求专业翻译 越快越好 谢谢

作者&投稿:孛唐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

墨西哥的北部邻居是美国,南部是危地马拉和伯利兹城。墨西哥大约是美国的四分之一。墨西哥有超过90万的人。墨西哥的语言是西班牙语。这使得墨西哥成为世界最大的西班牙语国家。 墨西哥是首都和最大城市的墨西哥。这个城市也海拔很高,达到 349英尺高(2 2.4米)。这使它成为世界上最高的首都城市。墨西哥城市的人口每天都增长较大。大约30万人住在那里。它比世界上任何城市的人都多,甚至超过日本。 墨西哥也有其独特的植物。我们吃的食物的许多开始在墨西哥。食物如豆、玉米、鳄梨、西红柿、花生、辣椒、香草、巧克力来自墨西哥。墨西哥也而闻名于世的仙人掌的植物。墨西哥有更多种类的仙人掌,比其他任何国家都多!


The aim of Middle School Research Experiment is to train the students' ability of practice, solving problems , researching and to innovating, to change the students passive acceptance of knowledge into active learning. In order to give full play to the role of inquiry experiment teaching, teachers should liberate their own thoughts first, change their ideas, make it clear that inquiry experiment means to focus on the students' body-role under the teachers' leading , to innovate effectively in the teaching experiment through introducing the level organization, knowledge extension, the artistic teaching combined with interesting experiments .

Secondary schools' researching experiments are in order to develop students' ability of practice, problem-solving skills, exploring and innovative ability, so that make students chang from passive recipients of knowledge into active learners. To make full use of researching- experiments teaching, teachers must first emancipate the mind, change the consciousness of concepts,expliciting that students play the main under the guidance of teachers in researching experiments , and effectively realize the innovation of the experiments with level organization, knowledge extension, the teaching of artistic combined with fun science experiments.


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松安易可: Have you arrived Hongkong today? What a tired trip. Have a good rest after fininshing your work.You must be very busy and tired during these days work in Hongkong. Take care yourself, don't smoke much. Drink more water and less beer, the ...

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松安易可: The logos of somewome to that base anything, when most characteristically mantissa minus,comes to nullum in the endthe:orso,here is nowet badder than the sin of Aha with his cosin Lil, verswaysed on coversvised, and all that's consecants and cotangincies... 我不知道

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松安易可: The line is busy right now. Please press 1 to enter the voice mail. Press 2 for another extension. Or if you want to try again later, please hang up.专业,美国就是这样说的

福田区13397939897: 求翻译,越快越好,谢谢!! -
松安易可: I like such a sentence that what you wish will come true and you will be happy with a dream.My dream is to be a doctor .I have had this dream since I was a child.Nowaday,my dream is gradually strengthened day by day.Paying more attention ...

福田区13397939897: 求日语翻译人士帮忙翻译.日语翻译求助. -
松安易可: ちょっと失礼ですが、日本何処で何の会社からご来访の方ですか?これは私の名刺です、どうぞお収めになります.お名刺顶けませんか? 私はグローバルマーケットの社员です、弊社は电子ビジネス会社であり、优れた中国制造业の情报を...

福田区13397939897: 求翻译,快!!!! -
松安易可: 我两分钟前回的家.I went home two minutes ago.你什么时候做完的作业?when did you finish your homework?我一个小时前做完的作业.I finished it an hour ago.今天上午我看前一个人躺在马路上...

福田区13397939897: 跪求翻译越快越好!!! 翻译成英文 thanks -
松安易可: 有时一个抄写员坐在房间中央大声朗读一本书的原本,比如圣经,其他人就坐在他旁边随着他朗读逐字听写.用这种方式,在一年里他们能生产一本书的10到20本副本.这就是大量生产了.

福田区13397939897: 《干将,莫邪》翻译 -
松安易可: 楚国的干将莫邪为楚王作剑,三年时间才完成,楚王发怒,要杀他.剑有雌剑和雄剑两把.他的e68a84e8a2ade799bee5baa631333234333361妻子怀孕临产.丈夫告诉妻子说:“我为楚王作剑,三年才成,楚王发怒,去了一定杀死我.你如...

福田区13397939897: 求大神翻译以下句子,最好专业点,急用 谢谢(不要Chinglish) -
松安易可: consieder it in-depth, national recruitment exam sets an irreplaceable social example as the highest level of recruitment of talents .if this...

福田区13397939897: 帮我用英语翻译5个句子,越快越好,谢谢
松安易可: 1、According to my record, this is the third time this month absence .2、The western of this city being built a railway station.3、I didn't realize he was very serious. 4、He is so busy that have no time to with children together. 5、Please tell me the time when you will leave.

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