
作者&投稿:殳转 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  It is usually thought that the end of Academic circles aestheticism movement was marked by the arrest of Oscar Wilde .
  Genre: French symbolism or decadent after movement, romantic,overlap with history of decorative arts revolution .
  Slogan: "art for art's sake"
  Features: the pursuit of recommended rather than declarative, the pursuit of sensory enjoyment, the application of symbolism, the link between the pursuit of things induction - that is, to seek for vocabulary, the inner relationship between color and music.
  Representative: Keats, Shelley, Mr Gautier (GeDiYe), Oscar Wilde, Beardsley.
  Scope: Europe and the far east
  Affected areas: literature, drama, decoration, art.
  Soul: Oscar Wilde
  Soul: drama "salome"
  Events: Oscar Wilde in prison

  Truly representative of aestheticism is Oscar Wilde (1856-1900), his aestheticism is not only the creator of practitioners, but also the advocate of the theory of aestheticism.
  On the relationship between art and reality, said Oscar Wilde, believes that art should be escapist, free life. "Real events are the enemy of the art. All the disadvantages of art from feelings. Nature is to understand, understand, it is not art." All bad art from the return of natural descriptions and objectively describe the life. So that those who "back to life and nature" of art is bad, art more far away from the reality, beyond it more better. The only things of beauty, is "has nothing to do with our things.
  About the role of art for life, Oscar Wilde believes that art is not reproducing life, but life imitates art. Art is not the mirror of human social life, the life just is a student of art, art is Paramount.
  From the purpose of literary and artistic creation, he preached "art for art's sake". That "art in addition to its own performance, does not show any other things. Art has its own life, as well as thoughts have an independent life". Novel Du Liange lai's portrait is the representative work of Oscar Wilde, is also the aestheticism aims to show the "art of life is the imitation, destroyed the art, a man's life is no" work.


Classicism: contemporary themes in typical historical events, advocate elegant noble theme, emphasizing the rational and emotional neglect
浪漫主义 :反映客观现实上侧重从主观内心世界出发,常用热情奔放的语言、瑰丽的想象和夸张的手法来塑造形象。
Romantic: focus reflect the objective reality, starting from the subjective inner world, often passionate language, rich imagination and exaggeration to shape the image.
Symbolism: the exploration of new content with the affection based, not onrational or objective based on the observation, but beyond the appearance of the internal strength and imagination.
Impressionism: emphasis on painting in the light, seeing as depicted object.Many characters portrayed in reality and the natural landscape.
Post Impressionism: that painting is not simply to imitate the objective world,but should be more performance artists to the subjective experience of objective things. Won't face the real, and paint from memory, the promotion of integrated and symbolic aesthetic principle.
Postmodernism: mainly popular art opposed artistic elite. That art of all categories, the boundaries between art and life disappear.
Expressionism: the extremely not harmonious composition, coupled with the strong contrast of color and lines to describe the dark and ugly sick society,reflecting the people's loneliness, fear and mental state.
Abstract: emphasis on form first, a non realistic painting style ignoring the content. By intuition and imagination for the creation of the starting point
Dada:. Negate rationality and traditional civilization, advocate no purpose, no ideal life and art, advocating automatic and contingency.
Surrealism: abandoning logic, and show people's deep psychology in theimage world, that only the reality beyond the "unconscious" world. In order to get rid of all the shackles.

浪漫主义:romanticism: is the artistic movement of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries which was concerned with the expression of the individual's feelings and emotions.The beauty of nature and human feelings were important ideas in romanticism.

现实主义:realism: an artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description

后现代主义:postmodernism: Mainly artistic elite is opposed by art's popularity . the boundaries is disappeared from all categories of art and between art and life.

超现实主义:surrealism:a style in art and literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream. a 20th century movement of artists and writers (developing out of Dadaism) who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams

古典主义:classicism: a style of art practised especially in the 18th century in Europe. It has simple regular forms and the artist does not attempt to express strong emotions.

象征主义:symbolism: The exploration of new content with the affection based, it doesn't based on the rational or objective observation, but beyond the superficial intuition internal strength and imagination

印象主义:impressionism: A style emphasizing the depiction of light and its effects, with the act of seeing as its primary subject. (France 19th century)

后印象主义:postimpressionism: that painting is not simple to imitate the objective world, the artists subjective feeling to objective things should be more performance. Won't face the real, and paint from memory, the promotion of integrated and symbolic aesthetic principle.

表现主义:expressionism:An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image.

抽象主义:abstractionism: A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter. The intuition and imagination is the starting point of creation

立体主义:Cubism: A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century)

自然主义:naturalism: is a theory in art and literature which states that people and things should be shown in a realistic way.

