
作者&投稿:兀有玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请将下列句子翻译为英文 在线等~

I have got two champions and a second place finalist in the sports competition of my city.I've also got very good scores in the competition of English ability.In my six-year Primary school,I've got Miyoshi students commendation ever year and I also got District Miyoshi Commendation in 2010.
绝对手打翻译,可能有些小错误,拒绝用翻译器,嘿嘿 望采纳

1.You work so hard that you don't have time to exercise, which really damage your body.
2. I think it will be good to your body if you do more exercise in the future.
3.In fact, exercise can improve your phy

What a kind mother! How kind a mother she is!
We have to buy Mother gifts the time Mother's Day comes.
The Greens came to Beijing to watch the 29th Olymic Games last year.
Who is the prime minister of the U.K.? And what about that of Japan?
Which Country is the largest one in the world?

1.What kind of a mother..!/What kind of a mother ah!
In the Mother's Day comes, we have to buy gifts for mothers
2.Green's family last year to watch the 29th Beijing Olympic Games
3.itain's Prime Minister, who is? Japanese?
4The world's largest country is?

用there be句型翻译下列句子
1、一年有几个季节?一年有四个季节。How many seasons are there in a year?There are four seasons in a year.2、七月份有三十一天。There are thirty-one days in July.3、盒子里有什么?What is there in the box?4、还有吗?Is there angthing else?5、你们家有许多英文小说吗?Are there...

把下列句子翻译成英文 1.你吃晚饭了吗?
1、Have you had dinner?2、He borrowed my bike and returned it to me soon。3、My pen is lost。l am looking for it。4、She finished washing the clothes before she went shopping。5、He came in with a book and gave it to me。原创回答,简明扼要。希望有帮助!

1.那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了。当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤。(remind... of;drown;weep;wipe;sadness)That picture reminded her of the lover who drowned in the sea , she cried .When she went out the room , although wept her tears ,...

1.helen had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.helen 不得不大声喊压过音乐的声音才能被别人听到。2.you were silly not to have locked your car.没有锁车,真是太愚蠢了 3.i don't konw whether you happen to have heard,but i'm going to study in the...

把下列句子翻译成英文,不要百度的 早上,我和我的朋友去了图书馆,我们阅...
In the morning,my friend and I went to the library,we read many books,and learned a lot.At the noon,we had steak and juice,it tasted good.We went shopping in the afternoon,and we had a great time.In the evening,we went to the movie,and it was great....

1.Titanic是我看过的最激动人心的电影之一.Titanic is one of the most exciting movies that I have ever seen.2我们认为中学生学好英语和计算机是十分重要的.We think that it is important for middle school students to learn English and computer well.3.我发现和他共事很轻松.I find it ...

1. This is the national flag of Holland.2. This is the map of Holland.3. Holland has lots of delicious food.4. Holland has the world's biggest...5. The capital of Holland is..6. Holland is very beautiful.7. Do you like Holland?

1、当聚会结束时,他已经吃了5块蛋糕(by the time)He had eaten five pieces of cake by the time teh party was over 2、她既是一卫作家 也是一位母亲 所以她的书很受孩子欢迎(as well as)She is a writer as well as a mother,so her book is very popular to children 3、这家...

一个男人爱你,你是妻子;you are a wife when a man loves you 几个男人爱你,你是女人;you are a woman when a few men love you 几十个男人爱你,你是妖精,you are a witch when bunch of men love you 一百个男人爱你,你是偶像;you are an idol when several hundreds of men ...

把下列句子翻译成英文 谢谢谢谢,
1. hope to do something 2. can't wait to do something 3. Enjoying doing something 4. do something\/make a difference 5. drop out of school 6. Give up doing something 7. Plan to do something 8. try best to do something 9. learn to do something 10. start to do ...

周口市19657688842: 英语翻译请用英语翻译下列句子1“和我去滑冰好吗?”;2我建议你明天继续做你的工作;3“过去我们经常互相写信、现在我们发短信” -
再殃佳多:[答案] 1 Would you like go skirting with me? 2 I suggest you continue to do your work tomorrow. 3 We used to write to each other in the past ,but we text each other now.

周口市19657688842: 英语翻译请将以下句子翻译成英文!1:我正在打开一个新文件2:我正在写我的作业3:我正在发送一封邮件翻译:1:_________________2:_____________... -
再殃佳多:[答案] I'm opening a new file. I'm doing my homework. I'm sending a mail.

周口市19657688842: 英语翻译请翻译下列句子!|.在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助.2.只要你开心就好 3.某人作出抉择 4.把某事当真 5.那由他来决定 6.靠近我家的... -
再殃佳多:[答案] 你好,要采纳我哦. 1 在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助 When I was growing up, my parents always help me ... 8 Our English teacher is very popular with students, because she loves us very much 9 Sometimes parents take their children's...

周口市19657688842: 请用英语翻译下面的句子,谢谢假如你认为我是你的朋友,你可以向我倾诉,那将是我的荣幸!我总是没有自信,我该如何提高自己的自信心?你有什莫好建... -
再殃佳多:[答案] If you treat me as your friend,you may confess to me.That would me my pleasure!I am always not confident of myself?How can... Let me see.OK,I will be waiting for your answer. 口语的句子,尽量乘法的语言,提高自己的自信心,我用的是:reinforce my ...

周口市19657688842: 请将下列句子翻译为英文 在线等 -
再殃佳多: I have got two champions and a second place finalist in the sports competition of my city.I've also got very good scores in the competition of English ability.In my six-year Primary school,I've got Miyoshi students commendation ever year and I also got District Miyoshi Commendation in 2010.绝对手打翻译,可能有些小错误,拒绝用翻译器,嘿嘿 望采纳

周口市19657688842: 英语翻译 请翻译下列句子.(1) 意将遂入以攻其后也.                                              ... -
再殃佳多:[答案] (1)想钻洞进入来攻屠户的后部. (2)狼不敢前进,瞪着眼朝着屠户. (3)他回头看见野地里有一个打麦场,场主人把柴草堆在打麦场里,覆盖成小山似的.

周口市19657688842: 请把下列句子翻译成英文,多谢! -
再殃佳多: 1: left, to go eat, hurry up, I'll wait for you! 2: a person living in the dormitory, but also fit? Feel lonely do? 3: Let's go, a person in a dormitory more bori...

周口市19657688842: 请用英文翻译下列句子. -
再殃佳多: 1.They don't waste food anymore.2.How can you change his temperature?3.The number of products made in his factory is increasing.4.Her performance attracted many travellers.希

周口市19657688842: 请用英语翻译下列句子! -
再殃佳多: 1.大象用他的鼻子来喝水 Elephants use his nose to drink (water) 2.熊猫生活在竹林里,并十分喜欢吃竹子 Pandas live in the bamboo grove, and like eating bamboo evry much. 3.长颈鹿有着很长的脖子 The giraffe has a very long neck 4.狮子,老虎都很凶猛 The lion and tiger are very fierce

周口市19657688842: 请用英语翻译下列句子: -
再殃佳多: 1 humor can let you use relaxed attitude towards learning.2 humor is good for people's health.3 for a good state of mind can make people broad-minded.

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