
作者&投稿:佟筠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在我的梦境中,小孩们唱着爱之歌给每个男孩女孩听。天空是湛蓝的,田野是翠绿的,笑声是这个世界的语言。然后,我醒来了,我看到的世界,是充满了贫困的人们。一定得是这个样子吗?我是否错过了什么呢?因为我真的不懂,当那么多人需要某人的帮助的时候,没有人伸出援手。每天我都在问我自己,我该做些什么来当个男人,我是否该站起来奋斗。来证明给大家看,我是什么人,我的生命的意义在哪里。而不该是浪费在一个充满战争的世界。 PS:我稍微修改了一些细节。倒数第二行的最后一个字应该是错了,应该是for. 还有最后一句,和前后文不是很符合,所以我也稍微修改过了。

泪水 最终将我淹没 到底谁该难过
Tears,it eventually inundates me and which one of us was hurted more?
究竟 是谁放掉 这段感情
and which one of us let the love between us go?
我才终于明白 现实中办不到的承诺 就成了枷锁
Finally I get it,what couldn't be done in real,became a true restriction in virtual
别告诉她 我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下
Please don't tell her that she's still in my mind and hatred always is more easily to be removed than love
当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默 代替所有回答
When tears blooded my chest,then,let the silence be my answet

压车费 detention charge 停车费 parking charge/fee

压车费 stranding fee

停车费 parking fee

压车费 stranding fee

停车费 parking fee

1. Pressure fare或DETENTION CHARGES<网络搜索答案>
2. parking fee


急 请高手帮我把2篇短文翻译成英文 在线等
One day, Rick police patrol the streets at near neighbour, and he will meet every greeted her. While Rick, patrol near to the park, a kid in drumsticks. Children eat chicken leg after the threw the bones. Rick saw as he said after the children, "not litter" the children ...

The earth - - human homes The earth is our human survival homes, it is beautiful, meanwhile, is also very easy to be destroyed.The forest is called the earth have, lung, no forest is not, however, the global average annual loss in 1998, equal to forest 995 million hectares...

end piece of chain 链条\/生产线的最后一环 guide roll of load suspension device 负载悬挂装置(的)导辊 damper with rubber gaskets and sealing rings diameters over 200 only 由多个橡胶垫圈组成的缓冲物,及直径仅超过200的密封圈 sealing rings example of horizontal installation 水平(\/卧式)...

你曾经有没有为做了不该做的或者没做应该做的事而后悔? 一次或者很多次,我们可能都有过。不需要为它而伤心,不需要为了弄洒了牛奶而哭泣。然而,考虑究竟发生了什么,为什么发生了可能会有收获的,因为为了以后,我们可以总结总结。我们有时候或总是和亲戚朋友发火。奇怪的是,我们对认识的人发火比对...

找英语高手,帮我翻译下一句英文. 谢谢 !
找英语高手,帮我翻译下一句英文. 谢谢 ! cross that bridge when we e to it 到了桥头就过桥(船到桥头自然直) 这是个美国俚语 麻烦英语高手帮我翻译下一句英文. 我希望这不是我的一厢情愿 i hope it is not my own wishful thinking 人不为己天诛地灭Everyone for himself and the ...

1. Reading can enable us to gain more knowledge, do not go out, they know the world, we can improve the reading ability and writing level. , We can make the changes that accomplishment. , Will enable us to find a good job, so that we can be competitive in the social ...


恳请英语高手帮我 将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就...
mouth-muffle, effectively.6.Pressure vessel.1.Air compressor by national special equipment supervision regulation.2.The company has standardized management system.3.Employees in accordance with management system standard work. Effective.我是按照楼主给的顺序写的,希望楼主能看懂。望楼主采纳。

数学是研究客观世界的空间形式和数量关系的学科,且数与形是数学的两种表达形式,数是形的抽象概括,形是数的直观表现 数形结合就是把抽象的数学语言与直观的图形结合起来,通过 以形助数 或 以数辅形 ,使得复杂问题简单化,抽象问题具体化,使抽象思维和形象思维相结合,通过图形描述 代数的论证来研究和...

喝茶的时候不能出声音,还有当有位女士来和离去的时候,所有在这张桌子的男人都应该起身,因为这样比较礼貌。I think afternoon tea must be a wonderful part of British people's daily life.我认为,下午茶一定是英国人每天中十分美好的一部分。为了方便理解,我修改了几个翻译,但是意思不变 ...

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮我翻译两个费用的英文说法 -
袁鸦信敏: 压车费 detention charge 停车费 parking charge/fee

临沭县18559715141: 请帮我交一下这两笔费用英语 -
袁鸦信敏: Please help me pay off the two items of the charge.Please pay me off the two items of the charge.

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮我翻译几个词语:单价,数量,运费,合计 -
袁鸦信敏: 单价,unit price 数量,quantity 运费,freight 合计 total amount

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮忙翻译2个句子!(中译英) -
袁鸦信敏: After confirmation of the mold, B should be informed on time if A wants to do some corrections. Cooresponding correction fees should be paid when necessary. The mold sample and its parts should be approved by A after correction.

临沭县18559715141: 翻译英语句子(中译英)急这是报价中的费用说明,请高手翻译成英语吧
袁鸦信敏: 1 audit trail customer's support request and to its effective keeping up, achieves the prompt solution customer the question goal. 2. Solves the question further information ...

临沭县18559715141: 请高手帮忙英语翻译一下下面的收费内容,万分感谢. -
袁鸦信敏: Customhouse cost: 1. The bill of entry couplet is only 2-consuming. Customhouse is examined wasting 3. Require my company to do import licence Business inspects up cost: 1. Relate to business go over prove effective , examine service charge, ...

临沭县18559715141: 请外贸英语高手帮我翻译几个付款方式,谢谢(英译汉) -
袁鸦信敏: Payment: 1. Full payment before delivery 2. Prepay 30% as the deposite, T/T 70% the balance before delivery 3. Prepay 30% as the deposite, L/C 70% the balance before delivery 4. Prepay 30% as the deposite,70% balance L/C at sight.

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮我翻译两个句子 -
袁鸦信敏: 呵呵,中式英语,直译过来就OK了1、book mountain have road hard is easy way, study sea have no precipice hard is boat.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.2、fall red is not no love thing,become spring dirt more protect flower 落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花.

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两段话,好的加钱
袁鸦信敏: 1. In different season baihe has different beauty. Spring, there are lots of new buds of the willow trees on both sides of the river, the wind blows, the wicker dancing like the girl's hair . In the summer, the river shining in the sun, and people enjoy in ...

临沭县18559715141: 请英语高手帮忙翻译两句话,汉译英,谢谢. -
袁鸦信敏: 1.Put the hand which is used to hold the gun on the camera, use first one hand and then the other in quick succession,record the precious moment. 2.Maybe I am just a drop of water in the long river of history,but I will be clinging like the drop of water ...

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