
作者&投稿:畅舍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士 早晨好

Good Afternoon 午安

How are you? 你好么

Do you speak English? 你讲英语吗?

I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语

Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲

Would you mind speak louder please? 请讲大声一些

Do you wear glasses? 你有戴眼镜么?

I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜

Do you live at same address? 你住在上述地址么?

Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?

Do you have any question? 你有什么问题么?

You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志

Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名

Are you ready now? 你准备好了么?

Turn on the engine (car). 点火

Let's go. 现在开始

Right turn. 右转

Left turn. 左转

Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行

First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转

Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转

Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转

Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶

Second street. 第二条街

Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯

Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷

Right of way. 优先权

Stop the car here. 在这里停车

Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车

Slow down 慢驶

Three point turn. 三点调头

Parallel parking. 平行泊车

Up hill parking. 上坡泊车

Down hill parking. 下坡泊车

Back up. 后退

Back into the driveway. 倒车进入车道

Too close. 太接近

Too slow. 太慢

Too fast. 太快

Speed up. 加速

Give your signal. 打灯号

Cancel your signal. 取消灯号

Try again. 再试一次

Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人

Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张

More gas. 加油

It is very important for us to learn English, which is also often used in our daily life. This semeter with the help of our teacher, the class becomes very interesting. My English has made big progress, especially on oral English. I have also learnt many new words. Now I lover English more than ever.

1.What is your name?-My name is Jack.
2.Where are you from?-I'm from UK.
3.How are old you?I'm 18 years old.
4.How many people are there in you family?-There are four.
5.Who they are?-My father,my mother,my older brother and I.
6.How long have you been China?-Just one year
7.Do you like it here?-Yes,very much.
8.What do you like best?-Chinese food.
9.What is your parents' occupation?-My father is a businessman and my mother is a doctor.
10.How is your chinese? -It' very poor.
11.Do you have some friends?-Yes.
12.May you ask them for help.-Yes,I will.
13.Which school are you studying.-NO.1 middle school.
14.What do you like on the weekend?-I like watching or playing football with my friends.
15.It's great,we can play football togather.-Really?Good.
16.What is your favorite football player?-I like Messi best.
17.What's your favorite football club?-Real Madrid
18.Would you have time this weekend?-Sure.
19.Let's have a game.OK?-Certainly.
20.How is 8 o'clock on sunday.-OK.See you.

因此,不仅要掌握如何表达,更要了解所谈论的内容,这样的考生才能很好地适应新托福口语考试的要求,才能在“注重能力、淡化技巧”的新托福口语考试中立于不败之地。希望以上这些能够帮助到,在备考期间的学生们。 2.托福口语应对法则 如果同学们准备托福口语考试的时间充裕,建议大家可以做一份循序渐进的复习计划表。有充...


口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为 A、 B 、 C 三个等级,成绩低于 C 等的不发给证书。学英语四、六级考试作为一项全国性的教学考试,由国家教育部高教司主办,分为四级考试 (CET-4) 和六级考试(CET-6),每年各举行两次。从2005年1月起,报道成绩满分为710分,凡考试成绩...


应试者在运用普通话口语进行表达过程中所表现的语音、词汇、语法规范程度,是评定其所达到的水平等级的重要依据。 3.根据考试流程决定朗读作品和说话题目,约有十分钟的准备时间,然后按照四项(五项)内容先后进行测试。 考试内容: 1.读单音节字词 100个(10分) 2.读双音节词语 50个(20分) 3.朗读短文 (30分) 4....

普通话二级乙等的备考建议 1、了解测试要求:需要了解普通话二级乙等测试的评分标准和要求,以便明确备考方向和重点。提升基础语音知识,对于普通话基础语音知识不足的考生,需要加强基础语音知识的训练,包括声母、韵母、声调、音变等。2、提高口语表达能力:口语表达能力是普通话二级乙等测试的重点之一,需要...

报名流程:全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会根据教育部主管部门的文件规定,在有关城市设立若干个考点。考生到所在考试中心指定的考点报名并参加考试,报名时须随身携带身份证、二寸报名照一张及报名费用。 2.英语口语考试注意事项 ①考生须携带本人的准考证和身份证准时到规定的候考室报到,逾时15分钟不得进考场。 ②...


2、学会用眼睛交流 (1)英语口语考试的最基本要求是考生能在关键工作岗位上与外宾交流。参加中级考试的考生口语水平相对比较熟练了。需要注意的是准确性和有力度的问题。(2)中级考试中,简单的问答已经满足不了考查的需求,因此有了话题考查环节。要通过考试,考生一般都会在考前进行话题准备。但要注意,...

英语三级和四六级是一样的称呼啊,只是要求的难度不同而已,略比高考要简单些,是要求大专学生要求的一种国家级别英语水平考试。pets2是指 二级公共英语等级考试口语,分为1-4级呢。就是大学里的口语考试。希望对你有用

卢氏县15628304238: 还有几天考英语口语,帮我写20句对话,两个人一组,一人10句.对话不限,最好简单点的,初一,把翻译打... -
钟离受阿可: topic: How to spend your weekend?A:HI, jane, B, Hello, john, nice to see you A, me too. wow,,, it's friday again, do you have plan for this weekend?字数限制 如果对我的回答满意 我再补充.

卢氏县15628304238: 自考专科英语专业《英语口语》考试中的"看图说话"要求考生自我提问并自我回答? -
钟离受阿可: 首先口语考试不要慌,拿到图片后肯定会有2到3分时间准备,这时候你要看好图片内容一般不会很难,都是和学校或者年轻人生活有关的.在看好内容的同时头脑中要开始串联内容,不用多高级的词汇只要你说的合情合理语言流利没什么太多语法错误基本上你的成绩会在70分到75的,如果可以使用一些高级词汇和从句那么分数会更高

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语考试需要的对话....有没有可以参考的? -
钟离受阿可: --Excuse me, is there any shops or supermarkets? --yes. --Good,where is it? --Go long the street ahd turn left on the first coner , the supermarket is on your right ,you can buy anything in there. ---Oh, thank you very much .Goodbye ! --You are welcome .bye1

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语考试小对话 -
钟离受阿可: 1.jobs A:Kay,do you like your job? Kay,你喜欢你的工作吗? B:Why not? Teachig is a lot fun . I can meet different people and talk to them.It is a good learning experience for me too.为什么不?教书很有趣.我可以遇见不同的人并且和他们聊天....

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语期末考试情景对话 -
钟离受阿可: A: hmm… there's a news says that in This issue of lottery tickets there is an award of one billion dollars stayed unclaimed for a week. B: oh really? Could it be said that the one who wining the great prize have lost the ticket? C: How I wish I can get ...

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语考试话题自我介绍的对话 -
钟离受阿可: Good morning/afternoon sir, I am a freshman/sophister from ** university. My major is **. During the studying time, I made full use of my sapare time to join in Voluntary Organization/student union/social practice/...to improve my communication, ...

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语考试对话,话题:SCHOOL LIFE/ VACATION与SHOPPING的结合.对话要求8个回合 时间控制在一分半左右,两人对话. -
钟离受阿可:[答案] A:School life is so clumsy!I feel so tired with homework everyday.I hope I can go on a vacation this weekend to relax myself! B:OK.You must know the school life is always so uninteresting.You must learn to be relax and plan you schedule rightly and put ...

卢氏县15628304238: 英语口语考试对话 -
钟离受阿可: A: you're a big fan of andy lau, aren't you? B: yes, I've been got all his albums and most of his films on dvd. I adore him. He's my idol. A: how come you don't have all of his films on dvd? B: some of his early films are hard to find nowadays, ...

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