
作者&投稿:那范 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Interview questions and answers, this is probably meant, not sentence by sentence translation, has good suggestions to add, thank you one, why do you want to come our company?
我认为来贵公司工作有三个优势,1、我的专业是日语,第二外语是英语,有很好的语言基础,适合公司的业务需求。 I think that came with your company has three strengths, 1, my specialty is Japanese, second language is English, the language of a good foundation for the company's business needs. 2、我有两年的工作经验,积累了一定的只是,并总结了工作经验和与人交流的技巧,有利于工作的顺利展开。 2, I have two years of experience, accumulated some only, and summarizes the experience and communication skills with people, is conducive to the smooth start. 3、公司主要的业务是为客户提供金融、证券方面的信息,而我现在正在学习会计和金融方面的只是。 3, the company's main business is to provide financial and securities information, and I am now studying accounting and financial only. 所以我认为我很合适这个工作,希望可以有这个机会。 So I think I fit the job, hope to have this opportunity.

2、你对公司的印象如何? 2, your impression of the company?
第一次面试之后,我非常想来公司工作,除了刚才说的内在优势之外,我很喜欢公司周围的环境一级公司的工作氛围,很和谐,这是我一直所向往的。 After the first interview, I wanted to come to the company, in addition to the inherent advantages just say I like the environment around a company's working environment is very harmonious, this is what I have always aspired.

3、你有什么有点? 3 What do you a bit?
我很自信,第一次4人的小组面试之后,我深刻认识到自己英语、特别是金融英语方面的知识的不足,同事,也将自己的优缺点和别人进行了比较,得出结论是我很适合这份工作,所以第一次面试之后我就开始强化自己金融专业的知识,希望我可以来公司工作。 I am very confident for the first time 4 of group interviews, I deeply understand their English, especially in respect of financial lack of knowledge of English, colleagues, and also their advantages and disadvantages compared with others, concluded that I for the job, after the first interview I began to strengthen their financial expertise, I hope I can come to company.

运行部 Operation Department

The Designs of the Rotating and Balancing Mechanisms of Interior Climbing Tower Crane

摘 要:随着我国改革开放形势进一步发展,各种类型的高层建筑不断增多,使用内爬式塔式起重机带来的经济效益和社会效益非常显著。内爬式塔式起重机安装在建筑物内部(如电梯井,楼梯间等),依靠爬升机构,使塔身随建筑物建高而不断升高。随着建筑业的高速发展, 内爬式塔式起重机在高层与超高层建筑的施工中必将得到广泛应用。
In view of the further progress in China’s reform and opening up, the number of various types of high-rise constructions keeps on growing, and the economic and social benefits brought along by the use of interior climbing tower crane are very obvious. This crane is installed inside the building (such as elevator shaft, stairwell, etc.) and as the building moves higher, the crane goes up with it by means of a climbing mechanism. With the accelerating development of the building industry, interior climbing tower cranes will certainly be utilized extensively in the construction of high-rise and super high-rise buildings.

The internal and external towers of the climbing device are installed simultaneously; after every climb, the internal tower does not have to be dismantled from the elevator shaft, so there is no need to reinstall the tower before the next climb; the rotation of the rotating mechanism relies on the meshing of rotary supporting device and pinion. This paper presents the overall design of rotating mechanism, the transmission scheme and part of its components, as well as the overall design of mobile balancing mechanism, the transmission scheme and part of its components.

Key Words: interior climbing tower cranes; rotating mechanism; balancing mechanism; design.

Interior Climbing Crane Slewing institutions and balance mechanism design Abstract: With the further development of China's reform and opening up the situation, the growing variety of high-rise building, use the inner climbing tower crane brought significant economic and social benefits. 内爬式塔式起重机安装在建筑物内部(如电梯井,楼梯间等),依靠爬升机构,使塔身随建筑物建高而不断升高。 Interior Climbing tower cranes installed within the building (such as elevator shafts, stairwells, etc.), relying on climbing mechanism to build the tower with the high rising buildings. 随着建筑业的高速发展, 内爬式塔式起重机在高层与超高层建筑的施工中必将得到广泛应用。 With the rapid development of the construction industry, internal climbing tower crane in high-rise and high-rise building construction will be widely applied. 爬升装置的内塔与外塔同时安装,内塔每次爬升后不用拆出电梯井,爬升前也不用重新安装,回转机构依靠回转支承装置与小齿轮的啮合回转,平衡块在平衡臂上的移动来保持平衡臂和起重臂的力矩相等来保持塔机的平衡。 Climbing tower and inside devices be installed outside the tower, which towers do not have time to climb after the demolition of the elevator shaft, climb the former need not re-installed, depend on slewing bearing slewing devices and small gears meshing rotation, balance in the balance arm block move to balance the torque arm and lifting arm to keep the tower equal to the balance.

