请英语高手帮忙翻译三句话。(英译汉) 1) In the United States, it is not customary to telephone some

作者&投稿:长孙祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译 In the United States, it is not usual to telephone someone very early in the morning. I~


比如美国是水果都是拿刀切了用叉子叉这吃的, 法国人也是一样,美国基本上除了面包用手基本都不会用到手。。是举止的问题,虽然举止不是每个人都遵守

in peru, you are not supposed to talk at the table
in china you are not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice
in korea,the youngest person is supposed to start eating at first
in brazil you shoud to wipe your mouth withyour napkin every time you take a drink







3)所以我毫无保留地推荐他,如果您认可他并予以经济支持,将对他被录用有很大帮助,我不胜感激。 如果您需要更多有关信息来了解这位有为青年,尽管联系我。

英语高手进来翻译三句中文,不要用软件翻译 谢谢!
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英语翻译题 初3的 狠简单 高手帮忙~
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Hi,everyone! My name is XXX. I'm five years old and come from the middle class two of Little Sun Kindergarten. Today I'm going to sing a song for you, the name is XXX. hope you like it. Thank you!晚上好不用 good evening,太成人化了,就用hi!,活泼自然,符合小孩子的...

1. put a cherry on the top 2. add the finishing touch

2.My family has houses in both Shenzhen and Huaihua,my father also has a factory in Shenzhen.3.I need to take care of them in China.4.I plan to find a job in CHINA ACADEMY OF BUILDING RESEARCH first when I return home.When I get much experienced and have some fund ...

the brain by local radiotherapy irradiation after tumor in pushing drugs, reduce to improve local recurrence and intracranial newborn tumors, improve the patient's symptoms and signs, improve KPS rating, lengthened surial in whole brain better exposure. The results showed that inning to ...

1. 在城市找工作要比乡村更容易.It’s much easier to find a job in city than that in country.2. 有许多有趣的事情可做,有许多好玩的地方可以参观.There are many funny things to do as well as many amused places to visit.3. 如果你想放松,你可以去餐馆吃饭,可以参观博物馆,去电影院...

Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded?你曾经被形容为顽固或务求? By whom?是谁?Do you ever freeze in social situations?你以往任何时候都冻结在社会状况?Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much?你有没有与别人谁交谈太多了? How did you handle it?你...

求英语翻译 高手来啊 3个题目翻译英文
翻译是“Because genes work in development,and one day doctors can use healthy genes to replace damaged genes back,never ever no one will be dying of cancer.”因为很难预测这种新药会对病人产生何种影响,也许从一开始我们就不应该吧这种药给他 翻译“Because it is difficult to predict wha...

英语高手帮忙 汉译英
your son have never to mentioned me but not has concerned us having already known that this is my honouring in fact now I am abrupt disturbing you is what in fact feel embarrassed to ask you to give my message to your son well? I have very many words to have spoken to yo...

13554074793: 英语高手进来谢谢请翻译下面三句话1很高兴和你成为朋友2有千言万语,但是有些话不知道怎么样表达.3希望以后你能在英语方面多多指教我、 -
播浩同铭:[答案] I'm so glad to be your friend. There are too many things that I want to share with you,some of which,however,I don't know how to express. I hope you to help me improve my English in future.

13554074793: 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话!1.When the story began ,it was early in the morning when a new day had just started2.The Yukon trail was a path leading to the ... -
播浩同铭:[答案] 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度 英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

13554074793: 英语高手进!帮忙翻译三句话! -
播浩同铭: 1.Coffee taste 2.My state of mind 3.Have separated with each other , broken-hearted, this paragraph of have been over, but at heart defective love scar does not heal as before.

13554074793: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子
播浩同铭: 这食物太凉了,我受不了,请你用微波炉帮我热一下好吗? The food is too cool and I... 你从小在爱尔兰长大为什么听不懂英语呢? You grew up in ireland but you can't ...

13554074793: 请英语高手帮我英译汉几句话! -
播浩同铭: 1 故事发生在清晨 2 Yukon trail 是一条通向Chilcoot Pass的小路 3 我们从这篇文章中了解到故事中的男人对待任何事都有着实事求是的态度英译汉首先要翻译出句子表达的意思,其次不需要逐字翻译,尽量用简明扼要的话

13554074793: 请各位英语高手们帮忙翻译一下这几句话!(中译英) -
播浩同铭: do our promises can really go the entire life? i think it can't so we can say "i love you" now but please do not say"i love you for ever" can you really do that? that's too difficult young of us, can promises go for ever?字典上给出的一个关于海誓山盟的翻译是a solemn pledge of love译为一个对爱情隆重的承诺.但是一般来说海誓山盟直接用promise(誓言)就可以了

13554074793: 请英语高手翻译几句话 -
播浩同铭: 遇上一个人,只要几分钟时间;It takes several minutes to meet a person,喜欢一个人,只要一句话时间;It needs only a word's time to love a person. 爱上一个人只要几秒的时间; 忘记一个人却要一生时间.It takes only a few seconds to love a person, while to forget him/her you have to spend your whole life.

13554074793: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
播浩同铭:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

13554074793: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几个句子! -
播浩同铭: 1.Tell your problems to your teachers and classmates and ask them for their help.2.You should be confident in yourself(believe yourself).3.Don't always think about the results of the exam.You should think more about what progress you have made.4....

13554074793: 请英语高手翻译句子 -
播浩同铭: 1:得马上请医生来.1.We must go for a doctor at once. 2:他们因工作出色而受到表扬2.They were praised for their good work. 3:没有人在昨天的事故中受伤3.Nobody wounded in the accident yesterday. 4:不能把这些书带出图书馆.4.Don't take these books out of the library. 5:以前从未听说过她.5.I have never heard her before.

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