
作者&投稿:承肾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
把这些翻译成英语 ,人工翻译 谢谢 就50分 全给了~

The so-called practice is to study and practice in the society for students in college. It's essential for all of the college students to vertify the theories that they have learnt at the university and to strengthen their knowledge. All of the theories need to be tested by social practice. Although college is regarded as an epitom of university. But most of the shcool learnt theoies are not practical in the real society, and there would be many other things you would not have been able to learn in the college. As a student majors in trade, knowing only the basic knowledges while lacking all of the sales experience, I am determined to choose the challenged job of trade. So I would try continious efforts, pay more sweat and study to the seniors in a modest way to improve my abilities in all aspects to adapt myself to the field and the society.

First of all, I want to know
The first package tracking number for the EE369932349CN day you receive the package, I would like to know how many days spent arrive.
RB36895425CN second package tracking number for the day you receive the parcel's
Package before long you generally need to receive it?
In addition to faster EMS express delivery had no other
Questions added: Sorry, I can not understand what you mean. You said before the September 15 payment, and now you say October 15 payment. How is it?

I'm sorry. This price is 45 glasses, last price is our fault. Now I will give you the price of 35 yuan and give you 14 discount.
Is the last day you receive the package, I was issued September 13 shipment. Shipping method is EMS. Compared with the previous, this EMS is not it faster than normal.
Also, thank you introduce friends.

I'm sorry. This is the price of the glasses, 45, price is our fault. Now, I will take the price of $35 for you and give you discount of 14.
The package is your last day, I received was sent on September 13. Delivery is EMS. Compared with before, this is the fast than ordinary EMS.
In addition, thank you very much for your introduction of friends

1楼的显然是用Google 翻译 鄙视

Sincerly sorry for giving you the wrong price last time.The right one for the glasses is ¥45,and we'd like to charge you for only ¥35.
We sent your last parcle on Sep.13 by EMS,and I an eager to know when did you received it if it is convenient of you.Would you please tell me whether it is faster than a normal one?
Meanwhile and specially thanks for introducing your friends to us.Hope you like our service and products.

I am really sorry.The price of the glasses is 45 dollars, and last time is our fault.Now we will make the offer at 35 dollars and also give you 14 dollars off.

When did you get the package last time? We made the shipment on 9-13th, by EMS. compared to former delivery, is EMS faster?

further more, thanks very much for introducing us to your friends.


我们成年累月生活在在学校里。想象一下,什么样的学校是你梦想中的学校?它会是什么样子?在这样的学校里你会在做什么?我们想要知道世界各地的青少年是如何思考这个问题的。以下是他们所说的:来自美国的里查德: 我梦想的学校会有一个大的游泳池和两个足球场。它也会有一家电影院、 一个健身房和一...



高分紧急英语主持词翻译 要人工翻译,不要机器!
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我恐怕这个洞有点大,填不满,我必须把牙拔下来“”好的“james 说”只要能让它不再疼了“牙医给james注射了药剂并很快拔下来 牙医打算把牙扔进垃圾桶 不要扔了它 james说 让我留着它 为什么你要留着这颗旧牙 牙医问 我要把它带回家 把它放在一碗热糖里看着它受痛苦 james回答 ...

Friendship is a small umbrella in the rainy season, 友谊是雨季的小伞,It props up a stretch of clear sky. 撑起一片晴朗的天空。Friendship is a gust of temperate wind, 友谊是一阵温馨的风,It can stoke the wet heart warm 抚暖那潮湿的心灵。Friendship is lamp on a cold night,...

我们正要找你们呢,正好你们都在。I‘m about to looking for you, you're all right here.明天下午没课,咱们一起去逛街吧。There will be no class tomorrow afternoon, let's go shopping together, shall we?好的,这是好主意,OK, it's a good idea 不过,还是让我们先看一下天气预告...

