation, let the unity cooperation enrich our life, cooperation in all trades and professions is indispensable. In every production department, is through the division of labor cooperation, its to several large enterprise cooperation. This also is commonplace, no wonder. Such as production a car, a worker can alone? Can't, but not absolute negation. Because more people is through collaboration, you production shell, I production parts, he assembly, through the cooperation of many people, can better and faster to produce a car. Not only human learning to be cooperative, even the little ants, in found food, will work together. Put the food move "home" they small figure, could put more than their own many times things handling. Embodies the spirit of unity and cooperation. Number for a group of herbivorous animals tend to be for a few or even a number of predators annihilated by merciless. Why is that? The answer is simple. Because of plant-eating animals don't unity, although they are hordes of life together, but by the enemy really began, often be flee helter skelter, their escape. At the same time, the study also showed that the lower animals, the more the lack of unity. The more high-quality groups, more with unity thinking. According to natural selection, survival of the fittest in the natural law of the jungle, such groups is not extinguished the outcome, is the way only through a large number of offspring to continue the race. So no matter how strong personal strength but don't forget how important it is to unite, it combines the advantages of each person, perhaps only a little, can connect is unimaginable.

江川县15928911263: 帮忙翻译成英文!!不要百度或Google词典!! -
黎阀丽珠: 才疏学浅,仅供参考!1. US has in music art aspect is in the lead the world artistic achievement and the development history cultural context, after the process populace entertainment pop music baptism, US's mainstream music and non-...

江川县15928911263: 英语翻译别用百度翻译 -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] 这个月的最后一个星期六在...(后面没写完)

江川县15928911263: Google Translate 好还是百度翻译好 -
黎阀丽珠: 这两个翻译都是有优势劣势的,请听我详细对比: google translate: 优势:中到英,中到日翻译整句无比的顺畅,并且支持的互相翻译的语言也很多,并且其app支持拍照翻译,直接替换照片中源文字哦. 劣势:中文俗语等翻译不顺畅,例如"俺”这个字可能在某些翻译语境里面出错,此外,古诗翻译例如“一去二三里,烟村四五家”这样的语句也会出错,例如后面提到的古诗句的意思翻译成英文的意思的话就会是:“一去二三年,烟村四或者五”这样悲剧的语句.百度翻译: 优势:中英之间翻译特别流畅. 劣势:除了中英语言以外,其他语言互相翻译都是很坏的

江川县15928911263: 英语翻译别搞百度、谷歌、有道翻译!鄙视你的. -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] It's in the north of Jiangsu. 请及时采纳,多谢!

江川县15928911263: 汉译英,不要百度的.哪位英语好的给翻译下.急!!
黎阀丽珠: Body language is a personal communication in the limbs in movement, posture, which are not entirely the message sent by the language; in communication with people, even if not speak, can rely on each other's limbs, learn body language ...

江川县15928911263: 英语翻译不要百度的翻译,百分百地不对= =. -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] 有一半人不愚蠢. 楼主最好有上下文,好推断.

江川县15928911263: 求翻译!中译英!不要网络翻译! -
黎阀丽珠: Dear Mir.Andrea:Thanks so much for your help to make such a big progress of my compesiton and grammar, it's amazing just in one month. Christmas Day is coming, I am...

江川县15928911263: 英语翻译不要百度翻译.不要汉式翻译. -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] 手工劳作,翻译如下, No saying doesn't mean that I don't know.I just think that to be hidden in heart is the best.

江川县15928911263: 英语翻译如题,求翻译,不要谷歌百度翻译 -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] 在你离开桌子前你本该征得同意.(这里用的虚拟语气,指实际上并未征得同意就离开了)

江川县15928911263: 我是学校音乐俱乐部的成员 汉译英不要百度翻译 -
黎阀丽珠:[答案] 您好,翻译是: I am a member of the/my school music club. a member of:.的成员 school music club:学校音乐俱乐部 祝您开心 望采纳谢谢

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