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缺乏运动和更多的电视节目:上海老年人闲暇时间体力activitytrends,1998–务:中老年人的身体活动趋势监测是在发展中国家有限公司。本研究10年的闲暇时间体力活动的趋势,上海最大的老年居民,与国家的老年人比例最高的中国城市。方法:本研究采用面板数据,从老年人的生活,认为上海纵向调查(1998,2003,2005和2008)。闲暇时间体力活动的问题包括(我)16大休闲时间的习惯性活动和(ii)在过去的6个月定期锻炼。结果:1998相比,上海长老,从事的闲暇时间体力活动习惯于随时间增加不相关的趋势,成为统计上显fi可以在2005和2008(例如,或在2003,2005 2008是1.04 [ 0.91,1.19 ]看电视,1.17 [ 1,1.38 ]和1.78 [ 1.51,2.09 ],分别)。同时,从事规律运动的下降趋势明显fi金属比较各观察1998年(或2003,2005和2008是0.70 [ 0.61,0.80 ],0.36 [ 0.30,0.42 ]和0.28 [ 0.24,0.33 ],分别)。讨论:越来越久坐的生活方式已经发展了近十年来上海。这个集锦的公共卫生机构开发有效的积极的生活方式干预和身体活动推广计划,需要当地长老。


1 Tracking a freight by agreement, store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project.

2 Calculate logistics cost

3 Defend with fine customer cooperation relation , ensure service quality. Benefit of simultaneous guarantee company

4 Profit analyses renewal to the project every month , the storehouse , the fleet work together with the project manager , company finance company, ensures the accurate error free of company's financial affairs data closely.

5 Will may present on the problem appearing to managing a tier , ensuring a problem to paid close attention to and solved in the job in time




A year thing flows the operation experience, is skilled in the marine transportation, the road, the railroad goods traffic flow The success achieves the goal. Is good at linking up with the person, mentality clear, the processing question prompt is fast, maintains the extremely good cooperation relations with the customer, the fine familiar various links flow the actual operation experience which flows with the thing Familiar third party class, adaption highly effective, quick working conditions Myself steadfast am willing to do, lead the perception to be strong, earnestly is responsible to the work, to have the good interpersonal relationship and the team cooperation spirit.

Tracking a freight by agreement, store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project.

Calculate logistics cost

Defend with fine customer cooperation relation , ensure service quality. Benefit of simultaneous guarantee company

Profit analyses renewal to the project every month , the storehouse , the fleet work together with the project manager , company finance company, closely, ensure that the company's financial affairs data is accurate correctly.

Will may present on the problem appearing to managing a tier , ensuring a problem to paid close attention to and solved in the job in time

1.trace the whole process of commodity delivery,storage and distribution in accordance with the project agreement.
2.logistic cost culculation.
Maintain good relationship with customers and ensure quality of service while assure profits of the company.
Update monthly profits analysis of the project,work closely with the project manager,the warehouse and the delivery team to ensure absolute accuracy of the financial data.
Present immediately potential operational problems to higher management to ensure attention and settlement of the problems.

the end.

1. 根据项目协议,跟踪货物运输,储存和配送全过程.
Pursuant to the items of Agreement, real-time track and trace transportation, storage and distribution of goods
Calculate Logistics cost.
Maintain good cooperation relationship with clients; guarantee the quality of service and company benefits.
Analyze and update monthly profit, cooperate closely with project manager, financial, warehousing and the transport team to ensure the financial data unerring.

Report all the potential problems in daily work to the administration timely to make sure all the issues got concentration and solved.


