
作者&投稿:永肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ If the insurance panies and financial institutions stop declining
the next step is to resume the bank credit. If the credit is adnormal
just the same as blocking the blood circulation of human bodies
activities will be hindered. If the banking facilities bee normal
it will rebuild the economic foundation.
参考: myself
If financial and so on Insurance pany do not have an accident
next step must solve
is replies the credit activity
the bank credit does not reply normally
and so on like the human body blood movement is not unimpeded
is simply impossible to restore the power
only then the credit is normal
only then has the reconstruction economy foundation.
参考: By:Myself
"If the insurance panies
financial institutions are not wrong
the next step to be solved
that is
back to the activities of credit
bank credit is not back to normal
and so on the human body
such as blood does not run *** ooth
it is simply impossible to restore power
only the normal credit can rebuild the economy Basis. "
参考: It must correct!!
" If financial and so on Insurance pany do not have an accident
next step must solve
is replies the credit activity
the bank credit does not reply normally
and so on like the human body blood movement is not unimpeded
is simply impossible to restore the power
only then the credit is normal
only then has the reconstruction economy foundation. "
参考: 我
"如果保险公司等金融机构不出事,下一步要解决的,就是回复信贷活动,银行信贷不回复正常,等如人体血液运行不畅通,根本不可能恢复动力,只有信贷正常,才有重建经济的基础。" Suppose financial institutions such as insurance panies are not in trouble
our next step is then to resume the loan activities. Without bank loan in normal operation
it is just like the condition of our body in which human fluid fails to flow *** oothly and our body can hardly regain power. It is only by resuming normal operation of loan activities that we can rebuild the foundation of economy. 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 peace

6.我小姨住在北京,她从未到过长沙,今天她打电话给妈妈,说明天会来看我们,还会给我带来礼物.听到这个好消息我很高兴,我迫不及待地想要见到她.My young aunt lives in Beijing.She has never been to Changsha.Today,she made a call to my motherand said tomorrow she would come to visit us...

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1、He was very satisfied with the sevice provided by Hilton Hote.2、He printed the foreign company's logo at his own expense.3、We all believe that the marketing representative meeting will begin on schedule.4、Haven't you awared the importance to entertain foreign guests?5、You ...

面上失望的眼神而不能不感到关注。12. As long as I live,there will never be another Valentine’s Day which will be any more special to me.在我有生之年,将不会有一个对我更有特别意义的情人节了。很高兴能够帮到你,希望会满意,谢谢。答案由【英语精英团】与【英语牛人圑】提供 ...

All fucking bitches borned.

1.这是我过去住的村庄 This is the village that I used to live in.2.正在唱歌的女孩是我的同学 The girl who is singing is my classmate.3.这是我最喜欢的杂志 This is my favorite magezine.4.应当做的一切事情都已经做了 All that should be done is done....

The birds are beneficial to universe, they except by the clear singing voice, the gorgeous feather, the lithe physique, the wonderful soaring embellished the nature beautiful scene, they also to maintain the ecological equilibrium to have the count for much influence, because of bird ...

1.由于疾病,他不得不辍学。He had to discontinue schooling due to his illness.2 我把她疲惫的脸色看作我该离开的暗示。I considered her tired face as a suggestion(暗示) that I should leave.3 我们着急要听到有关最新发展情况的信息。We are anxious to hear the latest news about the...

中译英 句子
6.我们对他从重病中恢复得那么快感到非常惊讶。(amaze at)We are amazed at how fast he recovered from the serious disease.7.我们决定把运动会推迟到下个星期,那时候我们就不会那么忙了。(put off)We have decided to put off the sports meeting till the next week, so we won't be...

含山县19247645788: 翻译句子(由中到英) -
查左营心: 1.Maryrecoveredherhealthafterstayinginthehospitalforalongtime.2.LiMinghasgetalongwithhisneighbourverywellsincehemovedinhere.3.Duringthewartimes,isufferedalotofsetdowns.iuseddiarytorecordofthethingsiexperienced.4.hehastroublewithlearningEnglish.5.hewascaughtcheatingintheexam.

含山县19247645788: 翻译句子 中到英
查左营心: 1 What they said represented the club 2 He approached to his house carefully. 3 He said he would never do such things,for it woul lose his face 4 This house needs reparing (用major不合适) 5 The old man turned his back to his daughter when he found he was cheated by her 3 would,少打个d

含山县19247645788: 帮我翻译一下几个句子,中到英
查左营心: I have been day-dreaming.. Everthing I have done,just for myself....

含山县19247645788: 翻译句子 中变英
查左营心: 限数描大新,年色类物用,英语形容词先后顺序.限定词比如你的我的,数量,描绘词,大小,新旧,年代,颜色,类别,物抱歉忘了,用途.大致是按照这排序的.He sit in his convenient brown sheepskin armchair

含山县19247645788: 请帮忙翻译一下以下句子中文翻成英文哦(一定要用提示词连接),拜托
查左营心: 1The measures resulted in the improvement of the product quality. 2.Some young guys who just graduated from college take charge of the management of the modern hotel. ...

含山县19247645788: 麻烦翻译下列句子(中翻英) -
查左营心: 1. how long will be The tourists in the village? 2. According to schedule the plane will arrive 10 o 'clock 3. These days we work on the farm 4. He was very kind, always considerate of others

含山县19247645788: 英语翻译请将以下的中文句子按括号中提供的英文短语或单词翻译成英文:1、 明天就到截止日期了,我们要抓紧时间啊!(race the clock)2、 网上购物对这... -
查左营心:[答案] 1 Tomorrow is the deadline, let's race the clock.2 It is a piece of cake for this 5-year-old child to shop online.3 I am planning to change my job, but I have to bide my time.4 His taste is in harmony...

含山县19247645788: 英语翻译句子 中到英 -
查左营心: 1 login to your mailbox2 click "write"3 input each other's E-mail address and email subject4 click on "send"

含山县19247645788: 找人翻译一下下面几句句子,中翻英
查左营心: In terms of population, China is the largest country in the world. In terms of area, is the third largest country, next only to Russia and Canada. 2, as is known to all, China has abundant natural resources, which makes the Chinese have good ...

含山县19247645788: 帮我翻译四个句子(中到英)
查左营心: 1)强壮的身体是学习和工作的前提 Strong healthy is the premise for studying and working 2)只有身体好才能做贡献 You can make contribution only with good health 3)要想身体好,就应多锻炼 If you want be healthy,you should take more excersizes. 4)还要注意休息和饮食 And also pay attention to rest and diet

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