
作者&投稿:禄超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If the problem is as fast as possible, can you use sinceic

[名]tree; a surname;
[动]plant; cultivate; set up; establish;

一棵树上一窝雀开篇:黑场字幕:占里是一条船,人多了船会翻; Bird nest tree begins with: black market subtitles: accounts in a boat, the boat will turn more people;
占里是一棵树,一棵树上一窝雀。 Accounted for in a tree, a tree sparrow nest.
现场:农历八月初一,占里计划生育仪式,寨老宣布寨规:每年的八月初一,我们全寨人都要来这里议款,一对夫妻只能生一男一女,不准多生,这个寨规是祖祖辈辈留下来的,现在把这个寨规传给你们,你们也要世世代代把它传下去。 Site: who started the eighth lunar month, accounting for a ceremony in family planning, the old Walled Walled regulations that: every year in August started this, people have come here we Quanzhai proposed paragraph, a couple only can a man and a woman, no more students, The Village Planning Board is to stay for generations, and now rules this camp unto you, and you have to pass it from generation to generation.
千百年来,任凭岁月交替,祖先留下的遗训始终约束着占里人的思想和行为,没有人违规,也没有人改变。 For thousands of years, despite years of alternating, ancestral teachings always bound the Azeri's thinking and behavior accounted for, no violations, no one changed.
在贵州省黔东南州从江县这个古老的侗寨里,创下了自新中国成立以来人口自然增长率几近为零的纪录,而且至今,占里90%以上的人家,每家都是一男一女两个孩子,占里也因此得到“中国计划生育第一村”的美誉,传说这一切都是得益于当地一种能够控制生男生女的神秘草药——“换花草”。 In the southeast of Guizhou, Guizhou Province Congjiang Dong villages in the ancient county, a record since the founding of new China the natural population growth rate of almost zero, and so far, accounting for more than 90% of the people inside, each is a man one woman two children, accounting for years, it has "the first village of China's family planning" in the world, all this is due to local legend a way to control the boy or the mysterious woman herbs - "for plants."

片头:一棵树上一窝雀每年的农历十二月二十六这天,是占里青年男女集体结婚的日子。 Titles: bird nest tree the Chinese New Year on December 26 that day, young men and women is accounted for in the collective wedding day. 虽然只有六对年轻人操办喜事,但这个时候的占里,全村都成了一家人。 Although only six pairs of young people to exercise a wedding, but this time the total, the village became a family. 25岁的新华,才刚刚和新娘培梦行过大礼,转眼就加入了邻居家迎亲送礼的队伍。 25 Xinhua, the bride and training just a dream trip for gift, then quickly joined the ranks of neighbor the Bridal gifts.
也许不久,新的生命又将来到这个古老的村寨。 Perhaps soon, the new life in turn came to this ancient village.
这里至今沿袭着古老的农耕方式,“开秧门” 是新年的第一件事。 Here has followed the ancient farming practices, "opening the door seedling" is the first thing the new year. 83岁的忙抱是家里最年长的老人,也是村里最受人敬重的鬼师,由他来为自家的稻田“开秧门”是再合适不过了。 Busy 83-year-old lock is the oldest of the elderly at home is the most respected ghost village teacher, who came to own rice, "Yang opened the door" is very appropriate. 多少年来,占里人始终相信,天地万物,大至山川河流,小到一草一木,都有神灵依附,人的祸福也与这些自然万物息息相关。 Over the years, accounting for Azeri always believe, all things, ranging from mountains and rivers, small plants, both attached to the gods, the human nature of all things good and bad fortune are closely linked with these. 鬼师则被村里人认为是通灵的人,亦神亦人的双重角色决定了他们要和神进行沟通。 Ghost was the village teacher who thought it was psychic, but also God's dual role also decided they want to communicate with God.
插下今年的第一株稻秧,祈求今年的丰收,祈福占里过上美好、富足的生活。 Inserted under the first strains of rice seedlings this year, pray for a bumper harvest this year, accounted for in prayer to live a better and prosperous life.
占里人世世代代经营着自己的家园,沿山势层递而上的梯田就是山区人民在艰难的环境里最伟大的发明创造。 Azeri total runs to their homes for generations, along the mountains and on the terrace floor is handed people in difficult mountain environments of the greatest inventions. 今天,在这个不足16平方公里的小村落,人均土地占有面积1.55亩,超过了全国人均1.4亩的土地占有面积。 Today, less than 16 square kilometers in the small village occupies an area of 1.55 acres of land per capita, more than the national per capita area of 1.4 acres of land tenure. 营养丰富的糯禾是占里人最主要的食物,占里人也因此戏称自己为“糯米崽”。 Nutrient-rich Azeri Glutinous Rice accounted for most of the food, accounting for Azeri has even dubbed themselves "Sons sticky rice." 虽然这种糯禾的产量不高,但普通人家一年的收成可以吃上两年。 Although this waxy Wo production is not high, but ordinary people can eat two harvests a year.
因为人少地多,在占里农忙的季节,怀孕的妇女下田干活也不是什么稀奇的事儿。 Because few people to more than accounted for in the busy season, pregnant women work in the fields is not a surprising thing. 村民吴老李和培爱夫妇结婚四年,今年刚刚怀上自己的第一个孩子。 Mr. Wu Li and Pei Aifu village women married for four years, just this year, pregnant with their first child.

