
作者&投稿:车冒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 但是作为文艺复兴以及希腊、拉丁文化发展的指导思想,它已被很大程度上忽略了将近2000年。
2 这些印刷书的传播引领了一次艺术表现力的复兴。
3 在没有便宜印刷品来给社会上大部分人们印制图书的情况下,约翰莎士比亚的儿子,一个16世纪英国的政府工作人员,也许永远都不会被激发出写作的热情,更别说成为一名教授了。
4 西方文明从古腾堡的贡献中得到的价值是无法估量的。

We entered a school second days to participate in English test.

2. in fact, newborn knows to the elective course situation arereally few.

3. governors to the voters guaranteed cannot increase the tax

4. he attends the track and field meet in this year spring,next year the autumn will attend the soccer game/

翻译:1.We pass the mutual exchanges of network

翻译:2.Take the polite smile, the Victoria walks into the house, closing the door

翻译:3.I think that we have no necessity concession

翻译:4.Do not sneer at him, sometimes you make out to return not equal to he good hope everyone cans give me different and have to translate.

1.We pass a network to communicate each other 2.Take a polite smile, the Victoria walks into house, closing a door 3.I think we have no necessity to concede 4.Don't sneer at him, sometimes you make out to return rather him good

1. Let's communicate via the net.
2. With a very polite smile, xxxx walked into the room
3. I reckon that there's no need for us to stop
4. Don't laugh at him, sometimes you couldn't even do it better than him.

1.We communicate with each other by the internet.

2.With a polite smile,Vitoria went in the house and shut up the door.

3.I consider that it's not neccesary to give in.

4.Don't laugh at him, for sometimes you do even worse than him.

兄弟姐妹们,帮我翻译几个英文句子吧,翻译机勿扰哦,我能辨别出来的_百 ...
第四句:It's those tricks to play the little prince elf maiden early love of the manifestations.第五句:Finally the little prince and fox contradiction. Both forms between taming and tamed relationship.第六句:"The little prince" in children's Angle as the world, taking the value...

.在我看来,创意就是做了别人没做过的东西,想了别人没想过的事情,是超越传统和打破常规的智慧,包含着人们的方方面面 (1) In my opinion, Innovation is to do what others have not done and think what others have not thought and it is the wisdom to surpass and break the conventiona...

英文翻译 帮我翻译几个简单的句子 句子在我的空间 回答完了留言 我会...
The longest distance in the world is not that between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you.全诗及其翻译如下:The Longest Distance in the World---Ranbindranath Tagore the longest distance in the world is not that between life...

英语问题,哪位大神帮我翻译这几个句子,为什么问句有的用are 开头有的...
1.这儿有一些洋葱吗?2.是的,柜子里面有一些 3.不好意思,这里没有 4.这儿有牛奶吗?5.是的,冰箱里面有一些 6.不好意思没有 onion是可数名词,onions是复数用are milk是不可数名词,用is 复数用are,单数用is

They have arranged everything for us to visit the great wall tomorrow and I believe we will have fun there.3。我很幸运,在我年轻的时候就学会了许多不同技能 I am lucky that I have learned a lot of skills when I was young.4。他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他决心用另一种方法来...

1 同学们散座在教师的各处讨论问题,就在这时他们的老师进来了 2 我去年卖了这幢房子,所欠房款还未付清 3 我的朋友向我点点头,然后仔细考虑我提出的问题 4 住房成为当今的流行话题,这是不难理解的 5 你渐渐习惯了老房子的这些问题,就像习惯了自己的缺点一样 1: schoolmates individual seats ...

1. Excuse me,where's the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?2.Could you tell me how can I get to the nearest post office?可以告诉我怎么去最近的邮局吗?3.Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?可以告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?4.Is there a ...

日报作者 知道团队 认证团队 合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面... 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面 展开 6个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?jack...

1.运动药物专家观察研究长达数年之久忍耐运动员,特别是女性,时常有铁缺乏的现象。2.一星期三次开始练习六个月的她的 62 研究从前不活动的女人是出版在运动&练习的日记医学 &科学中。3.铁缺乏大体上是女人的常见缺乏,感人的一 \/ 四的女性青少年和一 \/ 五的 18-45 岁的女人,分别地。4. 另外,...