存在主义:existentialism: is a philosophy which stresses the importance of human experience, and says that everyone is responsible for the results of their own actions.

未来主义:futurism: A style glorifying modern technology, speed, and the machine age. ( Italy, early 20th century ). Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion

达达主义:Dadaism: A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes. Negate rationality and tradition, advocates life and art with aimless and idealless. advocates automoticity and contingency.

部分词语我用了英英字典的解释. 意思不完全符合你给的字面上的意思.

It is usually thought that the end of Academic circles aestheticism movement was marked by the arrest of Oscar Wilde .Genre: French symbolism or decadent after movement, romantic,overlap with history of decorative arts revolution .Slogan: "art for art's sake"Features: the pursuit of...

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Classicism: contemporary themes in typical historical events, advocate elegant noble theme, emphasizing the rational and emotional neglect 浪漫主义 :反映客观现实上侧重从主观内心世界出发,常用热情奔放的语言、瑰丽的想象和夸张的手法来塑造形象。Romantic: focus reflect the objective reality, starting...

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我知道她是伤害。和压迫,但不会表现出来。如果一滴眼泪从她,然后伤害并没有死亡。来 告诉我如果我应了她。我现在就看到她,和她在一起。我一直不源公正,我伤害了她。我现在应该去还是没有时间?现在她是怎样做的?和她是谁吗?她的知精神可能是坏了。所以如果她忘记我我能原谅她。我伤了她的感情。

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潮阳区13161004219: 求英语大神翻译这一段话!! 一个人的美丽并不是容颜,而是所有经历过的往事在心中留下伤痕又褪去,令人 -
缪呼乐舒: One's beauty is actually not her appearance,but the things she experienced through which had cause wounds and faded away.Therefore elegance can't be developed only by training ,but it's a kind of experience ,peaceful while not old.The only part ...

潮阳区13161004219: 请高手翻译一段话(美式英语)
缪呼乐舒: 这次对手是在是很强,我已经尽了最大的努力,虽然受到很打的阻挠,但是我卫冕成功了,我是第一名! The opponent is very strong in, I have tried our best, despite the obstruction is hit, but I succeeded in defending, I am the first!

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缪呼乐舒: We can always stand to snuggle posture, stand to the white haired.

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缪呼乐舒: Don't interfere the others happiness, for which also of one's privacy. Something that has been seen as bitterness in you eyes, might be the true happyness in the others. Happiness has nothing to do with rich, reputation or a role of a people, It will be ...

潮阳区13161004219: 求大神帮我英文翻译一段话,意境一点美一点 -
缪呼乐舒: In the past, there were so much I did not understand.I could smile at you,I could also say you were wonderful.Finally there will be a time, no matter who and where,whenever you were mentioned, I could just smile, and there won't be any ripples in my ...

潮阳区13161004219: 求大神翻译段落,带美化中文谢谢 -
缪呼乐舒: 让音乐响起,让音乐响起吧,DJ,让我忘却我的忧愁,我不想听到有关他的任何事情,现在,他的名字让我生气.是的,我决定忘记他,受够了这种痛苦,受够了,因为他,我遭受了痛苦.今晚,我来到这个聚会,我要尽可能地享受快乐,因此响起音乐,响起音乐的节拍,让我听到音乐的节拍,让我听到它,请燃起,燃起欢乐的气氛,让我们一起来享受这美妙的时刻.请让我们不要说话,来吧,来吧,让我们跳起民族舞,手挽手,让气氛热烈些吧.夜复一夜,让我们忘记白天,把爱留给相爱的人,冷眼笑对那个我曾爱过的人,他否定了我的感情,因此我拒绝将自己托付给他.

潮阳区13161004219: 求大神翻译一下这首诗.要有深度,有文采.有伤感悲哀的色调却又不失优雅华美. -
缪呼乐舒: 爱像一条贯穿生命的河流,在我灵魂深处流淌,它需要流过多少高山与峡谷,才能找到对的地方停歇啊,就像沙漠中绝望的冒险者,徒劳地寻找...

潮阳区13161004219: 翻译几段英语啊,大神请
缪呼乐舒: The most beautiful coincidence in my life. 我人生中最美丽的邂逅 Is the day I met you,woh my life. 便是遇见你的那一天, 那一天是我的一生. I saw my story in your eyes. 你的眼眸反映着我的故事 And I feel reassured (comforted). 令我得到慰藉(安...

潮阳区13161004219: 求英语大神翻译这句话! Jack London(1876 - 1916)was an American -
缪呼乐舒: 杰克伦敦(1876-1916)是一位美国作家,他的作品有[野性的呼唤],[白芳传奇],以及许其他小说.

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