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At present, only unearthed in the corner of South King Palace, Palace of the group of less than 1%, yet the main part of his palace. Because it is now "casual water" unearthed only 22 meters, yet to see a higher level and the threshold, it is estimated that the North Hall of the wall on the 1st of more than 50 meters in length. Have information on, the early Han Dynasty in Xi'an长乐宫building from east to west前殿Zhangting 50, and up to 200 meters while未央宫.
Based on current clues, hidden in the underground palace of South Vietnam should be a lot of blocks! And each are a group of buildings. South King Palace is based on the construction of the Western Han Chang'an, Chang'an town has未央宫,长乐宫, Mingguang Palace, Palace and other GUI palaces, and each function of the palace is not the same, is that the emperor未央宫leaders North Korea will群臣place, and it is the emperor长乐宫Empress office and bedroom. King had been unearthed in South Vietnam and India have a "Chang'an Palace" is the seal, and now I unearthed the Chang'an Palace Hall will do?

According to the Western Han Chang'an city planning, city未央宫in the southwest, southeast长乐宫in the city, and Jianzhang Palace in the west outside the city.未央宫and are built in长乐宫Longshou high plateau on the ground, use of the topography of the parents to highlight the emperor and took control of the commanding heights of the city, in favor of cities and the emperor's own security. Han emperor Liu Bang长乐宫received in the initial朝贺when civil and military群臣proudly said: "I do know that the noble king." One of the palace is now the site is the Yu Shan in ancient high ground, is located southeast of the city of赵佗side, the location and the location of the Western Han Dynasty长乐宫similar to the southeast side is the Royal Garden for royal leisure and recreational purposes. Therefore, I will be长乐宫Hall? Worth considering.

Guangzhou municipal government has planned the construction site of the Department of the South Vietnamese museums Palais des Nations, it is estimated that more than 10 billion to spend. Only to the cost of the current has reached more than 500 million yuan, not including the cost of the relocation of house demolition. Mayor Lin said: "The loss of land for construction of a few can be the loss of the value of heritage can not come with money count. Wealth left behind by our ancestors can not be defeated by the hands of our generation."

2, the Western Han Dynasty King Nanyue

Zhouzhuang Town,once called Zhenfengli,is located in Kunshan City, 30 km to the southeast of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province covering an area of 0.4 sq. km. Apart from Kunshan,it is also closely linked with Qingpu, WuJiang and Wuxian County. The above four places were called Yaocheng in ancient times and were the fief in the spring and autumn Period (770-476 B. C.). In 1086, Zhou Digong,a noted Buddhist, contributed 13 hectares of land to the Quanfu Temple (Full Fortune),which later took the name of Zhouzhuang Town as a memorial to Zhou.

Zhouzhuang is well known for its beautiful environment and simple architecture. Although more than 900 years have past,its architectural style is still well preserved. More than 60 percent of the residential houses were built during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, consisting of nearly 100 classic courtyards and 60 carved brick archways. Like a lotus on the water, the town is surrounded and bisected by rivers including Nanbeichi, Houxiang, Youcheyang and Zhongshi. There are many bridges as well, including Fu'an,Zhenfeng,Fuhong,Tongxiu, Puqing, Xianyuan, Tiyun, Bao'en, Longxing,Yong' an,Shide and Jubao,the most famous being Yong'an and Shide, known as Double Bridge, one a stone archetype and the other a stone beam type bridge. Two rivers crisscross in north-south and east-west directions here, and the square and round openings of the bridges provide a unique frame for the water scenery. Sitting on the boat, one may enjoying the scene between bridges and feels the interest of a water township, which offers a quiet and simple life. When night falls, all streets are empty. Down the narrow lanes one catches a glimpse of dim lights. Walking by the waterside, along the road or over a bridge, the peace of the calm water and clear sky, perhaps punctuated occasionally by the distant sound of laughter, creates a harmonious and sweet environment. The town has many cultural relics, including the houses of Shen and Zhang, the Milou Tower, Ye Chucang's Former Residence, Chengxu Taoist Temple and Quanfu Temple. Many ancient and modern scholars have lived in or visited the town, such as ancient Zhang Han, a literati of the Western Jin Dynasty (265-317), Liu Yuxi and Lu Guimeng, two poets of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), as well as modern Sanmao, a noted woman writer from Taiwan, and artist Chen Yifei. Chen's painting, “The Double Bridge”, is as famous as the real double bridge in the town. A well-known Chinese artist Wu Guanzhong once praised the town as a collection of beauty of China's water townships. Luo Zhewen, a notable architect, described Zhouzhuang as “a treasure of China”。 Zhouzhuang enJoys rich cultural resources, a beautiful environment and simple local customs.

