
作者&投稿:底河 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

与原子时代几乎处于同一时代,美国人Robert Goddard是第一批进行火箭推进系统的实验的科学家之一。在Worcester, Massachusetts的一个小实验室里,Goddard用液氧和汽油进行火箭弹推进实验,并在1926年第一次将液体燃料火箭成功升空至12.5米的高处。之后的10年,Goddard的火箭可以达到近2000米的适中的高度,并使美国,英国,德国和苏联对此引起兴趣。
随着同盟军在二次世界大战中的增长,美国和苏联大力搜寻可能对于本国是战利品的德国顶级科学家。在别针运动中,美国人费尽力气将火箭工程技术带回了本国,并使得德国火箭工程科学家Wernher von Braun成为当时最为耀眼的人(之后他成为了美国航空航天局的负责人)
火箭有的用于发射人造卫星的之后直接报废掉,也有的作为满载宇航员的航天器。1957年苏联发射了第一颗人造卫星----Sputnik1号,紧随其后1958年美国发射了探测器。1961年初期,苏联宇航员Yuri Gagarin完成了第一次载人太空飞行,紧随其后的是美国宇航员Alan Shepard。
在过去的80年里,美国在通信电子学领域拥有了完整的电子通讯技术。例如,AT&T's Bell 实验室在美国率先进行了一系列革命性的发明创造,包括发光二极管、三极管、C语言编程,UNIX的计算机的操作系统。在SRI国际和组织帕洛阿尔托研究所的帮助下,美国硅谷诞生了个人的计算机产业,而美国国防部高级研究计划局和美国航空航天局提供基金发展了阿帕网络和国际互联网。

终于翻完啦,累啊~~~ 不过翻译的不太好~~~~

Goal 1:Establish after-service system
After-service system could satisfy the requiry of average client.
The percentage of complaint of after-service contained in ten.

Goal 2:After-service technical ability
Focus on the repair and maintain the safty hook.
Grasp the general knowledge of maintaining the anti-chemical suit and the working priciple of forcible equiblast and air-compressed equipment.

Goal 3:Collect client information
Enlarge the width of the initiative service ,collect the client required information and send the information back to related department.

Goal 4:Satisfaction of client
Final survey increase by 10% more than previous year.

The vinegar has in our country glorious brews the history and the sincere diet culture. After more than 2000 years development, eats the vinegar to evolve the present popular vinegar from the tradition fermentating food to drink, this is not only the food vinegar industry advance in technology performance, is also the drink market develops to the health care function direction ultimately.

Article main minute five big chapters: The first chapter is elaborates Ping the fruit vinegar drink comprehensive background; The second chapter is the risk management basic theory; The third chapter is proposed the Ping fruit vinegar drink faces risk; The fourth chapter analyzes the reason which the risk appears, divides the internal risk and the exterior risk two parts; The fifth chapter is how the enterprise to solve these risks.

The vinegar has long making history and deep and serious cooking culture in our country. Through the development of more than 2,000 years, eat the vinegar and make the food to develop into now from the tradition popular vinegar is drunk, this is behavior of eating industry's scientific and technological progress of vinegar, also the trend of the times that the market of beverage develops toward health care function.

The article mainly divides five major chapters: Chapter one is a comprehensive background of explaining the apple vinegar beverage; Chapter two is a basic theory of risk management; Chapter three is the risk of proposing the apple vinegar beverage faces; Analyze the reason why the risk appears, two parts of risk of one's job department and external risk in chapter four; Chapter five is how enterprises solve these risks.

Vinegar in China has a long history of brewing and heavy eating culture. After 2,000 years of development, vinegar from the traditional brewing food evolved into a popular Cuyin now, this is a scientific and technological progress of the vinegar industry performance, but also functional health beverage market to develop in the direction of the trend of the times.

The article five main sections: The first chapter is on the apple vinegar drinks comprehensive background of the second chapter is the basis of risk management theory, Chapter III is made apple vinegar drinks facing the risk of Chapter IV is a risk analysis of the reasons for the internal Risks and external risks in two parts; Chapter V enterprises is how to solve these risks.


