
作者&投稿:苌备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today is a sunny day, walking in the park now Xiao Hu. Suddenly, she met a strange girl. The girl did not know, Xiao Hu very distressed. Summary: Xiao Husaw a girl, the girl is to walk on the grass. Hu said to her: "girl, don't you see thesign over there? It means you shouldn't walk on the lawn, or a fine of 10 yuan."The girl still didn't hear, continue to walk on the lawn. Xiao Hu came and took a girl out. At this time, a park ranger came, she said: "don't you see the sign itmeans you shouldn't walk on the lawn, or a fine of 10 yuan." Xiao Hu reluctantlygave her 10 yuan. Gas immediately leave.

当山峰没有棱角的时候It would be not until the mountain crumbled
当河水不再流 and Stream run dry
当时间停住日夜不分 and Time stood still
and Days ceased recurring
当天地万物化为虚有 and Universe disappeared
我还是不能和你分手 would I part from you
你的温柔是我今生最大的守候 Your tenderness engages me for lifetime

当太阳不再上升的时候 It would be After the Sun ever rose
当地球不再转动 and Earth ever went
当春夏秋冬不再变化and Season ever changed
当花草树木全部凋残and Flora ever thrived
我还是不能和你分散 Before I would part from you
你的笑容是我今生最大的眷恋 Your smiling attaches me to the world

让我们红尘作伴活的潇潇洒洒 Just enjoy each other, forgetting the rest
策马奔腾共享人世繁华relish the lush life heading foward
对酒当歌唱出心中喜悦sing before goblet and let out our passion
轰轰烈烈把握青春年华to Love abandonedly once

When the mountain when there is no angular
When water no longer flows
When the time stopped the day and night
When all things are turned into virtual
I still can not break up with you
Can not break up with you
Your gentleness is the biggest of my life waiting
When the sun no longer rising,
When the Earth's rotation is no longer
Not change when the seasons
When all the withered flowers and trees
I still can not be distributed to you
You can not spread
Your smile is the greatest love of my life
Let us live the company of little guilty Red
Pentium shared prosperity dead horse
Wine and the joy of singing out of mind
Vigorous grasp of youth
Let us live the company of little guilty Red
Pentium shared prosperity dead horse
Wine and the joy of singing out of mind
Vigorous grasp of youth

各位朋友好,请帮我翻译一下这个句子I know what you mean.的结构?_百度...
解答:这是一个带有定语从句的主从复合句,句子成分分析如下: I (主句主语) know(主句谓语动词) what (主句宾语,也是定语从句的宾语)you (定从主语)mean(定从谓语动词). 翻译: 我知道您的意思。语法:宾语是指一个动作的接受者。一般而言,及物动词后面至少要有一个宾语,而且通常为直接宾...

4、lucy is good at dancing,she dances better than before.

>>I like the "sjm" and like him extremely.

我们必须安静地上楼梯。 = We must tread quietly up the stares. We must be quiet when we go up the stares.Twins是香港出名的歌星。= Twins are famous singers in Honk Kong. Twins are famed singers of Hong Kong.玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。= Mary's father goes to work by car...

1. He is talking with one of his friends now. 他正在同他的一位朋友谈话。is 后加动词ing形式。2. My mother is cooking.The smell is nice. 我妈妈正在做饭。饭的气味很香。smell是单数。3.Tim is sharpening an pencil. Tim 正在削铅笔。Tim 是第三人称单数,be动词用is.4.Mrs.Richard...

1.I might be made several grammatical mistakes (in mine),I'm sorry.Excuse me for my age just as a junior school student.^ ^ 2.I have come to here in order to practice oral English .3.How long have you been there?4.Why do you come to Xiamen?(这个比较生硬,下面再给...

因此同学们都很感激他。a child from America put his favorite pingpang racket in the back of the classroom. His classmates are very grateful to him.(把这些话语翻译成英文,一定要人工译,我用机器译过了,谁用机器译不给分...)

