
作者&投稿:点虞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you want to succeed, it is very important for you to cooperate well with others.
For example, in a football match, you have to your team members and
good cooperation in order to win the game, because every member of the
team you have specific roles, and every player on the team are critical
to the success. This team concept applies not only to physical education but also to the success of schools and the workplace. This may sound seems to be the same.

But if you are often influenced by individualism and your goals are not consistent with the goals of your team, it is likely that you will fail.

Original intention is to protect the animals at the zoo, let the animals have a more favorable environment of reproduction of life, but often backfire.

Here, i'd like to congratulate you, who studed one more year for colleges toghter with me, on your ourstanding results. as the result of the effort during this year, i have got a pretty good result that i will go to university. the promotion is two grades higher than that of last year.
i'm pretty contented, even though the record is not as high as i imagined. because in this year, we got toghter. i coudn't stood the hard life without your support.
one of the greatest hapinesses during this year is getting known to you all, however, the time is so limited and we are leaving each other away now. a thought of this will make me sad. well, we still have a long way to go for our future,and a lot of things are waiting for us to achieve. i hope you could remember me forever!!~~~~.....
best wishes! let's make a new starting for our life!


To all the friends who re-study together with this year, congratulate to you for your excellent achievement. Of course, I also get a good result. I has improved 2 ranks then last year, and I will study in university.
Althought the mark is not as high as I expected, but I am content. We meet with each other for re-study, and I would not endure without your support.
Knowing you is the most felicity for me this year, but the time is always brevity. We have to leave each other soon. I always feel sad when thinking this. But the future is still far away, a lot of things need us to do in future. I hope you will memorize me!!

Blessing for you sincerely, let's start the next stage of our life

During the past year and I repeat with friends, to congratulate you here have made outstanding achievements ~ ~ Of course, I also like that this year I have also made achievements, and compared to the previous year, I raised two grades, on the undergraduate ~

Although the scores did not think so, but I have contented, because together we repeat, if this is not your support for one year, but I do not quite come on ~

This year I know you are the greatest happiness, but always such a short time, did not expect we will, respectively, and the thought here was very sad ~ but a long way to go, there are a lot of things waiting for the future We hope that in the future you can still remember me! ! ~ ~ ~. . . .

Sincere best wishes to you, let us into the next phase of life now ~ ~


to all my friends having studied for the second 12th grade study,i'll give my sincerycongratulations to you all here!Of course ,i also have recieved a great progressin in study work,and that helpt enhance my acdemic ststus,and i'll be one of the 本科不会翻译 though the eventual score was not as good as i expected before,but i satisfied with that,because oher wise i would't wave over so hard a period of time without your support and encouragement.
acknowledging of you is abolutely,my pleasure,but the happyest time was always so shortand when i thinking of the seperation coming soon,i felt sad.however there will be a long journey beforeme in the life,where also standing many unpredicated obstacles in the way.what i want to say is not forgetting me and remember me forever!
best wishes for you
and let's step intothe next stage of our lives!

Congratulations to all of you who have retaken the 12th year course with me here for your excellent results! Of course, to myself too. I have also improved my grades this year; compared to the last year, my results have been raised by two levels so that I am qualified for undergraduate study.

Although the grades are not as high as imagined, I am satisfied with them, because retaking the course has created strong bonds among us. Without your support, I can't even get through.

Making acquaintance with all of you this year is my greatest happiness. Yet, the time I can stay with you is passing so quickly that we are going to part from one another. I feel sad whenever I think about that. However, we have a long way ahead and millions of events awaiting us, and hope you can remember me in the future, wherever you go.

Best wishes to all of you and let us go on to the next stage of our life.

帮我翻译一下 翻译成韩语!!谢谢!!!急求啊 ~~~
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我的爱好 亲爱的老师和同学:我很高兴在这里说几句话。在这个时候,我想谈谈我的爱好。我有很多爱好。首先,我喜欢玩视频游戏。电脑游戏凉爽。我喜欢政务司司长最佳。我可以玩一整天。秒,我喜欢各种体育运动。我喜欢被户外。我喜欢新鲜空气和阳光。踢足球的朋友很有趣。在大海中是我最喜欢的。此外,我...

樟树市13810003157: 帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! -
马新芙璐: thanks, but i am very busy with my work in my shop so i have no time. can you tell me what kind of job it is.

樟树市13810003157: 帮我用英文翻译一下 谢谢 -
马新芙璐: 我恨你1.i detest you2.je te hais3.i hate you4.ich hasse dich 我恨你!我恨你1.I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU 我恨你,我恨你……召唤我1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 我恨你,我恨你……(语1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 争我恨你1.let me love you

樟树市13810003157: 帮我用英语翻译一下.谢谢!
马新芙璐: east,south,west,north spring,summer,fall,winter up,down,left,right wind,rain,thunder,cloud

樟树市13810003157: 用英语帮我翻译下. 谢谢 高分加起. -
马新芙璐: 我希望自己能像向日葵一样,开出梦想的果实.I wish I could as same as sunflower, the fruit of dream will be generated during harvest season.

樟树市13810003157: 帮我翻译一下英语.谢谢 -
马新芙璐: A:我是来道别的. B:你什么时候启程? A:我周日下午乘飞机回家. B:那么再见吧!后会有期! A:请别忘了代我向你的家人道别.A:对不起,我没听清你刚才说什么. B:我刚才说:“你需要帮忙么?” A:如果你不忙的话我希望你帮点小忙. B:需要我帮你叫车么?A:好久不见了,你过得很好吧! B:是啊,过去的几个月我在加利福尼亚. A:不错啊!具体去了哪儿呢? B:圣地亚哥.我昨天回来的.A:我想我该走了. B:这么快?为什么不再多呆会儿呢? A:我也想,但现在已经很晚了. B:哦,你得走了真是太遗憾了. A:感谢您的盛宴! B:很高兴你能喜欢!

樟树市13810003157: 帮我翻译这句话成英语,谢谢大家! -
马新芙璐: To have you around accompanied me, I've been very satisfied, and I would like to take this happiness that we go on, this day is the happiest period of my life, than...

樟树市13810003157: 帮我中文翻译下英文 谢谢
马新芙璐: 楼上 你下面的那句thank you always be my side ,thank you! 中要加thank you for always be my side ,thank you!

樟树市13810003157: 用英语帮我翻译一下....
马新芙璐: I will always remember the first moment I held you in my arms. I felt a tingling sensation that directly touched my heart. It was an intoxicating feeling I will always have. It must be that “father-daughter connection” which will bind us for life. I will always ...

樟树市13810003157: 帮我英语翻译一下 谢谢
马新芙璐: 我们会经历夏天、秋天、冬天、和春天.但在中国是秋天的时候,澳大利亚是春天!

樟树市13810003157: 帮我翻译成英语一下,谢谢
马新芙璐: he thought i was lying to him, but in fact what i said is true the reason why the profit increased was that they have taken new marketing strategy. this measure may improve work efficiencywe have put a lot of time and energy into this item. we have no choice, we have to continue

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