
作者&投稿:称念 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

development engineer mechanics:工程机械师
designer: 设计
R&D:research and development 研究开发
product developer:产品开发
auto CAD specialist:CAD(computer aid design电脑辅助设计) 三维制图专员或电脑制图专员

Director of Accountant Coat Dept.
Director of Cost Management Dept.
Vice-Director of Cost Management Dept.
Director of Warehouse
Accountant of Cost Management Dept.

(1)档案管理员 File Clerk
(2)市场主管助理 Assistant of Marketing Manager
(3)人力资源部经理 Human Resources Manager 或者H.R.Manager
(4)业务主管 Sales Manager
2004-2005 春季学期二等奖学金 Second Scholarship in the first term of 2004-2005
2003-2004 年度优秀学生干部 Outstanding Cadre in the term of 2003-2004

1,File Clerk 档案管理员
2,Assistant of Marketing Manager 市场主管助理
4,Sales Manager 业务主管

以上内容在:企业管理:家具英语词汇大全Furniture english 中有。参考资料见下面的网址。http://www.chengdu365.com/furniture/jjyych12.htm

(1)档案管理员 File Clerk
(2)市场主管助理 Marketing director Assistant
(3)人力资源部经理 HR Manager
(4)业务主管 business supervisor

2004-2005 春季学期二等奖学金 award the Second price of Scholarship in the spring term of 2004-2005
2003-2004 年度优秀学生干部 Outstanding student leader in the term of 2003-2004

(1)档案管理员filing clerk /archivist
(2)市场主管助理 Assistant of Marketing Department
3)人力资源部经理 Executive of Human Resources
4)业务主管 Service manager

2004-2005 春季学期二等奖学金
The second level Scholarship for the sencond term of 2004-2005
2003-2004 年度优秀学生干部
Outstanding student's cadre in the years of 2004-2005

(1)档案管理员 File managing person
(2)市场主管助理 Market supervisor assistant
(3)人力资源部经理 Human resource department manager
(4)业务主管 Traffic supervisor

2004-2005 春季学期二等奖学金
2004-2005 semester of springs are second class to scholarship
2003-2004 年度优秀学生干部
2003-2004 years students with excellent records staff

运作助理: operatoin assistant 总调度: controller-in-chief

development engineer mechanics:工程机械师 developer:开发 designer: 设计 R&D:research and development 研究开发 product developer:产品开发 auto CAD specialist:CAD(computer aid design电脑辅助设计) 三维制图专员或电脑制图专员

(1)档案管理员 File Clerk (2)市场主管助理 Assistant of Marketing Manager (3)人力资源部经理 Human Resources Manager 或者H.R.Manager (4)业务主管 Sales Manager 顺便翻译两个奖项:2004-2005 春季学期二等奖学金 Second Scholarship in the first term of 2004-2005 2003-2004 ...

求英文高手帮我翻译几个职位的英文 客服主管 Customer Service Supervisor 招商主管 Canvass Business Supervisor \/ Investment Director 市场部经理 Marketing Manager \/ Manager of Marketing Department 求英文高手帮我翻译几个句子~ 1、Sacrifice my love 2、Sacrifice the love of my dying 英文高...

快点,急需要的! 字都看不清,做个毛线啊 外贸英语 急需要高手帮忙翻译下啊! 1. Commercial Negotiation - proceed with L\/C if things are ok 2. The buyer to apply for L\/C 3. The banker to issue L\/C notification 4. The seller to ship cargo with documents submitted ...

几个职位名称 翻译
电话销售经理 telemarketing manager 综合开拓专员 comprehensive exploitation specialist 电话销售专员 telemarketing specialist 内勤主管 internal affairs manager 责任险部经理 liability insurance manager 业务一部经理 business section No 1 manager

比如销售方面的最高负责人一般是(営业本部长)・部门经理和专业经理的话 如果是一个大部门的主管,可以是(部长)如果是负责一个小部门的话,可以是(课长)・主管 管理人数不同,可以是(主任)或者(リーダー)・专员 这个没有争议,是(担当)・助力 这个没有争议,...

1.职位:国际贸易系主任 1. Posts: head of the International Trade 2.地址:重庆交通大学明德楼329办公室 2. Address: Chongqing Jiaotong University, Matilda House Office 329 3.日期:2008年4月3日 3. Date: April 3, 2008 4.教授:谢水清、李根4. Professor: Xie clear, Lee Kan - ...

哪位英语高手能帮忙用准确标准的英语语法翻译下面2个职位 中共蓬安县委...
正规的:中共蓬安县委副书记the vice secretary of Peng'an Municipal Committee 蓬安县人民政府县长the head of Peng'an county governments

英语高手 请教职位翻译 我们企业有董事 部长 课长 主任 管理员 等级...
首先请注意,企业里的“部长”一词是肯定不能用另外几位朋友写的“Minister“的,国家部委的部长才是用此词。董事:Member of the board 部长:Department Supervisor 课长:Section Chief 主任:Manager 管理员:Administrator

裕安区17821029665: 请帮忙翻译一下几个职位名称,谢谢 -
英龙盐酸: Director of Accountant Coat Dept.Director of Cost Management Dept.Vice-Director of Cost Management Dept.Director of WarehouseAccountant of Cost Management Dept.

裕安区17821029665: 几个职位名称 翻译 -
英龙盐酸: 电话销售经理 telemarketing manager 综合开拓专员 comprehensive exploitation specialist 电话销售专员 telemarketing specialist 内勤主管 internal affairs manager 责任险部经理 liability insurance manager 业务一部经理 business section No 1 manager

裕安区17821029665: 哪位高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢啦!! -
英龙盐酸: general manager Deputy secretary of party committee, secretary Deputy general manager chief engineer deputy chief engineer Biotech director Vice President economist The planning department director Vice President politics The general department director

裕安区17821029665: 帮忙翻译职位描述
英龙盐酸: 1. Select seaborne imports and exports of goods Inquiry, booking, customs clearance and quarantine, tracking cargo transport, and single-retire. 2. To assist the work of business, the advantages of peer-to recommend routes and prices, the ...

裕安区17821029665: 英文翻译 请高手帮忙翻译下下边几个单词吧 急用 谢谢 预审队队长 交警队副队长 某某县公安局 -
英龙盐酸: 预审队队长captain of pre-investigation team交警队副队长vice captain of traffic police brigade公安局 Public securit...

裕安区17821029665: 请各位英语高手帮忙翻译,谢谢
英龙盐酸: operations manger 业务经理 [ˌɔpəˈreiʃən ˈmein dʒə] englewood 恩格尔伍德

裕安区17821029665: 请英语高手帮忙翻译:致单位负责人,爸爸一直在国内贸易行担任文员职位,负责文书工作,后来在湖北担任食 -
英龙盐酸: Dear sir/Mandan ,My dad had a great experience of working as a clerk in a trading company.His duty is handling and operating desk work . He also had 10 years working experience in (湖北拼音)for the marketing of foods area. He was the ...

裕安区17821029665: 请高手帮忙翻译英语,就几句话,谢谢! -
英龙盐酸: After several thousand years of Chinese apparel vicissitudes of the wind and rain, and formed a rich Chinese style, broad and deep cultural system of national costu...

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