
作者&投稿:可丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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超好听的钢琴演奏! 不【愧】为大师的杰作!做音乐就像写文字,把思想带入听者的灵魂,才是无与伦比的!
It's really a super piano performance which deserve (to be) a masterpiece of a great master. Music composition is just like writing in words: it can be unequalable only when (your) thoughts are infused into the soul of the audience.

从2010年的6月1日至8月31日,你会得到韩国和澳大利亚或欧洲的亚洲万里通港龙双程旅,享受到每个航班的头等舱或商务舱。您在整个旅程中将体验卓越的舒适和服务 - 并获得两倍的报酬。







几个英文词 请诸位英雄翻译一下
79.3 seventy-nine point three 0.67 zero point six seven 5+3= five and\/plus three is\/equals 6-2= six minus two is\/equals 2*3= two times\/multiplied by three is\/equals 9\/2= nine divided by two is\/equals 1068年 one thousand and sixty-eight\/ten sixty-eight 1700年 one...

dance troupe in the festival will also have excellent performance. In previous festivals, we held a special concert in Zhongshan Park Music Hall to mark the 85th anniversary of founding. 250 anniversary of the birth of Mozart concerts on the theme of the monument, divided into two ...

Michael Jackson's death the same day, almost the whole world of people, all because a sudden the unfortunate and burst into tears. Even today, there are still a lot of people can not accept such a fact. Faced with this situation hurts, moving. How many fans spontaneously organ...

at a loss 不知所措;困惑 原句:I am never at a loss at a word but he is never at a loss for the word ?意思是:我从来不会说话不知所措,然而他也不会对于困惑而不知所措。

诸位英语高手 来帮我改下 这篇英文翻译 要求简练地道 中翻英
One year ago, the finance crisis (financial crisis)swept across the globe (world), which had a deep impact on the national social, economic and cultural developments (it made profound impact on the social, economic and cultural construction of many countries).The talents, ...

This is the call from the hearts of the elderly; it is a battle cry that calls to the sky, the cry stride out the gate of the capital city accompanied by the majesty of the ancient city, then rebounding in the air all over the world!这一群神采奕奕的年轻人,也许刚刚跨入而...

这是美国总统里根在挑战者号航天飞机于美国东部时间1986年1月28日上午11时39分发生解体,机上7名机组人员丧命后发表的著名演讲片段。这份演讲由佩吉·努南撰写,并以引用小约翰·吉列斯比·麦基的一首诗《高高飞翔》(High Flight)作为结尾。全文翻译如下,对照前三段就可以了。Ronald Reagan: The Space...

B: Oh, it's really bad. When is the earliest departure time tomorrow?A: 6:30 am B: That's too early, later?A: Every 20 or 30 minutes, when do you want to leave?B: I see! How long does it need to get to Wenzhou? Is it an express? Fares?A: Yes,it' is. ...

Doctor Franklin. The pair walk in the Doctor’

以下是我的翻译,差不多一样的。Beware the beares of false gifts & their broken promises 要提防他们(带信人)虚假的礼物和不守信的承若 Much pain but still time 有很多痛苦,但仍有时间(去缓解)There is good out there 在外面(的世界)那里有好的 We opose deception 我们反对欺骗 Con...

灵武市18317586153: 有一段英文需要帮助翻译
舟李爱大: 是来自圣经的一段话 (林前13 : 1)非常著名,被称作爱的颂歌原译 :我若能说万人的方言,并天使的话语,却没有慈善之心,我就成了鸣的锣,响的钹一般. 解释 :虽然我能说多种方言也能说天使的语言,如果没有爱心,就会和鸣锣响跋一样,只是燥音而已.

灵武市18317586153: 有一段英文请大家帮忙翻译一下.不胜感激.
舟李爱大: 您好,请问您找哪位?Hello,who would you like to speak to? 请问您需要办理什么业务?是做什么品牌呢?(手机、上网本、电子书) What bussiness would you like to handle? What brand?(mobile phone,netbook,E-book) 这是我们负责手机的...

灵武市18317586153: 有一段英文,帮忙翻译一下!!!
舟李爱大: 享受写作:七彩产品

灵武市18317586153: 救急:请哪位英语好的大侠帮忙翻译一下这段话!
舟李爱大: This article summing up the international automobile industry of the two countries after a typical development model, based on an analysis of the development of our country's comparative advantage in the automobile industry, put forward in the new ...

灵武市18317586153: 求教各位英文达人,帮忙翻译一下以下的一段话,汉译英!请把此话译成英文“你好,我是中国人,我英语不怎么好 我看不懂你在说什么,你直接做就好了.” -
舟李爱大:[答案] Hi!I am Chinese.My English is limited.I don't know what you are saying.Please just do it.

灵武市18317586153: 麻烦大侠帮我翻译一下这段英文是什么意思,我不会英语的?郁闷 ,帮帮忙,谢谢各位了 -
舟李爱大: 今天是一年一次的感恩节,考虑了一下,我想我有很多话对你讲,但是这是一个很长的故事在经过了这么多的考验后,可能太冗长的故事让我想说点什么,我们认识对方超过2年了,真的想对你说点什么.今天想跟你坦白可能因为今天是感恩节,伤过后还能剩下什么?我也想通通忘掉!亲爱的,对不起.我还会想起你的.我不知道你是不是有同样的感觉,但是我想说这也是一种幸福吧.亲爱的 我爱你 我会一直记得你,谢谢你留给我的感觉,感谢你还停留在我的生命中 ,不再 不再 爱你 祝福你 !挥手昨天 !

灵武市18317586153: 一段英文帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了!! -
舟李爱大: Mainly about sales of costume, product and marketing of different kinds of minority national accessories,I have better understanding of marketing though my own entrepreneurship,and my ability of organization and hands-on ability have been improved a lot.

灵武市18317586153: 帮忙翻译一下一段英文邮件,谢谢!我要用英文回一个客户:说我已经收到了邮件,将会把邮件转发给XXX(我上司的名字),谢谢!麻烦翻译一下,谢谢! -
舟李爱大:[答案] dear XXXX thank you for your e-mail ,the e-mail will forward to XXX(你上司的名字)soon.

灵武市18317586153: 帮帮忙,有一段英文需要翻译!谢谢啦 -
舟李爱大: 讨论尽管安徒生咨询预测,到2005年这个电子图书产业将产生23亿美元)的销售(Boynton 2000年,尚不清楚是否消费者购买电子书.在另一项研究中,只有12%的受访者在2000年表示愿意购买电子书在接下来的12个月.).以下的泡沫经...

灵武市18317586153: 各位英语好的大侠谁能帮我翻译一下这段文字(中译英)、跪谢!!! -
舟李爱大: With the English in the society of extensive application, English education has increasingly appeared in the low age tendency. However, long-term since, due to insufficient understanding of children psychology, causes in the teaching of English can...

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