
作者&投稿:闫胀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I hope so
Let's make it at 8:30.
We must win next time.
Can you do me a favor?
This is my first time to take part in the school sports meet.

您好 以下为本人手工制作

The questionnaire survey that is the basis for this paper was conducted from January to March 2008 among all Croatian companies that employ more than 500 employees according to the database of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.

The respondents to the survey were human resource directors of the companies.

There were 191 firms in our sample, out of which 68 firms responded to our survey, at the response rate of 36% which is satisfactory for the purpose of our survey.

The sample included only firms that have more than 500 employees, no matter of the ownership structure or legal form as it was considered that such firms have developed an adequate organizational culture and a formal compensation system.

Researches in this filed often take the same study sample.

The questionnaire consisted of questions in the field of corporate culture and reward systems and also some general data about the firm.

Variables were rated based on the Likert scale items.
基于Likert 项量表评价了各公司间的不同处/变量。

Firms examined in our study sample are a good representation of the Croatian economy, with the majority of the examined firms from production sector (50%), followed by construction (14,71%) and retail (8,82%).
在我们的问卷中受调的公司可以很好的反映克罗地亚的经济状况,受调的公司中大多数是生产部门(占50%),其次是建筑业(占14,71%)以及零售业 (占8,82%).

Ownership structure of the examined firms is also mixed. A total of 42,65% of the examined firms are mostly privately owned, with Croatian owners. Further 35,29% of firms are privately owned but with foreign owners and state owned firms account for 22,06% of all firms in the sample (Table II).
受调公司的所有制结构也是多种多样的。样本中总计约42,65%的受调公司由克罗地亚私人拥有,35,29% 的受调公司由外国人所有,而22,06%的为国家所有。(见表II)

As noted previously, corporate culture can support innovation through core values and norms that can be shaped with certain features of reward system.

The cornerstone of our approach and the relationship corporate culture – innovation -

rewards is that those who perform well and in particular the successful innovators receive rapid promotion or successively more challenging assignments what motivates them to repeat the same behavior in the future.

It soon becomes clear to others in the organization that outstanding performance is the surest path to success.

Therefore it can be said that there is some relationship among the three terms. However, the relationship should be also empirically examined.

Corporate culture is one of the factors that dictate success ininnovation.

The challenge is how to create the culture that supports creativity and innovation.

Corporate culture that supports innovation has several important features where one of them is the tolerance of failure, as even failure is seen as a source of information and therefore not every unsuccessful attempt to act should be punished (Myerson and Hamilton[17]).
对改革创新有益处的企业文化拥有多个重要的特点,而其中之一就是对于失败的容忍,即将失败作为一种信息资源(加以利用或引以为戒),因此并非所有不成功的尝试都要受到惩(Myerson and Hamilton[17]). )

Employees are encouraged, compensated and motivated to convert great ideas into new products and services only if failure is incorporated into new initiatives.


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[汉译英]各位高手 来帮下忙 翻译几个词个句子
1 金色的阳光撒满了(覆盖了)我们的身体 Our bodies were covered in golden sun light.2 太阳直直的照下来 汗水 烦躁 压力 The sun shines straightly downward, sweat,irritation,pressure.3 艰辛 炙热的阳光 The oppressive and scorching sun 4 夕阳西下 拉长的影子 映红的脸颊 坚持不懈 The ...

在那些拥有附带自家草坪的房产的人当中,有72% 的人说他们从来没有给他们的草坪浇过水,有7%的人说他们每两个周浇一次,还有15%的人说他们每周浇一或两次(约用水限制下所允许的最大值),。然而还有6%的人每周浇水多过两次。那么限水令对这些比例造成过什么影响吗?一半以下的受访者(47%)说...

1.How's your life in Beijing?2.How's your work?\/How's your work going?3.Where are you going to for (your) honeymoon trip?4.Lily just gave birth to a baby,but I didn't know whether it is a boy or a girl yet.(注意:在不知道是男还是女的情况下,要用 it)5....

...数学讲故事弹吉他所以他在很多社团能帮上忙 翻译成英语
英语翻译技巧:增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或“There be...

