
作者&投稿:阙周 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Please take these things to you elder brother

2 There are some CDs in the drawer

3 Can you help me bring something to the school?

4 Do you know where my English book is?

5 Every morning ny mother drives me to the school

6. My room is very small, there are only a few things in it

7. The book on the desk is a Chinese book, not a mathematics book

8. I need two dictionaries and a pencil box

9. Does the black pen in the last and found box belong to your sister?


1 is she one of the best singers in China?
2 that woman is over 60 years old,but she looks very young.
3 why are they divided into 6 groups by ages?
4 i can't finish the work on time because it is difficult.
5 dose he live in a house in 20 minutes walk distance?

Where's my keys?Are they on the table?

Where's your books?Are they in the bag?

This is his baseball,not mine.

Their bags are not at my home,but at the school.

I don't know where his dictionary is.

Don't put the key into the drawer.

Take an umbrella with you.

You can eat these apple,except the bananas.

where is my key? They are on the desk.


where is your book?Is it in the bag?
This is his baseball,It isn't mine.
Their bags aren't at my hone,they are at school.
I don't know where his dictionary is.
Don't put the key into the drawer.
Please take an umbrella with you.

You can eat these apples,but you can't eat the bananas.


1.Where is my keys?
They are on the table.

2.Where is your book? Is it in your schoolbag?

3.This is his baseball,not mine.

4.Their bags are not in my home,and in fact they are in the school.

5.I don't know where his dictionary is.

6.Don't put the keys in the drawer.

7.Please take a umbrella.

8.You may ear these apples,but you can't eat bananas.


1.where is my key? It's on the desk.
2.where is your book? Is it in your bag?
3.this is his baseball,not mine.
4.Their's bags are not in my home, they are at school.
5.I don't know where is his dictionary.
6.Don't put the key in the drawer.
7.Take an umbrella with you.
8.You can have some apples,but can't have banana.

1.Where are my keys?They are on the desk.
2.Where are your books?Are they in the bag?
3.This is his baseball,not mine.
4.Their bags are not in my house,they are in the school.
5.I don't know where his dictionary is.
6.Don't put keys in the drawer.
7.Keep an umbrella with you.
8.You can eat these apples,but not bananas.

1.两个人我不是都认识。Two people aren't understanding all.I don't understand these two people all.2.护士们刚刚准备好所有的东西,医生就开始了手术。The nurses just readied to all things, the doctor started surgical operation.the doctor started surgical operation when the nurses just ...

初中英语 翻译
1 You can go and ask your teacher for help if you are in trouble.2 He steals the rich and gives it away to the poor.3 The boy robbed me of my wallet.4 Those who can work out this problem put up your hands 5 He looks like a true man 6 I heard the girl crying in...

1.The man gave the boy six pence and asid to him."Buy me a cake with the other three pence buy one for yourself."那个男人给了那个男孩六便士并对他说,“帮我买个蛋糕,另外三便士帮你自己买个蛋糕。”2.Many animals go to sleep in winter.They roll up in hollow logs,in ...

17.这个节目为北京人提高学习英语的兴趣提供了很好的方法。The program provides a good way for Beijing natives to be interested in learning English.18.也许你还能交到一英语为母语的朋友。 Maybe you can make friends with a native English speaker.19.这两个获胜者都很谦虚,他们认为他们并不...

是:1. You can't drive a car until you are 18. 2,The classroom is very dirty and mass. Please clean it. 3,I can't decide which pair of glasses to buy. They both look good on me. 4,Everyone needs at least 8 hours' sleep every night. 5,What time did you finish...

2.drink milk 3.吃水果 eat fruit 4.和咖啡 drink coffee 5.吃蔬菜 eat vegetables 6.想睡觉 want to sleep 7.对身体有好处 be good for health 8.对身体有害处 be bad for health 9.一天5或6次 five of six times a day 10.一月1或2次 once or twice a month 汉译英。(句子)1....

11.一个穿红色衣服的女孩站在街道的拐弯处。A girl in red is standing at the corner of the street.12.当交通灯是红色是不能过马路。You can't go across the road when the traffic light is red.13.学英语不是很难。It isn't too difficult to learn English.14.明天我们去公园好吗?...

1\\ I like neither singing nor dancing.2\\ He is good at both English and Chinese.3\\ Both Lily and Lucy are American.4\/ Neither Lily and Lucy drink Coffee...5\\ Neither of the two computers works 6\/ Neither of us saw the tiger 7\/ They have been to British 8\/ I had ...

1.夏天他最喜好的运动是游泳 In summer,his favourite sport is swimming 2.她决定放弃它 she decided to give it up 3.她几乎不知道怎么写作文 she hardly ever don't know how to write article 4.我记得在哪儿见过她 I remembered i have met her somewhere 5.这消息激动人心 This news is...

today?星期三 Wednesday 他们正在上什么课 What class are they taking 他们正在上英语课 They are having an English class 你认为他怎么样 What do you think of him?我不喜欢他,他是有点难 I don't like him, he is a little difficult 哎,好累,翻译了近半个小时,希望采纳,谢谢~~...

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