
作者&投稿:频苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

前面是状语就不看了,后面后半句改写为:it is intended for ____,接n.,故是directory of the Server

cloth是布料、衣料的意思,clothing是衣服,clothes是各种衣服、穿戴之类的总称,cloths是布, 衣料, 织物, 布块,服装。

全句的主干是each of us shares with the community 。意思是“我们每个成员都与集体共同分享”。

in which we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions as to the way in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message是一个复杂的定语从句,其主干是we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions,意思是“我们不仅以约定俗成的惯例方式存在,而且以词库和意义库存的形式存在”。
句首的in which指代先行词the community,在从句里作地点状语,可以换成where。

在这个定语从句中,as to the way in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message作定语,修饰agreed conventions。

in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message又是一个定语从句。in which指代the way,在从句里作方式状语,可以换成that。


each of us shares with the community 是主句,第一个which指代 community ,第二个指代the way

The fist which: community; the second one: way.
The main part of this sentence:
Each of us shares with a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions to convey a particular message.

句子主干:each of us shares with the community
第一个which, 指代the community,用in which we live a store of words and meanings 修饰
第二个which, 指代the way,用in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message修饰。

第一个which指the community
第二个which指the way
each of us shares with the community(,) in which we live a store of words and meanings(,) as well as agreed conventions as to the way(,) in which words should be arranged to convey a particular message.

帮助的人:3.3亿 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 请你参考: 属牛人士的2010年运程 出生年:1949、1961、1973、1985、1997、2009 整体运势: 经过了运程比较反复多变的太岁年之后,本年肖牛之人的运程气象一新,大有雨过天青、否极泰来之象。加上到处遇上贵人,得其相助,今到牛人更似如虎添翼,做起事...

51.behave 52.observed 53.content 54.exercise 55.summary 56.direct 57.struggling 58.worn 59.equipped 60.overcame 61.mountainous 62.lucky 63.quarrelling

不超频就不要买什么的4770K了,E3-1230 V3即可,架构都一样的,频率低一点,不过完全够用了。电源也没必要那么高端了饿,500左右搞款就行了,HCG750性价比一般了,这个价位如果不是DC-DC架构实在是不值啊。显卡 干嘛不买映众GTX770冰龙版呢 ...

高一英语,哪位英语牛人帮忙解答一下好吗?谢谢!急需答案62-70_百度知 ...
62 lucky 63 quarrelling 64 whispered 65 exported 66 around 67 oldest 68 spreading 69 consideration 70 freedom 记得采纳哦 楼上都是瞎说的,你也采纳。63题必须是quarrelling,哪有are always 后面用动词一般时的,别听楼上瞎解释。第七十个是freedom,不是freedoms ...



本人出生于1973年农历3月30日,出生地为江苏省淮安市淮阴区,请各位大师帮忙看下我的八字,主要想了解一下我的工作和婚姻的运势,谢谢!!!我是中午11点左右出生的... 本人出生于1973年农历3月30日,出生地为江苏省淮安市淮阴区,请各位大师帮忙看下我的八字,主要想了解一下我的工作和婚姻的运势,谢谢!!!我是中午...

帮忙算下,有什么算什么,要详细!! 回答得好追加大量分~还有更详细点的么,姓名,命格,生肖,星座等等~...八字就是从这个平衡理论,去分析人一生的起落。这里,我们就选火当做此命的「喜神」。三、你的大运...无事多拜佛行善,最好在佛门求一平安符带在身上。 属牛人逢蛇 年其年财源大旺,但单月出生的人,无...

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第一种配制方法:含100mlHBBr,需要NaOH为:0.1*0.115=0.0115mol 第二种配制方法:含454mlHBBr(500ml的HBBr中有46ml变成了B,所以剩下的HBBr是454ml),需要NaOH为:0.454*0.115=0.0522mol 配制的时候不需要三种溶液都要用,实际上如果都用的话,HBr和NaOH混合就反应掉了,对pH没有影响...

通海县17868462544: 英语牛人请进,帮忙分析下面两个句子的语法结构,把各个句子成分帮我清晰地梳理下.1.Last year the Alliance for Childhood called for a stop to the further ... -
从杨脑心:[答案] 1.Last year(时间状语)the Alliance for Childhood(主语)called for (谓语)a stop(宾语) to the further introduction to computers for young students(介词短语做定语修饰宾语stop). 2.It(形式主语) was once considered(主句谓语动词) that(...

通海县17868462544: 哪位牛人帮忙分析一下下面的句子结构?谢谢了.那两个which指代那个词? -
从杨脑心: 全句的主干是each of us shares with the community .意思是“我们每个成员都与集体共同分享”.——这是句子的第一层.in which we live a store of words and meanings as well as agreed conventions as to the way in which words should be ...

通海县17868462544: 英语 语法 句子结构请达人帮忙分析一下下面这个句子的结构:Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是... -
从杨脑心:[答案] whereever you go 是时间状语从句.Being recognized 是动名词短语作主语,is the price 是句子的系词+表语结构;you pay for being famous是定语从句修饰the price.整个句子是主语+系词+标语结构.

通海县17868462544: 英语语法牛人请进~His not knowing English troubled him a lot.请帮我分析一下这句话的句子结构(如:主谓宾) -
从杨脑心:[答案] His not knowing English主 troubled谓语 him宾语 a lot 状语

通海县17868462544: 请牛人分析哈下面句子的结构,尤其是where appropriate 的成分和用法,不清楚,People should make adjustments and improvements wherever appropriate ... -
从杨脑心:[答案] where appropriate在这个句子中是充当定语成分,修饰adjustments and improvements .这是一个省略用法,wherever appropriate 完整的说法是wherever it is appropriate .整句分析是:People(主语)should make(谓语...

通海县17868462544: Volunteering here is a dream come true for me 请擅长语法的高手帮忙分析一下句子结构 -
从杨脑心: 这是个主系表的结构.主语是volunteering here,系动词为is,表语为a dream,come true是惯用法,在这里是dream的后置定语,come在这里是过去分词表被动.for me是介词短语作状语

通海县17868462544: 哪位帮忙分析下下列句子的结构:I am deeply moved but many teenagers are too weak to face troubles说出哪些是什么什么语就行了 不用说意思 -
从杨脑心:[答案] 主语 I 谓语 am moved 这是个复合句 首句由I am deeply moved的组成,被动语态 be moved 被感动 deeply表示程度深 第二个句子由many teenagers are too weak to face trouble组成 but表示转折,但是.第二个句子主语为many teenagers 很多青年人 谓...

通海县17868462544: 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 帮忙划分一下这个句子的结构.Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the ... -
从杨脑心:[答案] 句子主干:it is the demand Thus(状语),(in the American economic system 地点状语)it is the demand (of individual consumers定语,修饰demand),(coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize pro...

通海县17868462544: 帮忙分析下句子结构What is beyond man's ability now is to design a robot that can respond independently to a changing world. -
从杨脑心:[答案] 整体看 这个是主系表结构的句子 what is beyond man's ability now是主语从句 作句子的主语 is是系动词 to design到最后都是句子的表语 是不定式作表语的情况 在不定式中又嵌套个定于从句 即a robot that.world.其中 that在定于从句中作主语 不能省略 ...

通海县17868462544: 敬请哪位大师分析以下句子结构 -
从杨脑心: It's just a personal and very automatic way of thinking which I suspect is developed in childhood.It's just a personal and very automatic way of thinking这是主句,which I suspect is developed in childhood.定语从句,其中 I suspect是插入语,可以忽略.这是一种个人化,自发的思维方式,【我猜测】是由孩提时代发展而来.

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