1. She has to be forced to obey these rules.2. Have you ever thought of abstaining from alcohol?3. I need to sleep early so that I can get up early.4. Everyone gave us help, so the work was finished ahead of time.5. I am coming back not because of rain but because...

1. Do not you see? She pretended to be dead? She gives you perform comedy?2. But in any case, the prisoner is a woman, not for her sake, it should be for my sake 3 "Haha, she turned the knife for you, he can kill you 4 Do not speak, God God. Please forgive ...

帮我翻译一下吧 万分感激!!
词汇选择:在翻译中,我选择了“extremely grateful”来表达“非常感激”,因为“extremely”能够强调感激的程度,而“grateful”是表达感激之情的常用词。句式结构:英文句子保持了原句的简单明了,先表达了感激之情,随后说明了帮助的重要性。这样的结构符合英文...

勐腊县17692899138: 请知道的朋友帮我翻译下句子!翻译成英文谢谢!!!
春贩妇月: 1.Modern music listeners to pay particular attention to the participation of 2.He will not let this opportunity slip from his hands of the 3.We are not art for art but for the sake of serving the community 4.No one told him he will start the meeting late 5.We ...

勐腊县17692899138: 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,谢谢.1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下... 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英... -
春贩妇月:[答案] 1. Let's enjoy ourselves at the weekend. 2. My grandfather often takes a walk in the afternoon. 3. Please come to visit our new school. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

勐腊县17692899138: 麻烦帮我翻译一下这个句子吧,翻译成英语.谢谢啦!!!
春贩妇月: 这个 "朋友"在国外没这样说法.我有在网上和中国人买过东西,他叫我 friend 我感觉好别扭,我心里想 I'm not your friend. 哈哈,各国文字用法不同吧.你就这么说, Hello, because of our time difference, I may not be online when you contact ...

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我翻译这几个句子成英文.要最常用的方式请帮我翻译这几个句子.要最常用的方式 你曾经告诉我 ,只要一直倒着走,就能够回到过去. 那么到底,你去了... -
春贩妇月:[答案] You ever told me that,if I walked backwards,i was able to return to the past. Where on earth have you been

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我用英文翻译一下下面的句子. -
春贩妇月: I loved you that deeply,I gave that truely,but I didn't think that what I got after giving up my everything was the hurts you gave back one after another.Is my affection that worthless to make you spoil it easily?I think that may not only due to the thought that ...

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我用英语翻译下面一个句子
春贩妇月: Even if I know that I couldn't fly over the sea though I broke my wings,I would wide-open my eyes to see how I get hurt. Try to work hard and try to be strong.

勐腊县17692899138: 有没有人帮我翻译一下一段句子(翻译成英文) -
春贩妇月: I picked up a purse on my way home and found a business card in it.I made a call to the owner according to telphone number on the card. Then the owner gave me some money as his appreciation , but I did not take it.

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我把下面句子翻译成英文 -
春贩妇月: I dont know what your smile means,so i just take the post you like. Still silent.I dont know how to take the fake love. Come directing lines of our own.Do you figure it out? Your quiteness have taken me into the map that would be lost. Let me go into ...

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我翻译一下句子为英文
春贩妇月: 1 话费 Do not make unnecessary calls 花费 = do not spend money unnecessarily. 2 In the United States, if you are invited to a dinner, always arrive on time, don't be too early. 3 His sudden presence made me rush. 4 He is being well versed in the...

勐腊县17692899138: 请帮我用英语翻译一下句子1.大家好,我是某某,欢迎大家听我的演讲 ,我想给同学们讲一个笑话,希望同学们可以更开心一些,忘掉一切的烦恼,这个笑话的题目是... 2.我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家 -
春贩妇月: 1. Hello, everyone! My name is ***. Welcome to my speech! Now I want to tell you a joke in the hope of making you have more fun and forget about all your troubles. The title of my joke is … 2. That's all for my speech. Thank you for your lisening! 高中英语教师的翻译,满意望采纳!

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