Dragon Dance: Men of Zhouzhuang always play the black dragon and women play the yellow dragon during holidays. Lion dance is also very common.

Fast Boating: This started in the Qing Dynasty. At first, it was the needs of war, and then people held races for celebrating the harvest and holidays, also for weddings. Farmers participate with their own boats, clothes, props, gongs and drums. Zhouzhuang now has dozens of travel boats for tourists to do sightseeing around.

Grandmother Tea: People of Zhouzhuang are very fond of tea. They drink it in a tasteful way, using ancient tea sets, boiling water in pottery or earthen Jars, bamboo slices or branches as fuel. They first wash the tea and then, several minutes later; pour on boiled water to guarantee the color, fragrance and taste. People used to see groups of old women sitting together and drinking tea, and hence the name, grandmother tea. At present, people like to take some vegetables, melon seeds, beans and other pastries during the tea drinking. Zhouzhuang enjoys rich natural resources and local specialties. Family Feast of Shen Wansan: When the rich man Shen Wansan moved to Zhouzhuang, he invited famous chefs, selected fresh aquatic products to create a series of delicacies after seasoning and cooking, such as Wansan Pig's Upper Leg, Streamed Mandarin Fish, Pottage of Vegetables and Perch, Ginger Sauce River Snail, Bean Curd Leaf Rolls with Minced Pork, Dried Double-Flavor Bean curd, Braised Lotus Root, and Three- Flavor Meatballs. These dishes have been handed down for generations.

Wansan Pig's Upper Leg: This is Zhouzhuang's most famous delicacy. The pig's upper Leg with flavorings is cooked or steamed until well done. The soup, which turns red, is saline and sweet.

Three-Flavor Meatballs: Chicken meat, fresh prawns, pork, shallots and ginger, as well as rice wine are packed inside gluten, and then made into round balls. They are boiled in chicken soup until well done. It looks crystal-clear and very delicious.

Pottage of Vegetables and Perch: Zhouzhuang's perch has two gills, and its nice meat can be cooked in many different ways. Boiling the perch with vegetables is one of the best ways to serve. White Shellfish: White shellfish are produced in XianJiang River in April. They are washed first and boiled with some flavorings until well done. The soup, which has a milky appearance, is richly nutritious. The meat can also be stir-fried.

Wansan Cake: This has a history of hundreds of years. The Zou's family used to produce various cakes for generations. This therapy is based on fine materials and offers many different kinds, which is welcomed by local people. Every holiday, Shen Wansan's family often ordered lots of cakes to give relatives and friends, thus creating the name of Wansan Cake.

Pickled Vegetables: People collect fresh rape in late spring, then dry it in the sun. Before being completely dried out, however, they are put into an earthen Jar, then sealed and put into an airtight storage space. Several months later, the rape can be taken out and eaten directly, or used for cooking and in soup.

