nope,exactly 用中文怎么读出它们的发音?

作者&投稿:毛蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



用中文来发音; 即使有很相近的...也是错的...-__-;


Nope = No-pu

Exactly = Egg-zaK-lee


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装系统时出现“Error loading operating system",重启后无法再装系统...
若连续读五次都失败,则给出“Error loading opearting system”的错误提示,若能正确读出DOS引导记录,主引导程序则会将DOS引导记录送入内存0:7C00h处,然后检查DOS引导记录的最后两个字节是否为55AAH,若不是这两个字节,

Eight. Choose operating frequency. To accede with FCC advisercurve, it is your albatross to ensure that your opeallowance will not activate any of the advertisement accession arrest. Check the accepting breezeram application an abandoned one of the abundant FM band frequency and the ali...

Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that ...

广安市18857295420: nope,exactly 用中文怎么读出它们的发音?
宣从美常: 用中文来发音; 即使有很相近的...也是错的...-__-; 我给你英文的吧...你照着说... Nope = No-pu Exactly = Egg-zaK-lee

广安市18857295420: exactly英语是什么意思? -
宣从美常: exactly意思是恰恰;确切地;精确地;完全地,全然 英 [ɪgˈzæktli] 美 [ɪɡˈzæktli] 一、精确地;准确地;确切地 I know exactly how she felt. 我完全清楚她的感受. 二、(要求得到更多信息)究竟,到底 Where exactly did you stay in France? ...

广安市18857295420: exactly翻译成中文 -
宣从美常: adv 精确地;确切地正好,刚好确实如此;正是

广安市18857295420: 英文exactly的汉语意思. -
宣从美常: 副词 ad. 1.确切地,精确地;完全地 Tell me exactly where she lives. 确切地告诉我她住哪儿. 2.恰好地,正好地 That's exactly what I expected. 那正是我所期待的. 3.(用于答语)一点不错"Do you mean that

广安市18857295420: exactly怎么用?比如:准确的说,我会说一点英语 -
宣从美常: 你的举例里,准确的说这个翻译应该是:To be exact, 这样的,而不是用exactlyexactly一般可以单独一个词用来肯定某件事情,例如:A: The bottle is open, I think the food is bad. 瓶子是开着的,我想食物可能坏了.B: Exactly! 当然!这个用法里一般是说的人非常确信这件事情一定就是这样的,同时也有表示对先说话一方内容的绝对支持.另外的就是用在句子中修饰动词:John looks exactly like his brother Jack. John和他的兄弟Jack长得一模一样.这里必须搭配有动词才能用exactly作为副词,意思就是精准、精确的意思.

广安市18857295420: exactly的中文是什么吗 -
宣从美常:[选项] A. 快速地 B. 严肃地 C. 大概地 D. 确切地

广安市18857295420: exactly是什么意思 -
宣从美常: exactly 完全正确 双语对照 词典结果: exactly[英][ɪgˈzæktli][美][ɪɡˈzæktli] adv.恰恰; 确切地; 精确地; 完全地,全然;例句: 1. This is exactly what we see today. 这正是我们今天所看到的.2. Those aren't exactly junk-bond rates. 这完全不是垃圾债券的收益率.

广安市18857295420: 你到底想要做什么用英文怎么说? -
宣从美常: “你到底想要做什么”的正确英文为: 1、What on earth do you want to do? 译文:你到底想要做什么? 2、What exactly do you want to do? 译文:你到底想要做什么? 词汇解析: 1、on earth 中文释义:到底,究竟. 用法:用于疑问句,表...

广安市18857295420: 英语短语not exactly 和not really 究竟怎么用 -
宣从美常: not really 英[nɔt ˈriəli] 美[nɑt ˈriəˌli] [释义] 不完全是; 不见得; [网络] 也不是; 远不; 事实上不是; [例句]It's not really suited to absolute beginners. 它并不真正适合从零开始的初学者.

广安市18857295420: exactly怎么读 -
宣从美常: /ɪɡˈzæktli/ "以个咂克特里" “咂”字拖长重读.

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