Design of the Slewing Mechanism and Balance Mechanism of Inside-self-elevating Type Tower Crane
Abstract: With the further development of China’s reform and opening situation various types of high rise building are increasing continuously, so the use of inside-self-elevating type tower crane leads to significant economic and social benefits. The inside-self-
elevating type tower crane is installed inside of the building (e.g. elevator shaft, stairwell), and its crane body is elevated with the elevation of the building by the elevating mechanism. With the high-speed development of construction industry inside-self-elevating type tower crane will certainly be widely used in the construction of high rise and super high rise buildings. The inside tower and outside tower are installed simultaneously, and it is unnecessary to remove the inside tower out of the elevator shaft and reinstall it before elevation. The slewing of the slewing mechanism is implemented by the rotation supporting device and the engagement with small gears, and the balance of the crane is realized by the moving of balance block in the balance arm and resulting in the equation of the moments of balance arm and elevating arm.
Key words: inside-self-elevating type tower crane; slewing mechanism; balance mechanism; design

希望能够帮助到你,祝你好运。In slewing crane climbing and balancing mechanism design

Abstract: With the further development of China's reform and opening up the situation, the growing variety of high-rise building, climbing tower cranes used in the economic benefits and social benefits are significant. Climbing tower cranes installed within the building interior (such as elevator shafts, stairwells, etc.), relying on climbing mechanism to build the tower with the high rising buildings. With the rapid development of the construction industry, internal climbing tower crane in high-rise and high-rise building construction will be widely applied. Within the tower and climb devices be installed outside the tower, climb inside the tower each time the elevator shaft after the not dismantled, former climbing need not re-installed, depend on slewing bearing slewing devices and small gears meshing rotation, balance in the balance arm block move to balance the torque arm and lifting arm to keep the tower equal to the balance.

Keywords: crane; within the climbing crane; balance mechanism and rotating bodies Device

Design of swing and balancing mechanism for internal-climbing Crane

Abstract: With the further development of China's reform and opening up and the increasing various high buildings,the using of internal-climbing tower crane that the economic effectiveness and social effect it brings are highly significant. Internal-climbing tower cranes being installed in the interior of buildings, such as elevator shafts and stair halls, making use of climbing mechanism, thus make the tower body reach higher with the building carrying up. With the rapid development of construction industry, internal-climbing tower cranes would get widespread use in the construction of high and
super-high buildings.The inner and outer towers of the climbing device
are installed simultaneously. The outer towers don't need to be removed from the elevator shaft after climbing up each time and installed again before climbing, swing mechanism relies on the meshing and rotatory of slewing bearing equipment and pinion, and the movements of balance weight on the balance arms to keep momentofforces of balance arms and outriggers equal to keep the balance of tower cranes.

Keywords: Crane; internal-climbing crane; hookupdesign of balancing and swing mechanism

attach的英语翻译是:附上;贴上;系上;连接;附属。下面是对attach这个词的 1. 基本含义:attach是一个动词,其基本含义为“附上”、“贴上”或者“系上”,表示将某物与另一物连接在一起。这个词在日常生活中经常使用,例如在写信时附上文件,或者在包裹上贴上...



四.正译法和反译法 正译法和反译法:这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照 与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英 语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此...

Translate Chinese into English是什么意思
意思是:“把中文翻译成英文。”分析:1、这是一个祈使句(动词原形开头)。2、固定用法:translate ... into ...“ 把……翻译成……”3、祈使句是动词原形开头,否定式是在前面加 Don't 。如:1. Open the door , please .请开门。2. Don't open the door,please .请不要开门。3. Don...