Zhaoqing two friends you swim commentaries, everyone! Welcome to our youth travel service of the two regiment. Swim zhaoqing Today to accompany you to visit, I am very happy together, hope everybody can spend a good time together. First, to introduce myself. I am the guide, my name is XXX, you can call me MingZai or ZhuZai. Below, I will speak about the trip, all of us are going to see what fun place to play. We are visiting zhaoqing, zhaoqing is the national famous historical and cultural city, the first China excellent tourist city. With our new QiXingYan, composed of dinghu mountain scenic area is the key scenic country, is the first one of the top tourist too. Our first stop going first today is QiXingYan, QiXingYan lake area of 5.3 hectares, and seven straight YanFeng, like heaven dipper. The lake in the mountains, and there is a river, the hole hole, known as the "first wonders" lingnan. "The laudatory name" lingnan first wonders in zhaoqing QiXingYan zhumadian city. Seven difform sheer stands on the lake and its limestone shapes layout in heaven, "the big dipper QiXingYan". Lang named respectively the rock, jade screen rock, rock, rock, tianzhufeng islamists blew, toad, rock slope immortal palms. QiXingYan by five lake, six and seven, eight hole. The big dipper as listed along YanFeng seven inlaid in 6 square kilometers, the rippling on the lake, constitute the landscape; along ffice: The view of a fairy, millennium temple (m); the hole The west BoHai from zhaohui, South Asian music first night, memorial fountain, A north, yongquan cave), east (dual-source 500 arhats monasteries (island, In green jade, jade screen left fang, water YueYan cloud, hide, millennium poem islamists blew corridor, the stars, immortal palms tianzhufeng wind and scenic spots, let people linger. QiXingYan to set "guilin mountain, hangzhou famous at home and abroad and the water". Located in the city center, QiXingYan northridge back mountain. For seven peaks, so as BeiDouXing listed along its name. The origin of the QiXingYan many legends, has said QiXingYan seven mountain is NvWaBuTian when LingShi carefully, There is only human, fairy envy in heaven and earth not to love zhaoqing, etc. QiXingYan opened up, since early tang dynasties, have development. After the founding of new China, through the mountain, Daniel, repair, landscaping, construction sites XinJing add tourist facilities, make more attractive charm QiXingYan. In 1982 as approved by the state council of the first national key scenic spot. QiXingYan scenic Lang by wind, jade screen, the islamists blew, tianzhufeng, toad, immortal palms, such as slope QingLian, grotesque seven lake donghu lake, the lake, the center BoHai five great lakes, NaHu. The mountain scenic area, water, YanYing wave pavilion castles, medias, natural scenery, to have "lingnan first", "world wonders XianJing" and "natural landscape miniascape". Thousands of years to know how many famous scholars, dumping left countless verse. "For west lake water, remove the seven more DiBian; toyangshuo on filar silk, picture, fresh between heaven and earth. Ye jianying chairman verses QiXingYan generalizes the height of poetic scenery. QiXingYan various scenic spots, including big landscape has LanSheng arch dam, Lang pinghu, deep green jade, jade screen from the wind and snow mountains, stone forest, water YueYan hongqiao 崧台 cloud, the sky, the islamists blew hid, millennium, XiaYing jade gallery poetry, the stars, the lotus lake tianzhufeng rafting, slope, GuiXuan stay drunk, yongquan peak green, float glass, open days caves, immortal palms wind in the pines spirit, BoHai from zhaohui etc. Then go song city walls, MeiAn, white LongMu temple, finally to immortality. Then we in zhaoqing city international hotel tonight. After dinner, we have to show tonight at Asian housing square, zhaoqing first music fountain, and laser music show - zhaoqing songcheng culture in zhaoqing arch square building simulation ", "songcheng will SongWenHua millennium, concentrated in zhaoqing about 4500 square meters, a" songcheng "inside, tourists can visit free for three months. Music is the cost of laser fountain 428 yuan music fountain, fountain, points for fan shape two pools, 88 meters long, WaiHu pool inside the arc length, width, 78 15 meters. The pool of south (are) and decorate, its sides under 3 meters wide pool, pool of water on the 1,600 tons per hour of flow, forming plunge. ChiNa (are) fountain for 4 million square meters of housing square, north (after) is our new lake lake, the broad background is famous QiXingYan (mountains).



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茌贴地衣: Zhouzhuang Town,once called Zhenfengli,is located in Kunshan City, 30 km to the southeast of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province covering an area of 0.4 sq. km. Apart from Kunsha...

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