
作者&投稿:哈狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today the weather remains fine, the air is very fresh. This is my ninth day of the new semester, I will convene the first time of parents meeting tonight to the new school. I will not know the results. On a two-day course, I Feel tired , but it still can not interrupt me the enthusiasm of learning. I love my new school!

Liu Zhou is an important heavy industry city in Guangxi province,whose famous industrial are Liugang and Liuhua!全文已给你留言了,这里有字数限制。

Dear leaders:How are you!See your company's recruitment information is very excited. Special Advisor to the post car service candidates. Thank you for taking the time to browse through this a cover letter.My name is XXX, 21 years old. He graduated from XX College. Outstanding ...

街道的两边都是树 英文翻译 要正确的
There are all trees on both sides of the street.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

My hometown My hometown is located in the western guangxi baise, baise, beautiful scenery, has a long history, the human outstanding earth deities at the same time is the civilization of baise old revolutionary base areas. Zhuang, the han nationality, has the baise yao, miao, yi,...

My favorite season is fall, autumn is a romantic season and harvest season, a mild season. It is not as vibrant autumn spring, but it full harvest. Fall passion rising, as it is not summer, but it is mild romantic. It did not like the sky fall, winter snow, but ...

Good morning! My name is XX, this 16-year-old, I used to be 5 classes, and I am glad that I can into this class, because my results are not particularly outstanding. I am relatively cheerful character, so I hope we can become friends and the future, we encounter ...

工作交接邮件 英文翻译 要正式一点
must be my legal representative: C.Attached to our commission to accept the specified account information, as an annex to the.可以用百度在线翻译,或者有道在线翻译等第三方网站进行翻译,希望对你有帮助。参考资料 百度在线翻译:http:\/\/fanyi.baidu.com\/?aldtype=16047#auto\/zh ...

Up in the morning, she found the house a power outage. So no way to use hot water to wash, with a hair dryer blowing hair, you can not hot milk, toast, had to hastily sprucing up and went out.Just walked into the elevator, the neighbor dog suddenly rushed to raise Pu...


...不必组词翻译,意译即可。要求正宗英语,不要chinese english...
! Is the exchange and cooperation! Undoubtedly, the language is a tool that English is the world's dominant language. Some ask : What is English? I will tell you today is technology : English, English is power, English is productivity! We live in the global village, we do n...

No. 3 Meijian Road Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province People's Republic of China, 221006

大港区17164857320: 求翻译一篇英文!要正宗英文!越快越好!分我送上! -
允娴力坦: Liu Zhou is an important heavy industry city in Guangxi province,whose famous industrial are Liugang and Liuhua!全文已给你留言了,这里有字数限制.

大港区17164857320: 英语翻译麻烦你们了,这是一篇英语短文,我需要它的译文(越快越好,急用!):There was an engineer,manager,and a programmer driving down a steep ... -
允娴力坦:[答案] 有工程师、经理, 和程序员压低一条陡峭的山路.闸失败了并且汽车修理了在路下出于控制.半方式在司机下设法停止汽车由... 但否则未伤害. 经理说, “通过交易过程想法解决我们需要组织委员会,开会议的这个问题,和,开发解答”. 太很多时间会...

大港区17164857320: 求一篇英语短文带翻译的! -
允娴力坦: Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportunities while they still sparkle before you. Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. ...

大港区17164857320: 帮忙翻译一篇英语日记!越快越好!~ -
允娴力坦: Today is the opening of the 10th day, the weather is very good. Yesterday, the parents of the meeting, we know that the school test results, the results can not let me Hen Xiaxin, study hard and I deeply understand the great difficulty of high school courses

大港区17164857320: 我要一至两篇有翻译的英语小短文,请好心人帮忙找一找!
允娴力坦: 这篇是经典 youth Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth...

大港区17164857320: 帮帮忙,翻译一篇英语短文,越快越好,有急用 -
允娴力坦: 火能在很多方面帮助人类,但它也有破坏性.火能使你的家温暖明亮,能煮饭,但是火也能烧很多东西.大火能烧了树木,房子,动物甚至人类.没有人知道人类怎样开始使用火的.但是一些非常有趣的故事是关于一个男人和一个女人开始用火的.一个是关于一个男人,他生活在很久以前,从太阳上取来火种.今天人们知道怎样借助火柴取火.孩子们有时喜欢玩火,但是火柴是很危险的.火柴能烧一张纸,却也能烧了整个房子.小火能迅速引起一场大火,所以你必须非常小心的使用火柴.请小心用火,它将会帮助你,但是如果你不小心,它就会伤害到你.

大港区17164857320: 求将以下文字翻译成英文(以电子邮件的格式),我自己也能译,但就是感觉不地道,求英语达人帮忙,越快越好!
允娴力坦: I am phoning just to express my apology only. Undoubtedly, I wasted the opportunity and your good will. Before I got to know you, I might have said something against you, but I didn't mean to hurt you anyway. And now I wish you a happier life and ...

大港区17164857320: 求翻译一篇英语短文 -
允娴力坦: 我们人类谈话的艺术正在消亡吗?有一天,我跟我的妻子和两个孩子们重新做了一次很久都没有过的家庭谈话.我们的谈话不需要借助网络,电视银幕,电池等,,,现代交流的工具.但是我们真的很享受我们的那次谈话,并且我们同时希望以...

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