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~ 范文(1) 帮助英语对话
A:Is there anything I can do?I'd like to help in some way if I can.
B:I can't think of anything at the moment.
A:Well,maybe I could run errands or something.
B:You could if I needed something.
A:I feel so useless just hanging around with nothing to do.
B:Don't worry.In a couple of days there'll be too much to do.Then you'll want to be back in these lazy days.
A:I guess I'm just a workaholic.I never was very good at doing nothing.
B:Maybe you should learn how to relax and enjoy yourself more.
1)run errands:(固定成语)指送信、采购、接送客人等跑腿的差事.
2)feel useless:感到无聊,无所事事.
3)hang around:闲荡无事.与hang about同义.
5)be good at...:擅长于做某事.
6)relax:休息,娱乐.如:Have a break and let your mind relax.
7)enjoy yourself:(固定说法)过快活日子.娱乐一番.
范文(2) 问路
Excuse me,officer.对不起 警官.
Can you help me?你能帮帮我吗
Can you tell me 你能告诉我
how to get to Linden Street,in Riverdale?怎麽去Riverdale的亮值墙致?
"Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street,“Richard Stewart 林登街46号
Riverdale,New York." Riverdale 纽约”
You should take the number 1 subway.应当搭一路地铁.
Is there a station near here?附近有地铁站吗
Yes.The station's that way.有.地铁站在那边.
You should take the number 1 train 搭一路车
to Van Cortlandt Park.到Van Cortlandt公栽 下车.
Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park.Thank you.一路车到Van Cortlaandt公园.
Anytime.Good luck.不用谢.祝 好运.
Remember,the number 1 train.The uptown platform.记住 搭一路车 在在北 月
Thank you.
You're welcome.不客气.
范文(3) 喜欢或不喜欢工作
A:Hi,Lily.What are you doing there?
B:I am making a kite.
C:Are you going to fly the kite?
B:Yes,I like flying kites when it is sunny but windy like today.What about you ,Kate?
C:I don't really like flying kites.I prefer taking a walk in the hill.
A:So do I.Let's take a trip to the West Hill this Saturday.
C:That's great!Shall we have a picnic on the top of the hill,Tom?
D:Isn't that interesting!Peter,You like picnics very much,don't you?
E:Yes,you know me very well.Jimmy,I think you can go with us,too.Then you can fly your kite in the park at the top of the hill.
B:Mm,that sounds nice!
A:But what should we take there?Should we take some fruit?
B:Yes,of course.My favourite food is fruit and I will take my favourite fruit---strawberries!Don't you think it is very delicious,Tom?
A:But I think hamburgers are more delicious.
C:Yes,I like hamburgers,too.Let's take some drinks with us,too.What drinks do you like,Peter?
E:I always drink water .My mother says it is the most healthy drink.But I am afraid we must take a camera there.You know,it is very beautiful on the hill at this time of year and Jimmy likes to take photoes very much.
D:Yeah!That sounds exciting.I will be the best photogragher for you all!But when and where shall we meet?
A:Let's meet at my home.I can ask my father to take us there in his car.
B:And Let's meet at 9:00 then.
D:That's too late for a hike!
B:But can Peter get up so early?He always likes to stay in bed till late in the morning,haha!

1、Knock it off.少来这一套。2、You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!3、Don't bother me.别烦我。4、Stop complaining!别发牢骚!5、You piss me off.你气死我了。6、What do you want?你想怎么样?7、Get over yourself.别自以为是。8、You look guilty.你看上去心虚。9、You make me sick!...

1. I see. 我明白了。2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too. 我也是。5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)8. Hold on. 等一等。9. I agree。 我同意。10. Not bad. 还不错。11. Not yet. 还没。12. See you. 再见。13. ...

对话1:提供… 和应答 (Offers and responses) 1.- May I help you?- Oh yes, thank you.2.- Let me help you with the bags.- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.3.- Can we help you?- I want to go to hospital. But I can‘t. My leg hurts.4.- ...

求英语日常口语对话 10个
1. -Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you -Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too.2. - Where are you from?- I am from China, what about you?3. - How are you doing?- I am doing fine, thank you!4. - What are you doing Peter?- I am reading.5. ...

英语口语考试,要求20组对话自问自答,求帮我编20组,要特别简单的_百度知 ...
1.What is your name?-My name is Jack.2.Where are you from?-I'm from UK.3.How are old you?I'm 18 years old.4.How many people are there in you family?-There are four.5.Who they are?-My father,my mother,my older brother and I.6.How long have you been China?-...

1、Don't mention it。没关系,别客气。2、Who knows!天晓得!3、It is not a big deal!没什么了不起!4、Easy does it。慢慢来。5、Don't push me。别逼我。6、Come on!快点,振作起来!7、Have a good of it。玩得很高兴。8、It is urgent。有急事。9、What is the fuss?吵什么...

