
作者&投稿:缑杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

personal belonging 私人所有物品 那就是belonging
all items

1. I have a bad cough, and I want to go to the hospital.
2. Since most of the work for this week has been done, I hope to take a leave on Friday.
3. I'll call the manager when I came out of the hospital.
4. I'm terribly sorry for all the inconvenience casued by my absence.
5. I hope the manager could approve my leave.

1. Thank you very much for the warm entertainment in Paris.
2. I'm very impressed with Paris, especially the French wine and food.
I've learned so much after the visits to the factory and school, such as the educational system and techniques.
3. I'm looking forward to meet you again!

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The dance belongs to the special artistic form, difficulty with uses the writing to express, the dance cultural essence difficulty with expresses. Only then through the human body movement, the posture, the expression can cause the audience to enter the artistic boundary which along ...

求英语翻译大神帮忙译点儿东西(英译汉 医学方向)

醋在我国具有悠久的酿造历史和厚重的饮食文化。经过两千多年的发展,食醋从传统酿造食品演变成现在流行的醋饮,这既是食醋产业科技进步的表现,也是饮料市场向保健功能方向发展的大势所趋。The vinegar has in our country glorious brews the history and the sincere diet culture. After more than 2000 ...

Now reach out your hands and see your innate palmistry,innate palmistry would represent the fate of fate are determined by heaven in China's 5,000-year traditional custom 。Do not you find in the hands of a root line slowly change over time,Some of them be short, some...

急急急!!!谁能帮我翻译点东西啊??急用!!!今天就要的~~~跪求啊~~~_百 ...
11.10. Summer high temperatures safety measures 11.10.1 Construction work on the arrangements reasonable time, to avoid high-temperature phase of the day. 11.10.2 the construction site to provide adequate tea, summer cooling supply drugs (Dan...

词组:tell differences study better 句子:1. We should eat less and exercise more.2. He has much knowledge of computer.3.He is used to Playing basketball,but sometimes practices listening comprehension.

Translation is a complicated bilingual transcoder activity, it is not only the two kinds of symbols, also related to the transformation of the two languages in two kinds of culture communication. Language cultural differences in the expression and usage, the differences can be traced ...

Very pleased to receive your letter, I am sorry that I have so many letters sent to you, disturb you. You have returned to the United States, China fun? I would like to know you are in China or in the United States spent Christmas, I am sorry, because time is so short...

Construction project the importance of cost control Construction project cost control of projects through the entire process, that is, decision-making phase of the project, the project design stage, project implementation and completion stages of phase related to the construction project cost...

If 1st, a person crazy sleep talking.2nd, please take to bring with the imperial crown for mine heart.3rd, my not worthy of you to heart in, so long as you said a speech, my soul can convalesce.4th, these ever do not say the mouth the love.5th, forgives me, forgives...

田阳县18671147822: 帮忙翻译点东西 -
习晓苏顺: 都是rap里的常用词吧. yo yo yo "唷! " 发声词,引起注意啦.come on, baby, go 来吧,宝贝.Let's go 走~ Get out 出去 Here we go 我们走吧~ Not at all 别客气 Check out "听看看"的意思,就是说我要开始讲了,

田阳县18671147822: 帮忙翻译一点东西 -
习晓苏顺: XiaoMing saw a bird in the tree on his way home.He picked up a stone in hand and throwed it to the bird .The bird was hurted and fell off from the tree!An old man saw that and told XiaoMing animals are human's good friends!After hearing that XiaoMing decided not to hurt animals any more!

田阳县18671147822: 想翻译点东西,很短,但是有些难 -
习晓苏顺: 我知道 난 알고 있어 这个博客将因失去你的光临而永远荒芜 너 안 와줘서 이 불로그는 영원히 황무할거야. 我亦知道 난 또 알고 있지 在某一天 어느날부터 我将结束我的等待 난 그만 기다릴거다. 谨以此 이것만으로 在11月11日的时候 11월11일에 在李安温软的时光里 이안이 꾸며진 이 푸근한 분위기에 焚字以表伤怀 이 글로 내 마음을...别说我是抄的,我翻了半个多小时呢!累~~~~~~~~

田阳县18671147822: 翻译点东西 -
习晓苏顺: I am sorry it has taken me so long to write,beacause I will gradute so study obligation is so burden and exams is so many.I will try my best to write to you although I am difficult have free time. Please blieve me ,ok?By the way,I want to learn the culture ...

田阳县18671147822: 用英语翻译点东西,谢谢了
习晓苏顺: If you 've been , I have been insisting .

田阳县18671147822: 帮忙翻译点东东.谢谢!
习晓苏顺: 1 optimistic aspirations 2 side effects Three pairs of time and energy of the additional demand 4 set for ourselves realistic goals 5 to achieve the dream of Sentence: 1 It is generally agreed that the salad restaurants do an excellent taste (be ...

田阳县18671147822: 翻译点东西 -
习晓苏顺: 我在上上封信里提到的希望你能帮我找几个外国朋友做我的笔友,希望你能尽力的帮忙,在这里先谢谢了,对了,我的寒假快到了,到那个时候我就有充足的时间给你写信了! 希望很快能收到你的回信! I hope you can exert yourself to find ...

田阳县18671147822: 翻译一点东西,我也不知道是什么语的 -
习晓苏顺: 这个是德语 Passende Anschluβstecker是合适的连接插头 Abdeckkappe是遮光罩 Kontaktgehäuse是分电器 虽然学过德语,但貌似这些都是汽车相关的专业领域的词语...不知道你是在学什么方面的专业

田阳县18671147822: 帮我翻译点东西`` -
习晓苏顺: quiet安静的, little小的,Pissant小便, redneck乡下人,podunk偏僻小村庄, jerkwater微小的,Greenhorn缺乏经验的人, one-horse单马拉的,mudhole污水坑, peckerwood啄木鸟,Right-wing右翼的, whistle-stop作竞选活动,hobnail平头...

田阳县18671147822: 翻译些东西 -
习晓苏顺: 英文翻; 品牌服装 Branded apparel 遍及全世界 Throughout all over the world 引起某人的注意 Caused a person's attention 最重要的是 The most important thing is .......的数量 The number of 炫耀 Show off 今年的流行色 This year's color 好几百万 ...

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