汉译英 谁能帮个忙 帮我把下面的中文翻译成英文
mainly, a little "software engineering " fundamental information such as method , means , condition having teaching , providing some information resources of software aspect , this has been a pure static state website.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、...

并非所有外语研究专业的应届毕业生都被分派去做了翻译工作。10. All these various lossed, great as they are, do not in any way contradict the law of conservation of energy.所有不同程度的亏损,都是巨大的能量,都没有与能量转化定律相矛盾。11. All other sources of heat besides the ...

翻译 英译汉,急急急,哪位高手来帮个忙

前面那几个人都是使用翻译器的,语法很有问题!我纯手工翻译的,或许会有少许错误,但应该基本没什么问题啦!希望楼主可以采纳。People who works hard lives longer than others . As a student, we should study hard and live happily . I agree the opinion that we can no only study hard ...

与老外初次见面说话要客气委婉,成为朋友后可以随便一些.1.May I take a photo with you?2.It's very kind of you!3.I'm proud of China! 与:我为你感到自豪I'm proud of you!一样 4.Shall we make friends with each other?Nice\/Glad to meet you!很高兴见到您!Fine day,isn't?天气...

1 Now that we have completed the set, they should be built by the company to carry out 2 fire did not cause much damage, as firefighters rushed to the 3 As the strong gravity, the spacecraft was dragged away from the satellite close 4 sandstorm caused a chain reaction, ...

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙翻译个句子 汉翻英! 谢谢对不起,我没有先问问你的习惯,我能体谅你的做法,你是我最喜欢的好人!这句话 麻烦翻译成英文 口语话点 谢谢!在线等在... -
典符迪先:[答案] I'm sorry having not asked about your habits.I understand what and how you do.You are a kind person I like best.

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙翻译英语,英译汉,谢谢 -
典符迪先: 这个新的手机的大小和形状的皮夹.你展开它使用它,让它够得听你从你口中有一种微型化碰垫,进入你拨的号码也有一个微小的液晶屏幕上,你能读懂气象、新闻或财务报告这些新闻不断更新的公司销售服务字母键盘上的“碰垫层也允许你使用这个电子奇迹电脑或文字处理器.

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢!
典符迪先: It is still my dream that continues. I am aware that it requires my every effort to realize the dream. That was why I chose Hua Qing to advance my academy. I do believe that my future depends on the knowledge that secures me for a better job with ...

黎城县15140682435: 汉译英...帮忙..谢谢.!!! -
典符迪先: Grandma accompanies him to the bus stop and watches him get on the bus everyday.I have heard someone sing this song beforeI have noticed that the chair has been repairedI found...

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙英语翻译....
典符迪先: I think, what I should do. First of all, I would like to thank the teachers, thank you for her three years of cultivation. Second, I want to apologize to my classmate had a contradiction. Third, I want to classmates for advice. Finally, I want to do something for you. Draw for our respectively.

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙英语翻译 -
典符迪先: I have a very good friend , his name shouts XXX , his birthday is October 15, his 12-year-old this year top 163 centimetres. He has four mouthfuls of person at home , his father's birt...

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙翻译成英语!谢谢 -
典符迪先: My English teacher is a very good people , she is called MISS LI. Her very beautiful strong point's very high but a little bit thin. She is fond of reading a book and touring. She often educates us , our help is face to face very big. She had once got the teaching competition first. This be our English teacher! 望采纳 谢谢

黎城县15140682435: 英语帮忙翻译!谢谢. -
典符迪先: From now on,all sorrows and sadness,let's face together!No harm,no quarrel,let's be together till the end of the world!这么翻译就行了!地老天荒,我翻译为till the end of the world,直到世界的尽头,我觉得表意还可以.厮守 be together 悲哀sorrow 凄凉sadness 伤害harm 争吵quarrel

黎城县15140682435: 帮忙!!!!!英语翻译```谢谢 -
典符迪先: 1.we set out for the place of interest early in the morning and got there at noon 我们早上出发, 中午到达了我们要去的名胜2.It's impolite to(POINT?) others with your finger 指着别人是非常不礼貌的3.the army defend our country against enemies 军...

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