高分紧急英语主持词翻译 要人工翻译,不要机器!

作者&投稿:素玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
高分!英语翻译 不要机器 要人工!~

人们乘坐Bel Air飞机旅行,因为他们知道他们将得到他们想要的。
他们想迅速、安全地穿越大陆,穿越海洋,穿越世界各地,他们知道Bel Air飞机将他们带到他们想去的地方去。Bel Air 飞机比其他任何航空公司最新,最快的飞机还要多的飞行于城镇和城市之间。
无论任何时候,白天,夜晚,亦或是工作日,你想要到巴黎,华盛顿,东京,Bel Air 飞机将带你到达那里。Bel Air 不仅在最大的城市间飞行,而且每周2或3次的于亚洲,非洲和南美洲最中心的城镇和城市间飞行。
人们搭乘Bel Air,因为他们知道他们将会准时到达亦或离开。他们知道,他们将得到最好的食物和观赏的最佳电影。

LZ 偶逐句译得此篇
这是篇类似于广告的说明文,向人们介绍了Bel Air飞机的大致情况。
根据汉语表述习惯,部分语句顺序稍做调整,相信能够明白吧 O(∩_∩)O~


I am announcing now.
The first is
When you get the award , please tell us your award-winning speech
The first group is fourth-grade group , the first-prize winner is , grand-Prize winner is .
The image of Ambassador
Let's welcome the ...made a concluding statement for us
I hope you will stand on the next presentation-ceremony table and show your mien to us
next , I announce ,the presentation ceremony is over now.

1 now listen up
2 the first thing is
3 Please tell us what's your feeling ,when you get the prize
4 the group 1 is the grade 4, the first prize is award to
the special prize is award to
5 Image Ambassador
6 Let us send our welcome to sb to make a speech
7 I hope you will get the prize next year
8 thank you for your coming

1. Now I declare...
2.The first program is ...
3. Please tell us your feeling after reveiving the Award.
4.The first group is the grade 4. The first prize is awarded to ... The special prize is awarded to ...
5. Image Ambassador
6.Let us welcome .... to deliver a conclusion speech.
7.I wish you would stand at this stage to receive your prize next time and to show your mien to us.
8.Now I would like to declare that the ceremony of presenting prizes is concluded. Thank you!

1.I now announce ....
2.The first is ...
3.When you receive when taking office, to tell you your award-winning speech
4.The first group is the fourth-grade group, first prize winner is ... Grand Prize winner is ...
5.Image Ambassador
6.Let us welcome you to do ... to the concluding remarks
7.I hope you will stand next to the podium ceremony on the show your style
下面我宣布:颁奖典礼到此结束:I declare the following: the end of the award ceremony!


1 now I declare...
2 the first item is...
3 when you tell everybody to be awarded prizes, your speech
4. The first group is the fourth grade prize winner, is... The special prize winner is...
5. Image ambassador
6. Let's welcome... Do you speak to summarize
7. Hope you can stand next awards podium and show you
Below I declare: the awarding ceremony is over!

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