
作者&投稿:成王田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Company objective: the pursuit of the best quality, for the largest market, won the best credit
Business philosophy: others do not have, people I have excellent, gifted people I have special, special people I am new
Quality policy: service first, customer first; credit permanent, sustainable development
Social Responsibility:
BFI services in petroleum, chemical, power and other energy companies, has the responsibility to contribute to the world of rational use of energy.
BFI based Global Services has the responsibility to customers and consumers around the world to provide a safe, healthy, quality products and convenient services to meet the needs of social production and life, to create wealth;

BFI staff distribution at home and abroad, have the responsibility to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, the value of respect for employees, employees and business together to promote growth;
BFI's main business involves resources, environment, security and other sensitive areas, has the responsibility to protect the environment, conserve resources, safety, and promote harmony between man and nature;
BFI will steadfastly follow the high standards of business ethics and conduct, law-abiding, contributing to society, doing good corporate citizens.


I'm eager to join your company, since the company's culture and philosophy as a foreign-invested enterprise has deeply attracted me and it will offer me an opportunity to work together with so many excellent colleagues to jointly achieve a common vision of the company.

The company now I am working with is also a well-known international enterprise, but due to the change of its strategy, it has to give up the businesses in China.

It is why I knew about and paid attention to your company a long time ago. It's my great honor to have this opportunity now.

I'm sure, should I be able to join your company, I would comply with as soon as possible the company's regulations, engage myself in the company's culture, cooperate with the colleagues in the team and apply my abilities and experiences into the real work to ensure every task to be achieved in an effective and excellent way.

Meanwhile, I would have the chance to learn more about various job posts, take part in different kinds of activities of the company, and make every effort for the growth of myself and the team.

That's all that motivates me to try my best to strive for this post.

Cultural philosophy:
BFI core of enterprise culture is "person: honesty, cooperation, study, work: seriously, innovation, pursuit of excellence". According to the above "person" company ", "the criterion to push and creating healthy and upward enterpriseculture, for shareholders, customers, employees value together," BFI "inheritance forever. Company's long-term goal is to become truly "BFI" construction industry is widely respected by global position of great company.
Comply with laws, regulations and rules and regulations, abide by the company, abide by the industry standard for the company, employee behavior standards set good image and reputation, Honest, congruent, face of success and failure, not shirk responsibility, with practical action to win customers, colleagues respect and trust, Abide by professional ethics and loyal to the company, and maintain the interest, keep business secrets of the information, work, not false not conceal.
The interests of the whole team goals and attention, and the company internal and external personnel team effort to achieve the company goal, To develop into the company, without boundary management thoughts, actively identify problems and through various channels to solve problems, Active communication, airing and listen carefully to the opinions of others, and improvements in work.
Keep an open mind, and learn the experience of others and strengths, Objective to evaluate yourself, continuously improve their ability, continuous improvement and pursuing higher work performance, To broaden their horizons, spanning the globe, the leading enterprises, attention all the valuable experience and practice active application in practice.
With highly professional dedication, responsibility and work, work attitude, Hard struggle, down-to-earth, move ahead in defiance of difficulties, perseverance, don't reach goals triumphantly, Attention to quality and order, and reveals the problems, and put forward Suggestions to improve and promote the solution.
Don't break conventional thinking stodgy, introduce new concepts, new even create, new technology, new business, dares to change, Good in various environments and conditions for opportunity of development, grasp the opportunity, wu.
"The pursuit of excellence"
Adhere to the pursuit of high performance objectives, continuous improvement in everything we do and will; while, Understand and agree with the company strategy, setting with the company development direction, challenging goals, and unremitting efforts, Self-confidence and to transcend, breakthrough "impossible" thinking of the bottleneck, constantly seeking development, dare the first, vying for a vision.