简单英语口语对话【1】Linda:Hello! Who is speaking?John:Hello! This is John. I want to speak to Linda。Linda:This is her。John: Hi, Linda. I’m just calling to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow evening。Linda:Really? What time and where?John: 7:30 pm, at ...

与同学的对话 a:你还记得小时候的事情吗?b:当然,小时候我经常和爸爸妈妈到外面去玩呢!a:恩,那你的童年一定很快乐哦,对吧!b:恩。家里人都特别喜欢我、关心我、爱我。其实说起来,童年有快乐,也有烦恼。现在我们都在慢慢长大,要学习的知识越来越多。慢慢的,开始报补习班了,从一个,...

M: Good morning, Miss Li.W: Morning, Mike.M: I’m sorry that I was absent yesterday.W: I’ve already got your certificate for sick-leave. How do you feel today?M: I feel much better now.W: Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday?M: I’ve already ...

【篇一】关于生活平衡的英语口语对话 J: Hey, how's your one-year-old doing?你的一岁小孩怎么样了?A: She's great, thanks!挺好的,谢谢!J: That's good. Since everything is fine, have you considered going out to work?好极了,既然一切都挺顺利,你想没想过出来工作?A: Yeah,...

龙南县13586214805: 英语口语对话 - 搜狗百科
金戚返魂:[答案] 1.I see. 我明白了.2.I quit!我不干了!3.Let go!放手!4.Me too. 我也是.5.My god!天哪!6.No way!不行!7.Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8.Hold on. 等一等.9.I agree.我同意.10.Not bad. 还不错.11.Not yet. 还没.12.See...

龙南县13586214805: 征集一段英语口语情景对话 2分钟到三分钟 -
金戚返魂: 自编了一个二人对话.希望你喜欢.Making a decision on a trip Dave and Peter are college classmates as well as good friends. They are talking about a trip in summer. Dave: Peter, we have been working very hard the whole school year. Don't you ...

龙南县13586214805: 求英语对话范例? -
金戚返魂: 我长年和外交打交道 我们以前的外教 和我是朋友 我整天和他们聊 没想过钱这茬 下面是我的说法 不满意或者有什么问题 点在线交谈1.练口语是因为我要参加托福考试. I want to take the TOEFL.So I really want to practise my oral English2.我想约好每周固定的时间. I would like some fixed time to learn from you weekly.3.如果是收费的,怎么问价钱? If you are charging me,how much?

龙南县13586214805: 英语口语对话,3人对话,内容介绍自己朋友同学家庭状况年龄兴趣爱好等,时间在4分钟内)非常感谢! -
金戚返魂:[答案] A:Good morning , B B: Good morning. How are you? A: I 'm fine. Thank you. And you ? B: Fine. Thank you. A: let me introduce my friend C to you. B: Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, too. B: Where will you go ? A: We will go to C's home. Today is ...

龙南县13586214805: 英语口语对话,情景 1.购物,2.应聘 3.打电话,每个约持续3分钟,用词简单点,打电话,指打电话的过程.要聊天3分钟左右.. -
金戚返魂:[答案] 这些是我自己写的,不保证一点错误都没有.但是应付一般的口语考试应该没有问题,我考试就是这么说的.1.购物A:Good morning,madam/sir.What can I do for you?B:Yes,I'd like to buy a coat.A:Well,which style would y...

龙南县13586214805: 谁能提供一些和老外聊天的英语口语对话?关于爱好、心情、感情等,还有生活中的小事之类的,越全越好.我英语口语不好,和老外朋友在一起对话的时候,... -
金戚返魂:[答案] 你和老外进行英语对话的时候,不要紧张,要听清楚他在说什么,想要表达什么意思.因为英语不是我们的母语,自然在对话的时候,口语和听力不会特别流畅.不过没关系,只要多练多说,时间长了就熟练了,可以在英语口语对话时清楚地表达自己...

龙南县13586214805: 帮忙写一篇口语对话范文,要求对话时间能在一分钟以上,词汇不要太复杂.You and your partner are watching a basketball match on TV.You are rooting for the... -
金戚返魂:[答案] A:Brazil is 0-0 at this point,but I think they're getting better and better.B:Which team will win?A:I don't think either side will score in the first half.B:What makes you think so?Maybe the visiting...

龙南县13586214805: 英语对话范文 -
金戚返魂: 我想英语不是一朝一夕就能学好的 要靠自己平时的多说多练来积累的..找英语学习中心也是可以啦,可以去我目前上.好.的英语学习中心去看看,ABC天丅英语中心这家还不错,1对1外教辅导真的有明显效果!实用口语对话:A Clearance Sale: ...

龙南县13586214805: 英语口语对话材料啊····2个人的,每人大概10句左右,要求就是关于休闲娱乐的对话,2个人的,没人10句左右就够了,最好能够没一定的水平点,不... -
金戚返魂:[答案] A:Hello,Mike.Long time no see.Fancy meeting you here!Working again,are you?B:Yes,I've got to,if I want to do well in the report of the Chinese agriculture situations.A:Well,that is an interesting top...

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