
作者&投稿:禤健 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
国际商务信函翻译~ 谢绝软件翻译!专业人士请进 必追加悬赏分~

1 We got your name and address from your Commercial Counsellors' Office in Beijing so now we write to you to express our desire to build business with you.

2 By the courtesy of Mr Green, we know that you are one of the major importers of Chinese chemical products and medicine.

3 Your company has been introduced to us by National city bank of New York in Shenzhen.

4 We are lucky to introduce ourselves to you that we are a country-owned company specialized in light industrial products.

5 We have close contact with local reliable suppliers and can do considerable export business with you.




1.We learn from your letter of April 1 that you are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools. 1.我们从你的4月1日的来信中知道,您对与我们的工具购买业务有兴趣。
2.The Chase Bank has informed us that you are one of the leading importers of tools and instruments and that you are interested in trading with us in these lines. 2,大通银行已通知我们,您的工具和手段的主要进口商之一,你有兴趣与我们进行这些交易。 For your selection, we are sending you a list of the items which might be suitable to your market requirements.从你的需求出发,我们向您发送可能是适合你的市场需求项目清单。
3.Your company has been introduced to us by RG Nelson &Co., Ltd. as prospective buyers of Chinese sewing machines. 3.RG尼尔森公司以前也向我们介绍了你们的公司,作为中国缝纫机有限公司的准买家。 As we deal in sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.正如我们在缝纫机交易,我们将很高兴与你签订直接业务关系。
4.We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electric fans and air conditioners. 4,我们是一个电风扇和空调机广泛的主要出口国公司之一
1. 1。 Will you please be so kind as to furnish us with details, as exact as possible, as to the credit which may be safely allowed to the firm whose name is given on the attached slip.请你提供给我们相关细节,尽可能准确,至于哪些是安全的公司——名字是在附件中给出的。
2. 2。 Messers.梅瑟斯。 Schnerder & Kern have given us your name as a reference respecting their financial standing. Schnerder及克恩给了我们作为一个尊重他们的财务状况参考你的名字。 Will you please inform us, in confidence, of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation.请你告诉我们,在对他们的信任资源的范围,并邀请他们的声誉。
6. 6。 This is a case in which caution is necessary and we suggest that you make additional enquiries through an agency.这是一宗个案,谨慎是必要的,我们建议您就可以通过一个机构进一步的调查。
7. 7。 In reply to your enquiry dated 30th October 19…concerning Messrs. Willing & Co. , Sheffield, we are pleased to say that we have every confidence in the uprightness of this firm.在回答您的询问月19 ... 10月30日关于先生愿公司,谢菲尔德,我们很高兴地说,我们每一个正直的这家公司的信心。
1. 1。 As we are in the market for… , we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotations.正如我们在市场...,我们应该高兴,如果你想给我们最好的报价。
2. 2。 We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to place a trial order.我们在随函附上一份信任我们的产品和报价表,感到十分高兴,他们的高品质会诱使你把一个试订单。
3. 3。
This is in reply to your enquiry of March 8, 19…We are now sending you're a quotation sheet for your consideration.这是在回答你的3月8日,调查19 ...我们现在送你一个供大家参考报价表。 Please be informed that, on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchange, the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.请告知,对外汇的波动帐户,报价如有变更,恕不预先通知。
4. 4。
As the goods of your specifications are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our (commodity) as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered at a more favorable price.作为您的规格的商品供应短缺的情况,我们打算提供与我们的(你作为一个替代商品,这是质量好,规格非常接近,但你将在一个更优惠的价格提供)。
The enclosed proforma invoice in triplicate covers goods against your Order No.589.由于报名表格一式三份发票涵盖对您的订单No.589货物。
1. 1。
In compliance with the request in your letter dated October 24, we are sending you the required proforma invoice in triplicate.与你在信中要求遵守10月24日,我们向您发送所需的形式发票一式三份。 Please note our quotation remains valid until November 15.请注意我们的报价仍然有效,直到11月15日。 We look forward to receiving your order soon.我们期待着收到您的订单了。
1. 1。 Your competitors are offering considerably lower prices and unless you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere.你的竞争对手正在提供相当低的价格,除非你能减少你的报价,我们将不得不转向其他地方购买。
2. 2。 We desire to call your attention to our special offer.我们愿意请你注意我们的特别优惠。 You will readily understand that this offer is good only for acceptance reaching us before the end of January 19…In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to send orders as soon as possible.你会很容易明白,此优惠只适用于接受good达到1月底前,我们19 ...在此行的大量需求,我们建议您发送订单,尽快。

EF: MBL NO.: TAOBUN2281643V(Original--The MBL will signed at the port of destination)主题:主单号:TAOBUN2281643V(正本--目的港主单背书)We have problems with CO LOADER in destination due they that have not got any instructions from their office in origin saying that OK TELEX ...

拝启 寒冷の候 贵社愈々ご隆昌のこととお庆び申し上げます。さて、この度は青岛ゴム制品会社の绍介をさせていただきたく、本状をご送付致しました。青岛ゴム制品会社の前身は青岛第九ゴム工场です。70年代からV字型ゴムべルト、ゴムホース、工业用ゴムシート等の输出を开始し、その品质の...