Cultural concepts: BFI is the core of enterprise culture, "life: honesty, cooperation, good at learning; work: serious, innovation, pursuit of excellence." Companies by more "life", "work" test to promote and actively create a healthy, progressive corporate culture, for shareholders, customers, employees work together to upgrade the value, determined "BFI" the Everlasting. The company's long-term goal is to "BFI" the industry by building a truly broad respect for the status of a great global company. "Good faith" compliance with laws, regulations and company rules and regulations, comply with industry standards, compliance with the Code of Conduct, the company set a good image and reputation; honest and trustworthy, match words with deeds, to face success and failure, does not shirk its responsibility and take practical actions to win customers , colleagues, the respect and trust; observe professional ethics, loyalty to the company, maintaining company interests, maintain commercial confidentiality of information at work do not hide, not false. "Cooperation" concerned about the team goals and overall interests of the company's internal and external staff work together to achieve corporate objectives; to company-based implementation of non-border management thinking, actively identify problems, and a variety of channels to advance a settlement; active communication airing, listened carefully to the views of others, and work to improve. "Good learning" keep an open mind, to recognize and learn from others experiences and strengths; objective evaluation of their own, continued to improve its ability to constantly improve our work, the pursuit of higher performance; broaden horizons, think globally, focus leader in everything there experience and practice positive values used in practice. "Serious" with a high degree of professionalism, responsibility and professional attitude towards work, work; hard, down to earth, despite the difficulties, perseverance, never give up do not meet the target; concern of order and quality, the courage to reveal the problems, suggest improvements and to promote settlement. "Innovation" is not following the beaten track, breaking the introduction of conventional thinking or even create new ideas, new mechanisms, new technologies, new business, dare to change, the courage to develop it; good variety of environments and conditions in active search for opportunities, seize opportunities, to ensure the development. "Excellence" in pursuit of the concept of high-performance objectives, continuous improvement, quit already, it certainly become dry; understand and agree with the company strategy, set direction consistent with the company, challenging goals for, and tireless efforts; confidence and courage to go beyond self, breaking the "impossible" ideas bottlenecks continue to seek to develop, there dare be first, to become the strong courage.



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我觉得第一个最合适。你可以搜一下Arts & Crafts ,很多工艺品公司都是以此为名的,可以说是最标准最常用的“工艺品”的翻译。我是专业翻译,我们平时做过一些这样的东西,基本上工艺品有限公司就是翻译成Arts & Crafts Co.,Ltd。

trade business,it is a major task to improve the overall quality of oversea salesmen.Sequentially,enterprise will be more strict in selecting employee.Likewise,it's of great urgency for competitors to improve their overall quality.我是英语专业的,只能翻成这样了。希望可以帮助你。

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于径脑苷: Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. Henan Oil

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于径脑苷: Cultural philosophy:BFI core of enterprise culture is "person: honesty, cooperation, study, work: seriously, innovation, pursuit of excellence". According to the above "person" company ", "the criterion to push and creating healthy and upward ...

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于径脑苷: 防城港市元一农业综合发展有限公司Fangchenggang Yuanyi Agriculture Comprehensive Development Co.,Ltd.防城港市永德丰水产综合发展有限公司 Fangchenggang Yongdefeng Aquatic Product Comprehensive Development Co.,Ltd.

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于径脑苷: 如楼上,Dongyang Shunzhan Stainless Steel Tableware FactoryDongshan District,Jieyang City.但是dongyangshunzhan...

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于径脑苷: 就Lan Xin House吧,Palace给人一种豪华大气、晶壁辉煌的感觉,不一定适合您的公司.而House 一般是指”工作室/研发室“

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于径脑苷: 都开公司了,还一分都不给,真够抠的! Yidao Advertising Media Co. Ltd. “一道”我用的是音译,因为一道的意思太多,不知道你具体要表达什么含义.

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于径脑苷: Dear Sir, Hello! I'm Bob from Ningbo, China and very glad to write to you. My company is specialized in producing all kinds of water meter and it is located in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. If you have any reqirements on water meter, I will be willing to ...

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于径脑苷: Crafts Inc.

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