
作者&投稿:貊鸣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


部门Department 职务(你要翻译的内容应该是职位) Positions
人事部 HR department 人事经理 HR manager
行政专员Administrative executive
文员 Clerk
培训师 Training Specialist
美工 Art designer
行政PA PA(Public Area) executive
行政部Administrative department 人事主任HR administrator
厨师 Chef
财务部Financial department 主管Supervisor
会计 Aountant
仓管Store administrator
工程部Engineering departmemt 水电工Plumber
施工员Construction crew
综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance
预算员 Budgeter
维修工 Maintenance worker
预算员 Budgeter
网管 Neork administrator
施工员 Construction crew
保安部 Security department
保安领班 Security captain
保安主管 Security Supervisor
保安 Security
前厅部Front desk department 前厅经理 Front desk manager
行李员 Bellman
前台接待 Receptionist
前厅主管 Front desk supervisor
前厅收银 Front desk cashier
大堂副理 Assistant Manager
前台主管 Front desk supervisor
吧台主管 Bar supervisor
大堂吧服务员 Bar Server
吧台员 Bartender
综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance
网管Neork administrator
客房部Room/Housekeeping department 客房经理 Housekeeping manager
客房领班 Housekeeping captain
保洁领班 PA captain
房务文员 Housekeeping clerk
客房服务员Housekeeping attendant
PA员 Public area attendant

销售部Sales department 销售经理Sales manager
销售员 Sale *** an
销售文员 Sales clerk


I'm glad to be here do simple to introduce myself, my name is XXX. 20 years old this year. From guangzhou, is a 29.13%, my interest is in this aspect of the puter, considering the future interest to work, so I choose professional is also concerned with the puter of the e-merce subject. Due to the needs of work and puter knowledge serious shortage, school of learning is simple, the office sofare EZXCEL WORD to me is not what I want. I have a lot to learn the basic system sofare, for example, there are too many not understand, many procedures. All need to spend lots of time to understand. Especially after graduation to work in that place to use puter knowledge is insufficient, how these three years after the work out at school after the discovery of their knowledge is how, how they found themselves to knowledge. Now in the work place is based on the need of basic English office sofare, because without sake, so here!!!! At work, the boss didn't get reused now finally realized. Also want to have their own business, no cultural knowledge nothing, now I need to arm themselves with knowledge, need appreciation for the future development, get help. If you can go through this little chance to foreign advanced yourself, improve yourself, for the future road play well. Hoping to get a chance.

翻译 谢谢 急需要的 非常感谢






what are

急需酒店英语自我介绍 请帮忙翻译下

hello, I'm a 20 year-old young man(woman) named XXX. I'm so glad to have the interview.I was born in Xi'an .My hobbies are singing and drawing.I majored in Food and Beverage Management in Xi' an International University.I just graduated from the university.In the past 2 years of my university life I learned a lot of things about my major. I'm a hard-working person and I hope you can let me work with you . Thanks for listening.



外贸英语 急需要高手帮忙翻译下啊!

1. Commercial Negotiation - proceed with L/C if things are ok
2. The buyer to apply for L/C
3. The banker to issue L/C notification
4. The seller to ship cargo with documents submitted against payment
5. Documents review and payment settlement


让我降低一下自己的采纳率来写一下:我已经见到好多次类似的提问了,我猜都是同一个人问的。这种简单的东西自己查字典就行了。英语学霸是不会来回答这种问题的,such as myself.你就好像在问南大数学系的学生1+1等于几一样。


求2010第九届中学生古诗文阅读大赛专辑高中70篇 翻译
求2010第九届中学生古诗文阅读大赛专辑高中70篇 翻译 大恩大德来日再报要的是高中的...初中的就不要凑热闹了... 大恩大德来日再报要的是高中的...初中的就不要凑热闹了.. 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗? 苏_浅_ 2010-07-17 · TA获得超过282个赞 知道答主 回...

镜湖区18964582279: 帮忙翻译酒店职务英语,急需要的.要全....
璩钞辉腾: 部门Department 职务(你要翻译的内容应该是职位) Positions 人事部 HR department 人事经理 HR manager 行政专员Administrative executive 文员 Clerk 培训师 Training Specialist 美工 Art designer 行政PA PA(Public Area) executive 行政部...

镜湖区18964582279: 酒店职位英语翻译(要准确的)总分200分 -
璩钞辉腾: 看了上面的回答,看来都没有在酒店工作的经历,有些词不是这么翻译的.餐饮部前厅经理 F&B(Food and Beverage) Front Office Manager在酒店餐饮部就是F&B,没有其他翻译中餐厅领班 Chinese Restaurant Captain预订部领...

镜湖区18964582279: 请教酒店的职位 翻译 -
璩钞辉腾: HR(Human Resource) Assistant Administration Assistant

镜湖区18964582279: 翻译酒店服务员英文 -
璩钞辉腾: 经理Manager,吧台长bar length,厨师长Chef,服务员waiters,领班Foreman,吧师bar division,吧员Bar staff,主管supervisors,组长head waiters,服务生waiter,仓管Storekeeper,清洁工Cleaners, 厨师cooks

镜湖区18964582279: 请帮忙翻译一下酒店的部门和职位名称,谢谢了,酒店筹建中,万分火急!!
璩钞辉腾: 我来给你个正确的. Accounting Department 财务部 Night Club 夜总会 Lobby bar 大堂吧 Music bar 音乐吧 Beauty salon 美容中心 Business centre 商务中心 Cashier's 收银处 Chinese restaurant 中餐厅 Coffee shop 咖啡厅 Engineering ...

镜湖区18964582279: 请教:餐饮部前厅主管、销售主管、客务部经理、客务部主管等职务的英文翻译 -
璩钞辉腾: 客房部经理 Housekeeping Manager 主管 Director 销售主管 Marketing Executivesales administratorsales executive 前厅主管 restaurant director

镜湖区18964582279: 酒店各类职称的英语翻译,求助!

镜湖区18964582279: 急需酒店英语自我介绍 请帮忙翻译下 -
璩钞辉腾: hello, I'm a 20 year-old young man(woman) named XXX. I'm so glad to have the interview.I was born in Xi'an .My hobbies are singing and drawing.I majored in...

镜湖区18964582279: 急需 英文酒店前台接待术语
璩钞辉腾: May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? ...

镜湖区18964582279: 急!求酒店英语面试的译文 明天用! -
璩钞辉腾: With good presentation, I am open and harm-hearted. I can do team work and I am self-motivated. My height is 170cm or 5' 7.5''. I have passed TEM 4 with good language skill and attitude towards work. And I can operate office software like ...

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