
作者&投稿:焦羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

why did the writer's friend find it difficult to obtain snails?
主语:the writer's friend
宾语:to obtain snails

【The ever-increasing attraction of under-graduate courses in business studies主语】 【demonstrates谓语 】【that (many young people主语) (begin谓语) (their working lives 宾语)(determined to be a success in business过去分词短语,后置定语).宾语从句】



Before being interviewed for the job(being interviewed作before的宾语,由于interview与主语you是被动关系,所以用被动语态;整个介宾结构作状语), you (主语)will be required(谓语,一般将来时,被动语态) to take a language test(动词不定式作宾语).



Before being interviewed for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

Before ....介词短语,用作时间状语。


you will be ...


will be required.谓语动词,一般将来时的被动语态。

to take ...动词不定式,用作主语补语。

せめて少しでもマシな気分で + 迎えられるようにだな】是他认为的东西。3. 再说【これから始まる生き地狱のような时间を + せめて少しでもマシな気分で + 迎えられるようにだな】这一部分,主体是【。。。时间を。。。な気分で迎えられるように】,【だな】是句末语气词。

这是独立主格结构。独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。独立主格结构的构成:名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词;名词(代词)+形容词;名词(代词)+副词;名词(代词)+不定式;名词(代词) +介词短语构成。也就是说,weather和we是两个不同的主语,所以必须要有一个独立结构。这是动词的非...

2.Saying how excited you are about this opportunity might seem to give you less leverage, not more 中的 saying 是什么语法:附上翻译:说出自己对这个机会的重视,看起来可能会减少你谈判的砝码,而不是增加 解答:动词名词短语作主语 一种用法 (1)句子主语:Saying how excited you are ...

最不好讲的句子成分是逗号后的这个名词短语:a process that is quickest where houses are poorly insulated.先分析这个短语:that is quickest 是定语从句,修饰先行词a process where houses are poorly insulated是一个地点状语从句,作定语从句中的状语。感觉这个名词短语a process相当于一个非限制性...

这句话有2个关键语法点 (1)where the shares of the target ...the proposed offer price 这是一个名词性从句,做 deals 的定语从句。(2)suggesting that ... to go through. 是一个现在分词结构,做整个句子的状语,表达一种程度。3. In the run - up to the financial crash many takeove...

These carriage (主语) float (谓语动词,在这里是不及物动词) above the ground (above介词短语,修饰动词float) and (引出并列句) by bending or pressing down in your seat(by引出一个方式方法状语,修饰后面的动词move), you can move swiftly(这是主谓结构,move在这里是不及物动词,...

这句话大概是这个意思:仅仅是因为他的工作是帮我搬袋子(这个事实)并没有能对使他的生活变得哪怕是一丁点的轻松。也可以简要的理解成:仅仅帮我搬袋子并不能改变他的生活处境。句子解析:1. just because his job is to carry my bags作主句的主语:这是一个完整的句子作主语,它有自己完整的...

如: We consider him an honest man. 我们认为他是一个诚实的人。被动:He is considered an honest man.此句主干就是:It is considered a museum of + 二个动名词复合结构: the East meeting the West and the past Joining the present.这个结构简化了就是:A's meeting B and C's ...

——这是句子的第一层。in which we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions as to the way in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message是一个复杂的定语从句,其主干是we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions...

news,doubt,truth,information,suggestion,question, thou-ght,belief,conclusion等少数名词。例如:①The fact [that he had not said anything] surprised everybody.②The fact [that you are talking about] is important.有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)...

张家界市18430472574: 谁能帮我解析一下这个句子的结构. -
樊奇恩泽: 首先,wait通常是不及物动词,一般要跟for.此处应该用可以接宾语的及物动词await;其次在Stop awaiting somebody to fall in love with you.中,to fall in love with是目的状语.意为“停止等待他人而与你堕入爱河”而Stop awaiting somebody who will fall in love with you. 后面确实是定语,意为“停止等待那个将与你堕入爱河的人”

张家界市18430472574: 能帮我分析一下这句话的结构和句子成分么?比如说主谓宾什么的 -
樊奇恩泽: 连词:because 主语:the summit 谓语(系动词)was 表语:the prize 定语从句:they sought 其中 prize 做 定语从句的宾语,故可以省略掉 that 和 which 如果补充出来是:he summit was the prize(that/which) they sought

张家界市18430472574: 请帮忙分析一下这几个句子语法结构、句子成分. 谢谢! -
樊奇恩泽: 1、句子主干: A solar day is the length of time. 这是一个"主系表"结构. it takes the Earth to revolve once around the Sun.是定从,修饰the length of time. 由于先行词在定从中作takes的宾语,故此定从省略了关系代词that . 在定从中it作形式主语...

张家界市18430472574: 谁能帮我分析一下这个句子的句子成分,和句子结构,谢啦~ -
樊奇恩泽: 1. 句子成分 主语 He 谓语 is 状语 knee deep in snow 2. 句子结构 基本结构是:He is in snow. 加上程度副词:He is deep in snow. 再加上具体的深度:He is knee deep in snow.

张家界市18430472574: 能帮我分析一下这句话的结构和句子成分么?比如说主谓宾什么的because the summit was the prize they sought.这个 -
樊奇恩泽:[答案] 连词:because主语:the summit 谓语(系动词)was表语:the prize 定语从句:they sought其中 prize 做 定语从句的宾语,故可以省略掉 that 和 which如果补充出来是:he summit was the prize(that/which) they so...

张家界市18430472574: 可以帮我分析一下这个句子的成分吗?主谓宾定状补
樊奇恩泽: 主谓宾和汉语里差不多 主语就是一个句子的中心词 .谓语是动词 比如 I like the book. I是主语 like是谓语 the book是宾语 一个句子可以没有宾语, 但是一定要有主语和谓语, 像I see(我明白了). 定语是用来修饰中心词 ,主要是形容词和动名词 比如 a young lady中的young 和a swimming pool中的swimming 状语用来修饰整个句子或某个动作.有分时间,地点,方式,条件等等 I read the book at 5:00/on the bus/all by myself/... 补语用来补充说明它所修饰的中心词 具体的一时没想起来...

张家界市18430472574: 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分和语法结构,谢谢!This is not necessarily the case, however. -
樊奇恩泽:[答案] This 主语 is 系动词 the case表语 not necessarily; however状语 译文:然而,这不一定是事实.

张家界市18430472574: 可以帮忙分析下句子结构成分吗? -
樊奇恩泽: 这句话采用“so……that……”句式.主句是主系表结构:主语:The two approaches系动词:are表语:fundamentally different从句采用it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句.

张家界市18430472574: 请帮忙分析一下这个句子结构成分,谢谢了 -
樊奇恩泽: 短语,keep doing ,一直做某事,,她保持我们等3个小时,汉语过来就是,她让我们等3个小时,

张家界市18430472574: 简单的问题:帮我分析一下这个句子的句子成分. -
樊奇恩泽: 这是一句祝福用语.因为常用于口语中,所以省略了主语I或We.其实本句包含了wish +that从句的用法.这个句子的主语是被省略了的I或We,谓语动词是wish,后跟了一个省略that的宾语从句.in guangzhou是介词短语作地点壮语.类似的句子如Wish you are happy here.

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