3、translate后接介词into表示“把...…翻译成…...”、“把...…转化为...…”;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…...)从...…翻译成为…...”;后接介词to表示“调某人到...…”。六、例句:1、I need to translate it into English.我必须把它译成英语。2、Be you plan ...

你好!很高兴为你翻译。My favorite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival.It is on August 15th of Chinese lunar calendar .In China, there are many interesting tales and beautiful poetries about the Mid-Autumn Festival.People usually buy a lot of mooncakes and give them to each other ...

全神贯注concentrate on 熬夜stay up 养老院home for the aged 挡道的in one's way 如果……怎样what if 与……相处get along with sb 提出put forward 发带hair band 与……保持距离keep a distance with 陈列set out 意见一致be in agreement 一般而言 generally speaking 从容take it easy 乐...

汉英互译的英文是Translation between English and Chinese.Translation between English and Chinese中的重点词汇是Translation翻译,translation的读法是英\/trænzˈleɪʃn\/,美\/trænzˈleɪʃn\/,复数是translations。汉英互译的双语例句 1、论英汉互译的时空...

1、green peppers washed clean, put the pepper inside the tendon tear, otherwise it would be more hot peppers with a knife, and then pat, so cut up relatively good cut。翻译:1、青椒洗净后,将花椒放在筋内撕,否则用刀将辣椒较多,然后轻拍,这样切好比较好切。2、potato use a ...

上虞市17070147323: 中文翻成译英语 -
尾缸心可: 如果这世界有一百个人爱你,那里面一定有我;如果有十个人爱你,那里面也有我;如果有一个人爱你,那个人就是我!If there is a hundred people who loves you in this world, I must be one of them; if there are ten people who love you, I must be one of them; if there is only one person who loves you, I must be the one.

上虞市17070147323: 中文翻译成英文的方法? -
尾缸心可: 机器翻译一般都是直接翻译~把每个单词的意思翻译出来~所以翻译出来的东西经常不符合英文的顺序~会出现错误~老外会看不懂~ 至于地址翻译英文和中文正好相反~中文通常把最大的翻译前面~比如你说的那个句子~而英文是把小的放在前面~要把这个地址里最大的江门市放在最后~如果没有单词能代表这种产品~就可以用多个单词表示~你这个就是用紫砂的英文单词加上蒸汽锅的英文单词就可以了~

上虞市17070147323: 汉语句子译成译英语
尾缸心可: We should practise our writing skills more

上虞市17070147323: 翻译成英语 -
尾缸心可: 1. Who looks after these children when you go aboard?2. I have no idea if she comes or not.3. I forgot to water the trees.4. He sat about to collect stamps when he was a child.5. We should learn how to respect each others.

上虞市17070147323: 手机如何把英文网页翻译成中文? -
尾缸心可: 在手机浏览器上可以使用百度浏览器,qq浏览器把英文网页翻译成中文.百度浏览器带有英译汉的工具脚本,只要在浏览器中打开翻译工具,再次浏览英文网页时,即可将英文网页翻译成中文.QQ浏览器则会在浏览英文网页时自动提示将英文...

上虞市17070147323: 中文翻译成英文??
尾缸心可: Thanks for your advice. It wasn't long before the problem was settled. It is so complex that you'd better not have a hand in it! They are the most dynamic youths and the pride of their generation

上虞市17070147323: 翻译成英文 -
尾缸心可: I need some general tools and spare parts.

上虞市17070147323: 翻译成英文意思
尾缸心可: When I grow up? 希望我的答案能让你满意

上虞市17070147323: "背单词"翻译成英文怎么翻译 -
尾缸心可: I memorize new words. 我背单词. I have a hard time for memorizing words. 我背单词都背怕了. My English lesson is boring, the teacher always asks us to recite words. 我的英语课很无聊,老师总叫我们背单词. Professor Li: Actually I was ...

上虞市17070147323: 中文翻译成英文~ -
尾缸心可: 1 Tammy was talking with his new friend, and I was dancing all the time on the party.2 Suddenly I heard someone calling "help" when I took the bus.

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