手工翻译如下,另外你的中文写得不是很好。希望对你有帮助。Some people like to live in the city. That is because the humanity and environment come to be mature. The flat road, well-developed public transportation and kinds of education sites could provide people to visit and appreciate...

林肯电气公司总部设在美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市。The Lincoln Electric Company is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, United States.在20世纪80年代,该公司快速扩张,花了3.25亿美元用于收购外国公司。In 1980s, the rapid expansion of the company, spent $325 million for the acquisition of Foreign ...

永康市19273711844: 小学六年级英语翻译~~我不需要机器的翻译我只需要人工的翻译~~如果可以我保证加50分~~~ -
尧炎复肝: 1.How do you go to school? I usually go to school on foot.2.Sometimes I go to Riverside Park by train.3.Dose your home near school? Yes,it dose.4.Usually I go home by bus, because it's fast.5.Come my home by bike tomorrow.

永康市19273711844: 高分!要人工翻译~翻译好的追加50分!谢谢 -
尧炎复肝: Implant • An implant is a kind of medical device made to replace and act as a missing biological structure (as compared with a transplant, which indicates transplanted biomedical tissue). The surface of implants that contact the body might be ...

永康市19273711844: 请大家翻译下这封英文信!人工翻译,不要在线翻译,翻译的好的,意思非常贴切的再+50分 -
尧炎复肝: 以下是我人工翻译的,帮你把大意翻出来了.The secret我不太了解,不知道准确中文,先翻成秘密情事.望采纳.祝你学习进步!感谢您给The secret(秘密情事)的来信. 我们昨天收到了许多电子来信,虽然我们不能一一回信,但我们会竭...

永康市19273711844: 要人工翻译啊,中文翻译成英文?我给20分 -
尧炎复肝: Please enjoy the world city The world will be complex, international one-stop center of life Traffic improvement, the world enjoy up to the moment A person wins mountain lake, city of world-class landscape strategy World class private luxury flat ...

永康市19273711844: 中文翻译英语 只要人工翻译 -
尧炎复肝: we're so sorry that we didn't sent out the package,because T-shirt what you want are out of stock. Please select another 2 T-shirt again,we will deliver them by EMS, you will receive them about 5-7 days. If you are not pleased, we can refund.我的百度有啊度http://youa.baidu.com/shop/70ccc9fa360e0939378b79b7

永康市19273711844: 中文翻译成英语 要人工翻译的 -
尧炎复肝: 纯人工翻译:Sorry to contact you so late ! Did you get the parcels already ? Did you need these clothes ? and pls help to pay the last payment for goods ! Sorry, we only have boys T-shirts available.what product do you need this time ? pls send the ...

永康市19273711844: 翻译句子,中译英,要人工翻译的,只要翻译了,都给分,快快快......
尧炎复肝: 1.看!他正像一只小鸟一样快乐的跳跃着. Look, He jump like a happy bird. 2.现在交通很拥挤,人们开车像一只蚂蚁一样缓慢. The traffic is crowded now. people drive slowly like ants. 3.当下雨天的时候(三种),你常常干什么? What do you...

永康市19273711844: 中文翻译英文 急用,需要人工翻译!谢谢!
尧炎复肝: Hello! I have received your sample.And I am aranging the manufacturing for you. The product will be mailed to you in four days . Please send your address of express delivery and your account number to me,for the convenience that I can send the ...

永康市19273711844: 50分悬赏,谁能帮我翻译一下把下面的合同条款翻译为英文,要求人工翻译,多谢! -
尧炎复肝: This agreement shall be the principles that both parties should abide by for the products. Should any party have any amendment opinion, the other party should be informed. With mutual agreement, a written way should be adopted for supplement or...

永康市19273711844: 外语系的朋友们,帮帮忙,不要用工具翻译:(得人工翻译,谢谢悬赏50分) -
尧炎复肝: Aimed at the present situation of enterprise office information insufficient flow efficiency is quite low operating specification and a series of problems by means of information technology and a new generation of norms and to solve a series of ...

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