
作者&投稿:益竿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



例句:Do you get on with your parents?
例句:Quieten down and get on with your work.
例句:I can't put up with you any longer.

例句:His sturdy mother quickly stepped forward to take hold of his hand.

短语汉译英 越快越好
1、一个11岁的男孩 A 11-year-old boy 2、互相认识 To know each other 3、穿上泳衣 Put on a swimsuit 4、用我们的双手劳动 Working with our hands 5、在午餐时间 At lunch time 6、乘公共汽车回家 Bus to go home 7、去跑步半小时 To run a half hours 8、修理电脑 Computer repair 9...

汉译英 英语短语
to treat sb. you as my friend.2.向某人表示感谢 to thank sb.\/to make a grateful acknowledgement for sb.\/to appreciate sb.3.减少孤独 to reduce\/get rid of\/lessen\/ loneliness 4.给予人们许多 to give so much to people\/to offer people so much ...

1.1)与...(友好)相处 例句:Do you get on with your parents?你和父母合得来吗?2)继续做 例句:Quieten down and get on with your work.静下心来继续工作吧。2.忍受,容忍 例句:I can't put up with you any longer.我不能再忍耐了。3.握住,拿住\/掌握 例句:His sturdy mother...

put away 和 throw away
1.扔掉,浪费,错过 2.赠送,颁发,泄露,告发,失去,抛弃 3.收起来,储存,放弃 4.拿走,带走,使激动 5.延期 6.拿走,脱下,起飞

(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored.)3.上下相连,从不孤立。记忆英语要结合上下文,不要孤立的记单词和短语,要把握句中的用法。(Connect up to down, don't make it alone. According to the passage,...

汉译英 短语
去用 11.pian to do sth 计划做某事 12.leave school 毕业 13.not only..(but)also..不仅……而且 14 both..and..两者都 15.either..or 两者择一 16.neither..nor 既不……也不……17.run out of 用完 18.take after效仿,长得像 19.be similan to 与……相似 20.give ...

1 去伦敦度假 have holiday in London 2 骑自行车上学 go to school by bike 3 卧病在床 sick in bed 4 稍微早点 a little earlier 5 面带微笑 have a simle 6 去游泳 go swimming 7 上学迟到 be late for school 8 一幅中国地图 a map of China 9 今天这时候 at the time of today ...

.大眼睛的男孩 the boy with big eyes 穿白色连衣裙的女孩 the girl wearing white dress 3.一些年轻的女服务员 some young waitresses 4.在7:05 at seven five 5.所有的学生 all the students 6.在五月三日 on May 3rd ...

invited person,性别 gender,出生日期 date of birth,日历 calendar,职务 occupation,身份 status,单位 unit,国籍 nationality,护照号码 Passport number,主要社会任职 Main social occupation,领取签证地点(国家)visa collection point(country),领取签证地点(城市)visa collection point (city),...

英汉互译 重点短语盘点
get along with ...fall asleep on the way to home remain in bed 以。。。结束 形成 在。。。的年纪 与。。。进行了一场谈话 有一个好心情 把握机会 独自 带回来 送上。。。最好的祝福 为午餐摆桌子 在。。。创造了和平 在某人13-19岁的时间里 还有什么 接受。。。的建议 仔细考虑 住...

鸡泽县15010025544: 10个英语短语翻译 -
啜点抗宫: 1.问题学生 question student 2.想去上学 go to school 3.一点牛奶 a little milk 4.乐于帮你 pleasant to help you 5.坐这个座位 take this seat 6.为我做饭 cook for me 7.手牵着手 hand in hand 8.想快乐 enjoy oneself 9.回家如何 how about going home 10.她又如何 how about her

鸡泽县15010025544: 翻译英语短语
啜点抗宫: ①in space ②add ..to ..③open up ④have dream to do ..⑤expect to do ..⑥under the help of ...

鸡泽县15010025544: 翻译短语 英译汉 汉译英 还有同义短语 回顾(两种) 同某人交换 打算让某人做某事 被用来做翻译短语英译汉 汉译英 还有同义短语回顾(两种)同某人交换打... -
啜点抗宫:[答案] 回顾(两种)Review (two) ;同某人交换Exchange with sb.; 打算让某人做某事Intend sb to do sth.; 被用来做Be used to do;It is up to you 取决于你;处理deal with ;额外上法语课 Extra lessons in French;多有趣啊How interesting it is!That ...

鸡泽县15010025544: 英语和汉语的短语双翻译 -
啜点抗宫: 1.be fit for... very much2.consider doing sth3.go on vacation4.世界上顶尖设计师的名字

鸡泽县15010025544: 翻译短语 英译中1.accepts you as you are2.believes in “you”3.calls you just to say “hi”4.doesn't give up on you5.envisions the whole of you6.forgive your ... -
啜点抗宫:[答案] 1.accepts you as you are 接受自己本身 2.believes in “you” 相信自己 3.calls you just to say “hi” 给你打电话仅仅是为了问... 25.yells when you won't listen 当你没听见时要叫喊. 26.zaps you back to reality 摧毁自己回到现实 自己一个个翻译的,可能...

鸡泽县15010025544: 英汉短语翻译 -
啜点抗宫: 1.一个有趣的报告2.欧洲的影响力.3.奥运会5.信用卡6.Go swimming 7.Ice-skating marathon 8.Raises pet 1.studying 2.any3.reading4.wears5.personal

鸡泽县15010025544: 短语翻译(汉翻英) -
啜点抗宫: Everybody is good, he is friend of mine Kate Brown, is new schoolmate, his this year 13 years old, he likes China from England , he is the Grade One Class Two student!

鸡泽县15010025544: 翻译词组 英译汉
啜点抗宫: 1.turn round:转身;旋转;转向;归航 2.look at:看...;着眼于... 3.pay attention to:注意...;重视... 4.get up:起床 5.stay in bed:卧床;呆在床上 6.have breakfast:吃早餐 7.think about:考虑 8.make a big decision:做重...

鸡泽县15010025544: 汉译英翻译短语
啜点抗宫: 1,a relaxing vacation/holiday 2.a famous movie star 3.go to sightseeing 4.go to walk 5.have a long vacation have是万能单词

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