(吴老李采访:记者:你们占里好像都是生两个孩子? (Mr. Wu Li interview: Reporter: You seem to account for all students in the two children?
吴老李:只要两个,人多田不够,饭也不够吃。 Mr. Wu Li: As long as two people Tada enough, not enough food to eat rice. ) )
山水注满了村口的鱼塘,农历三月正是母鱼产卵的季节。 Landscape ponds filled with village, lunar month is the season of spawning female fish.
(公抱:每年就是留这个母鱼的种鱼,留那个种鱼来养,用这个母鱼来产卵,就在这里产卵。) (Public holds: every year is to stay in this parent species of fish, fish, fish to stay in that kind of support, with the female fish to lay eggs, the eggs here.)
画面:放置鱼草用来挂鱼卵(公抱:鱼卵挂卵以后,要用水泡两天两夜。) Image: Grass place to hang the fish eggs (nominal hold: hanging egg eggs after two days and nights to use blister.)
侗族社会中有“无鱼不成礼”的说法,养鱼、吃鱼一直以来都是侗家人生活中重要的习俗。 Dong society, there is "no fish, not a gift," saying, fish, fish has always been an important life Dongjia customs.

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My holiday was very boring, because the exam was bad, so everyday I had to learn, and had no chance to go out to play. I also asked the teacher for help of tutorial. During this time I wrote many questions, and improved a little.I hope I can succeed next time....

简单的英文翻译哦! 越快越好~
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1. first, thanks everybody to my support. Now, we start officially. 2. is well known, the Chinese culture is broad and profound, bountiful. 3. I chose several quite typical elements to appreciate together with everybody. the 4. China traditional culture character aspect, regards ...

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The aim of Middle School Research Experiment is to train the students' ability of practice, solving problems , researching and to innovating, to change the students passive acceptance of knowledge into active learning. In order to give full play to the role of inquiry experiment ...

Liu Zhou is an important heavy industry city in Guangxi province,whose famous industrial are Liugang and Liuhua!全文已给你留言了,这里有字数限制。

东区15874689403: 英语翻译纪录片:一棵树上一窝雀开篇:黑场字幕:占里是一条船,人多了船会翻;占里是一棵树,一棵树上一窝雀.现场:农历八月初一,占里计划生育仪... -
浑念瑞素:[答案] Documentary:一棵树上一窝雀开篇:黑场字幕:占里是一条船,人多了船会翻; Bird nest tree begins with: black market subtitles: accounts in a boat, the boat will turn more people; 占里是一棵...

东区15874689403: 请大神帮我理解下:"小鸟栖息在树之上."这句话是什么意思?是小鸟在一棵树上比较高的地方有个窝,还是 -
浑念瑞素: 小鸟栖息在树之上,意思是小鸟栖息在树的上面.这个上字的意思可以理解为停留在在这棵树的上,是空间助词,而不能说是脱离了这棵树,单纯地理解为位置的上下关系.至于是不是说这棵树上有小鸟的窝,也不好说,因为栖息并不能等同于在窝里休息,因为有些鸟也能在没有窝的树上栖息.

东区15874689403: 古文翻译!!! -
浑念瑞素: 1.译文: 两个牧童走进山林里(恰好)走到一个狼窝前,窝里有两只小狼,(两个牧童)谋划着各抓一只.(他们又)各自爬上一棵树,两棵树相距几十步远.过了一会儿老狼回来了,它钻进狼窝一看,小狼不见了,(焦急万分)看样子相当...

东区15874689403: 牧竖巧抓狼文言文翻译 -
浑念瑞素: 原文:两牧竖入山至狼穴,穴有小狼二,谋分捉之.各登一树,相去数十步.少顷,大狼至,入穴失子,意甚仓皇.竖于树上扭小狼蹄耳,故令嗥;大狼闻声仰视,怒奔树下,号且爬抓.其一竖又在彼树致小狼鸣急.狼闻声四顾,始望见之;乃...

东区15874689403: 古诗翻译,越快越好,急!!
浑念瑞素: 《游子吟》 作者:孟郊 慈母手中线,游子身上衣. 临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖. 【注解】: 1、寸草:比喻非常微小. 2、三春晖:三春,指春天的孟春、仲春、季春;晖,阳光;形容母爱如春天和煦的阳光. 【韵译...

东区15874689403: 急!帮忙翻译古文! -
浑念瑞素: 译文 从小丘向西行走一百二十步的样子,隔着竹林,就能听到水声,好象挂在身上的玉佩...

东区15874689403: 急求翻译:帮我翻译一篇文章,越快越好啊,不要用翻译网 -
浑念瑞素: Computers were invented in 1946 by the American scientists Eckert and Mauchiy invention, during World War II, the U.S. Navy asked Eckert and Mauchiy scientists invented a set of machines to improve the accuracy of the missile launch. After two ...

东区15874689403: 翻译,越简单粗暴越好,谢谢 -
浑念瑞素: 一天,一位农夫正在地里干活,突然一只野兔飞驰而过撞到了一棵树上,倒在地上死了,农夫很高兴,拿回家吃了. 种地多累啊,等野兔送上门来多轻省,于是农夫再也不干活了,就在田地里等着下一只野兔,但是到最后一只野兔也没来,田里的庄稼也荒了,农夫就没吃的了 不要像农夫一样,等着好运的到来,要自己去争取!

东区15874689403: 论语中有关道德的句子,配上译文(越快越好,急啊!!!!) -
浑念瑞素: 【原文】 子曰:“朝闻道,夕死可矣.”【译文】 孔子说:“早晨得知了道,就是当天晚上死去也心甘.”【评析】 这一段话常常被人们所引用.孔子所说的道究竟指什么,这在学术界是有争论的.我们的认识是,孔子这里所讲的“道”,...

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