邛崃市13270499947: 帮我翻译几个句子1.我能帮您做点什么嘛?(英语) 2.你最喜爱的动物是什么? 3.这只狮子怎么了? 4.该是我们吃早餐的时候了. 5.你需要多少本书? 还有... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1、What can I do for you? 2、What is your favourite animal? 3、What's wrong with this lion? 4、It's time for us to eat breakfast. 5、How many books do you need/ I go shopping for fruits and beget...

邛崃市13270499947: 英语翻译帮我翻译几个句子好吗?1布朗夫人喜欢每天去公园散步 2我打算明天去购物 3他当教师已经六年了 4你昨天上课迟到了 5同学们正在操场上打篮球 ... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] Mrs Brown likes walking in the park every day. I am going shopping tomorrow. He has been a teacher for six years. You are late for class yesterday. Classmates are playing basketball in the playground.

邛崃市13270499947: 帮我翻译几个句子?1、汤姆不喜欢英语和语文. 2、你想要多大号的鞋? 3、—你想要点什么? —我想要一大碗牛肉西红柿面. 4、We have a special at the ... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1.Tom doesn't like Enlish and Chinese. 2.What is the size do you want? 3.What would you like? I Would like a big bowl of beef tomato noodle. 4. 我们饺子馆的饺子有个特色.这个特色有牛肉和洋葱,...

邛崃市13270499947: 帮我翻译几个句子(用英文)1 他喜欢听音乐2 他对玩篮球很感兴趣3 昨天晚上我去了电影院4 她最终通过了考试5 约汉一家在看电视6 我已经吃过午饭了7 妈... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1. He likes listening to the music.2. He is interested in playing basketball.3. Last evening I went to the cinema.4. Finally she passed the exam.5. John and his family are watching TV.6. I've already ...

邛崃市13270499947: 英语翻译亲们,帮我翻译4个英语句子好么:①我能用一下你的自行车吗?当然可以.②你在这等多久了?我在这等15分钟了.我从8:00就到这了.③你为什么哭... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] ①Could I use your bicycle?Of course!②How long have you been in here?About 15 minutes.I got here at 8 o'clock am.③Why you are crying?Because I lost my car.④It takes me two hours to recite the eassy...

邛崃市13270499947: 帮我翻译几个句子,速度,100%采纳1:玩得开心(三种表达方式) 2:乘飞机去美国(四种表达方式) 3:一个党员 4一副太阳眼镜 -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1.Have a good time 2. go to the United States by Plane 3. A party 4. A pair of sunglasses

邛崃市13270499947: 帮我翻译几个英语句子 1以事实为基础 2在警察的帮助下 3如此努力以至于大家对他评价很高 4别灰心 -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] be based on the facts,2with the help of police 3 He works so hard that people speak highly of him .Don't lose heart.

邛崃市13270499947: 请帮我翻译几个句子1.他去里北京 2.他去过北京 3.我已经学习英语5年咯 4.他们从1999年开始学英语 5.我已经完成了那项工作 6.他现在已经不是老师咯 7.至今... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1.he has gone to beijing 2.he has been to beijing 3.I have learned English for 5 years 4.They have learned Engish since 1999 5.I have already finished the work 6.He has already not been a te...

邛崃市13270499947: 请大家用英语帮我翻译几个句子1,.你今天提前了或者是延迟了两分钟打电话过来2,我住在祖国的最南方3,今天早上我吃了带汤的米粉作为早早餐4,米粉... -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] 1. Today you early or delayed two minutes over the phone In 2, I live in the south of China In 3, I eat soup with rice as early breakfast this morning 4, rice and noodles differ in that the former is the raw material of rice and the latter is the raw material of ...

邛崃市13270499947: 谁能帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英文.1、你是我的所有2、我想每时每刻和你在一起3、我想你,很想很想4、我们,会很幸福 -
隗悦胎宝:[答案] You are my everything. I want to be with you every moment. I miss you very much. We will be fair happy.

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