这好像是外贸函电的课文。大意是:尊敬的先生们,事由:由地区银行开出的信用证4645号 我们已经收到你8月6日的信函,对于我们在标题所列信用证的错误,表示我们的诚挚的歉意,其主要是由于疏忽造成的。今晨,我们已经指示银行修改信用证4654号,相信电报修改证将及时送达你们。我们急需这批货物,如果你们...

外面函电短文翻译 pluming and heating supplies
现附上我们最新的产品目录,展示出我们目前已有的产品。我们希望您能发给我们您的完整的产品目录、价目表,及最大折扣的订购数量的报价。谢谢您关注此事,先在此表示感谢。~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文有笔误,该作如下:We are wholesale distributors of plumbing and heating supplies are interested...

外贸函电 翻译 急
请仔细检查随附的照片。每一件单满面板都用塑料薄膜包装并附有色卡,每十件单满面板装一个纸箱 , 我明白 能告知我纸箱的尺寸吗?纸箱的尺寸是长2030 毫米,宽 165毫米 ,高88毫米 我方很满意那装着额外的50把直纹木锁的盒子和没有你公司标记的盒子(此句不确定是不是这样翻译),请仔细检查装...

您好,本人按原文翻译的外贸邮件如上供参考。其中,MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) 为“最小订货量”,PO (Purchase Order) 为“订单”。外贸邮件需要礼貌客气,最后加上一句套话可能会好点。建议原文可以表达得尽量再委婉些,毕竟作为卖家在谈价钱时要对买家客气礼貌,才有可能让对方觉得是诚心的。希望回答...

1. 按318号合同条款,货物应于1月20日前装运.我们最迟需在1月31日前拿到提单,相信你方会按期发运货物,因为任何贻误势必给我们造成很大不方便和经济损失。In terms of contract number 318, the goods should be shipped before Jan. 20. We must to get the bill of lading(B\/L) at ...

1. The total amount for PO is USD 43,470.2. 10% of discount of more than 100 thousand kilograms purchased is deducted from the total amount of PO.3. Ship before Jun 10, 2004.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.Best regards,XXX 您好,原文翻译如上供...

I'm sorry, I disagree with you there. I'd don't think that's the way with it.对不起,我不同意你的看法。我认为那不是办法。This works against common sense. I don't go along with it for one minute.这有悖常理,我一点也不同意。I'm totally against the proposal of making ...

A letter of credit Section 121 of you good orders, 8 tonnes of walnut, the amount of 2500 U.S. dollars, under the heading of the letter of credit received.Your credit amount may be enough, you order the correct shipping cost plus the total premium is 2960 U.S. dollars, ...

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译不要翻译软件的翻译,最好是人工的翻译,急用的 -
植宗参苏:[答案] Sichuan Xinlong Ventilation Air Conditioning Equipment Co.

浉河区15515874401: 求英文函电的中文翻译
植宗参苏: 1. The date line is used to indicate the date the letter was written.日线是用来表示写这封信的日期. However, if your letter is completed over a number of days, use the date it was finished in the date line.不过,如果你的信是完成了若干天,使用它...

浉河区15515874401: 英文函电翻译,谢绝翻译软件,翻译好,给分加倍 -
植宗参苏: 1.We learn from your letter of April 1 that you are interested in establishing business relations with us for the purchase of our tools. 1.我们从你的4月1日的来信中知道,您对与我们的工具购买业务有兴趣.2.The Chase Bank has informed us that you...

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译谢绝软件翻译 -
植宗参苏:[答案] It's my friend A who introduce you to me.

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译谢绝翻译器 -
植宗参苏:[答案] Make the picture showing a vivid estern watercolor painting style comparing with the traditional western one.

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译把下面的翻译成英语……谢绝翻译工具~急 您好;收到您的信和相片很高兴,谢谢您对我的夸奖,这些相片对我来说很有意义,谢谢您发给我,我会... -
植宗参苏:[答案] Hello! I am so glad to receive your letter and photos.Thank you for your good compliment to me!These photos are significant to me.Thank you for sending them to me.I will keep them well. It is very happy to work with you these days.You are all kind-hearted....

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译拒绝翻译工具翻译! -
植宗参苏:[答案] Life compels us to betray what we used to be. 或者:Life forces us to diverge from our old pattern.

浉河区15515874401: 英语翻译拒绝用翻译软件翻译,机翻者一律删回复!In 1832,when the space was surrounded by empty lots Samuel Ruggles,one of the founders of the Bank of ... -
植宗参苏:[答案] 1832年,当空地被塞缪尔Ruggles (一个商业银行的创始人之一和格拉梅西公园东北的开发商)围起来时,说服当局命名为联合广场,并扩大下议院到大学17街北部和延长轴的部分形成了广场西侧Ruggles 获得了从15到19街道围成...

浉河区15515874401: 会英文的帮忙,谢绝使用网上翻译器.翻译下面段话: -
植宗参苏: We will buy you a new thermostat and provide good quality this time. Please trust us.

浉河区15515874401: 如何翻译好英文函电? -
植宗参苏: 商务英语的特点: 商务英语是英语的一种社会功能变体,是专门用途英语中的一个分支,是英语在商务场合中的应用.它涉及技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际合同、国际金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输等等,人们从事这些活动所使用的英语统称为商务英语.要翻译好,就得平时多看看相关的商务函电,用相关的专业术语去翻译.

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