1.According to item agreement, follow goods conveyance, storage with go together with to send whole processeses.
2.Compute logistics cost
3.Support a good cooperative relation with the customer, insure service quality.Promise the benefits of the company in the meantime
4.To item the monthly profits analyze renewal, close and item manager, the company finance, the company warehouse, the car brigade cooperate, insuring the finance data of the company accurate without any error.
5.present the problem that may appear in the work to the management layer up in time, insure a problem to get a concern and resolve

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Our scanner doesn't work,so we have to sent the files by fax last night,did you get it ?2、由于我们的疏忽,上次文件中的部分内容有错误。附件是更新过的文件,修改过的部分用蓝颜色标记出来了,请您针对新的内容进行确认。非常感谢!同时为由此给您带来的不便表示歉意 The files we present...

1. 课文难句理解;comprehension of the difficult sentences in the text.2.翻译全文; translation of the whole text 3.请柬的写作; writing practice of invitation letters 4.对话模仿。 dialogue imatation 教学方法(Teaching methods):课文以启发式提问导入,采用讲授法。通过教师分析、讲解、...

1 Tracking a freight by agreement, store up and distribution the entire proceeding according to the project.2 Calculate logistics cost 3 Defend with fine customer cooperation relation , ensure service quality. Benefit of simultaneous guarantee company 4 Profit analyses renewal to the project...

confirmed with the manufacturer that the ETD will be in the middle of March.We will be sure of the specific delivery time before next Friday.As soon as it is defined we will reply to you. Thanks.若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O ...

请英语高手帮忙翻译 汉译英
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请英语高手帮忙翻译三句话。(英译汉) 1) In the United States, it...

order, so we can not supply you the products you need. But we hope sincerely that you could place your first order to us after Chinese New Year. Of cause, we will launch our cooperation with best price and quality.(We will not get back to work until March 5th,2007)...

I was not in a good mood today. I have been highly blaming myself all along and I wish you could accept my apology.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。话说上次你就选了个错的回答,你能分辨机器翻译么。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢。

days ago.She said she had a month to have fun.Do you have time to visit China and see me along?haha!At the time she can be your free guide!Now it is ver hot in China.I have a bad piece of news to tell you.That is my English has not been greatly improved....

江西省13522402510: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,汉译英,谢谢. -
刁仲盐酸: 1.Put the hand which is used to hold the gun on the camera, use first one hand and then the other in quick succession,record the precious moment. 2.Maybe I am just a drop of water in the long river of history,but I will be clinging like the drop of water ...

江西省13522402510: 汉译英 请高手准确翻译 -
刁仲盐酸: Do you want to do it, anything, but do not do the things you will expelled from school, not to kill themselves or others will do something, so for less than the school to expel you 决对正确

江西省13522402510: 请汉译英高手帮我译下.谢谢 -
刁仲盐酸: Room 201, the fifth stairs entrance,Building 12,Chun man yuan(Chunman Gard...

江西省13522402510: 请高手帮我翻译一封信,(汉译英) -
刁仲盐酸: Am glad that you will be so concerned about me, should I concern you did, you are concerned about my mother, I help my mother Thank you, why you will understand I left Sanya, it seems there are many people to you that my lot, I have said and I will ...

江西省13522402510: 汉译英,请高手帮帮忙
刁仲盐酸: 1.没关系 It doesn't matter. 2.和....... 作比较compared with.../compare A to B. 3.和某人分享某物 share sth with sb.

江西省13522402510: 请英语高手帮忙汉译英一下
刁仲盐酸: Today after work, I met a few friends,and we go to eat dinner together , i haven't so happy for a long time

江西省13522402510: 汉译英,请高手帮忙
刁仲盐酸: Sometime ,I feel that i could not give you anything ,only a litter happy ,but not enought. 这可是纯人工翻译的,不借助电脑的!

江西省13522402510: 请高手帮忙弄几个汉译英
刁仲盐酸: 1.孩子们应该被给予这样的自由,即干他们喜欢干的事情. 2.有些人认为寄宿学校应被废除. 3.你的建议非常有趣. 4.我曾是个信心十足的青少年. 5.你对教育的态度是非常出人意料的. 1.The children should be given the right that they can do ...

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