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Your figure is always around my brain.I can never remove it! Every time I saw your quiet state of mind ,I would lower my head,praying for you.I actually like you!

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友垂清热: 爸爸妈妈辛苦了!培养你的儿子,你们俩几十年的无私的爱,你知道. 非常感谢你对他的儿子,一个婴儿的生命是支撑一个单件了. 没关系,儿子,所有的承诺为人们勃起你正在做的最好的回报,已经取得了仅仅四年. 为了我,你,你的儿子,我会感到骄傲自豪,“一个年轻的农村习俗,却不能知道,著名的誓言,决定.”谢谢各位爸爸妈妈,我的儿子爱你,让我们再次与家人.我真的很高兴你很高兴! 我真的很高兴,你快乐!光滑,为您的健康,万事如意一帆风顺的儿子:我想既

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友垂清热: 妈妈和爸爸都很努力!孩子是你培养的,你20年无私的爱都知道.我儿子很感谢你们.婴儿时一个小小的生命就是被你们撑起一片天的.没什么大出息的儿子啊,4年来为了你好好发展不管做了什么样的约定,你都正在努力回报,约定现在已经达到了.你的儿子和你为了我,让我感到非常骄傲自豪,【年轻的农村习俗决定了我现在还不能学习有名的哲言】.非常感谢妈妈和爸爸的爱,我的儿子再次和我们的家庭一起深表感谢!我真的真的很高兴你是幸福的!我真的很高兴你是开心顺利的,祝一帆风顺!祝你们健康的儿子 敬上 【纯手工翻译 请设我为满意答案】

连云区15747917993: 哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译下这论文的摘要,十分感激 -
友垂清热: Financial risk refers to the financial activities of enterprises, because of various internal and external environment and difficult to predict or factors beyond the control of the financial system is running deviated from expected goals of economic ...

连云区15747917993: 求翻译. 希望哪位大哥大姐帮我把这段小短文翻译成英文 非常的感谢你们的帮助 -
友垂清热: Trade is a significant signal of globalization(此处中文有些说不通,我暂且这样翻译), and influences our economy and business a lot...

连云区15747917993: 哪位好心的大哥大姐 帮我翻译以下图片上的日语 不胜感激! -
友垂清热: .我是设定都无视的那种,都太专业了,火的那种特殊效果的水平)等待VSync 无(不懂)LOD 有(还是不懂)Bloom 无(显示不显示观赏用的花那些小东西吧?)第三张,自己查吧``下面两个是游戏设定:气候的显示 有水面 低影子 高云 有图...

连云区15747917993: 请哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译一下啊,很感谢啊!!! -
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连云区15747917993: 那位大哥大姐帮忙把阅读理解翻译一哈(非常感谢) -
友垂清热: Gorgers 小姐在纽约一间学校教物理.在上个月她在其中一个班级对声波进行了说明,而且她决定测试以下学生,看看她的(对声音的)解释说明(教学)是否成功. 她对学...

连云区15747917993: 哪位大哥大姐帮我用英语翻译一段话,急求~~~~不要求百分之百翻译,是那个意思也行...拜托了~~~下午就要拿走哩!正文如下:今天能来参加这个活动我... -
友垂清热:[答案] Today to participate in this event can I feel very honoured because I strongly believe that "life is participation",although the ... I need your support and I will show my best side to you,thank you .. 当作参考啦,从google里翻译过来的,

连云区15747917993: 有懂日文的吗?哪位大哥大姐可以给我翻译下的.万分感谢! -
友垂清热: 宝贝,我如此地希望自己喜欢上你,我说不了太漂亮的话.我感觉自己是如此的幸福,这应该就是爱吧.我爱你,谢谢你,你是如此的完美. 我爱你 ^^ 2013.5.13好肉麻 =0=

连云区15747917993: 英语翻译哪位好心的大哥大姐帮我翻译一下!(1)小的时候就开始喜欢足球它让我心中有理想(2)给我的童年带来很大的乐趣 (3)因为踢足球我的身体现... -
友垂清热:[答案] 1,When I was a kid,I used to play soccer which guide me to my dream2,It brought a lot of fun to my childhood3,To play soccer bring me a strong body.4,I met a lot of friends by playing soccer with them

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