
作者&投稿:福陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unit 5
1.我发现集邮是有用的。(find ath+adj)
I find collecting stemps useful.
2.这个周末将会有一部电影上演。(be on)
A movie will be on this weekend.
3.昨天晚上汤姆确实唱得很好。(all right)
Tom's singing last night was all right.
4.在我们的生活中我们经常会遇到很多不同的人。(in our life)
In our life we often meet with different people.
5.请保持课室干净。(keep sth+adj)
Please keep the classroom clean.
6.进办公室前你应该敲门。(knock on)
You should knock on the door before entering the office.
7.老师要求我们在操场上绕圈跑。(run in rings)
The teacher asked us to run in rings on the playground.
8.在整个班上,玛丽最擅长跳舞。(in the whole of)
Mary has the best command of dancing in the wohle of the class.
9.这个老人完全聋了。他什么也听不见。(stone deaf)
This old man is stone deaf and he can hear nothing.
10.我妈妈总是在购物前列一个购物清单。(make a lisr of shopping)
My mother always makes a list of shopping before she goes to shop.
11.我爷爷坐在沙发上睡着了。(go to sleep)
My grandpa went to sleep, sitting on the sofa.
12.大风吹走了我的帽子。(blow away)
The strong wind blows away my hat.
13.好几天过去了,他还没有回来。(many a day)
He has not came back home after many a day.
14.我希望我在数学竞赛中获奖。(win a prize)
I want to win a prize in the maths contest.
15.往后退,车过来了。(keep back)
Keep back. The cai is coming.
16.你应该马上去上课。(right now)
You should go to class right now.
17.妈妈对我的成绩很满意。(be pleased with)
Mom is pleased with my scores.
Don not waste too much time on watching TVs.
19.我们应该独自完成作业。(on own’s own)
We should finish homework on our own.
20.有一群围着那个迷路的小孩,人家都想帮他。(a crowd of)
A child is surrounded by a crowd of people. They all want to help him.
21. 在比赛中你不能犯规。(break the rules)
You cannot break the rules during the competitons.
22. 那是谁的书?(whose)
Whose book is that?
23. 我们在休息时。他还在工作。(at work)
He is at work while we are taking a rest.
24. 我急不及待的想去看那部电影。(can’t wait doing)
I can't wait seeing that film.
25. 我们不要对老人大声呼叫。(shout at)
We should not shout at the old.

1. 当你离开房间的时候,记得要关灯。(turn off)
Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
2. 昨晚直到十点我妈妈才回家。(not…until)
My mother didn't come back home until ten o'clock.
3. 记得不要浪费和污染水。(remember not to do)
Remember not to waste or pollute the water.
4. 我们每天早起刷牙洗脸。(brush one’s teeth)
We get up early everyday brushing our teeth and washing our face.
5. 开始我不知道你在伦敦。(in the first place)
I didn't know that you were in London in the first place.
6. 如果明天不下雨。我将去野餐。(if)
I will go to a picnic if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
7. 老师让那个学生站在外面。(leave sb doing)
The teacher leave that student standing outside.
8. 事实上,现在空气污染很严重。(in fact)
In fact, air pollution is now very serious.
9. 信不信由你,他能搬起那块大石头。(believe it or not)
Believe it or not, he can lift up that big rock.
10. 你能帮我把这个瓶子装满水吗?(fill up)
Can you do me a favour to fill up this bottle?
11. 你应该每天至少喝八杯水。(at least)
You should drink at least eight cups of water everyday.
12. 我喜欢在睡觉前冲凉。(have a shower)
I'd like to have a shower before going to bed.
13. 农民把水泵到田里浇灌庄稼。(pump…into)
Farmers pump water into the field to water the crops.
14. 他激动得说不出话来。(too…to…)
He was too excited to say anything.
15. 一所学校有许多班级组成。(is made up of)
A school is made up of mamy classes.
16. 人们应该节约水而不是浪费水。(instead of)
People shoule save water instead of wasting water.
17. 你的房间一团糟,收拾一下吧。(in a mess)
You room is in a mess. Tidy it.
18. 在非洲,很多小孩死于疾病。(die of)
In the Afica, many children die of diseases.
19. 请把地上的废纸捡起来,保持课室干净。(pick up)
Please pick up the waste paper to keep the classroom clean.
20. 这些故事很有趣,我对他们很感兴趣。(interesting,interested)
These storys are interesting. I'm interested in them.
21. 太多的噪音使人发狂。(drive sb crazy)
Too much noises can drive a man crazy.
22. 天气太冷了,水会变成冰的。(turn into)
It's too cold. The water will turn into ice.
23. 他在汤里加了一些盐。(add…to…)
He adds some salt to the soup.
24. 昨天我们做了一个实验。(do an experiment)
We did an experiment yesterday.
25. 消防员经常用水来扑灭火。(put out)
Firemen often use water to put out fire.



There is often rain./It often rains here.
We are surprised to see Simon at the train station.
Go along this street to the traffic light,then you will see that building.
Here comes the teacher,please stop talking.
Three man in police uniform get out of the car.
Suddenly a tall man pull him into the back of the van.
Jill is sitting on my left now.
Turn right to the cross, and you will find the entrance before yourself.
This robber runs out of the building.
Shall we take different routes?
A girl in red is standing at the corner of the street.
You can't go across the road when the traffic light is red.
It isn't too difficult to learn English.
Shall we go to the park tomorrow?
She thinks it is going to rain tomorrow.
There are thousands of webs on the Internet.
We are going to have a barbecue on Saturday.
When are you going to have your party?
Most of the students can get to school on time.
He invited us to have dinner
You can go to the Bank of China by underground.



It often rains here.
The rain here is a common sight.

We were surprised to see Simon at the Railway Station.

Go along this road till the traffic lights, then you will see that building.

The teacher is coming, please stop talking.

Three persons in police uniform came out of the vehicle.

Suddenly a tall guy pushed him to the back of the van.

Jill is now sitting at my left hand side.

Turn right at the next crossroad and you will find the entrance right in front of you.

The robber ran out of the building.

Can we take different paths?

A girl in red dress stands by the corner of the street.

Crossing the roads on red light is strictly prohibited.

It's not very difficult to learn English.

let's go to the park tomorrow, shall we?

She thinks it is going to rain.

There are tens of thousands of websites on the internet.

We are going to BBQ on Saturday.

When are you going to hold the party?

Most of the students can arrive at school on time.

He invites us to dinner.

You can get to Bank of China by subway.

1.There is usually rain./It is often rain here.

2.We very in astonishment again the train station see the west receiving.

3.Along this road walks and arrives traffic lights, you will see there bumping building.

4.The teacher came, please stop talking.

5.3 wears the person whom the police fights down from the car in come out.

6.Suddenly a big statures pushed forward him the behind of the Xiang type trucks.

7.Hero Er sits on my the left side now.

8.The one more word street corner turns right, you will discover an entrance in your front.

9.This robber ran to go out from the mansion.

10.We walk different route good?

11.A girl station that wears red clothes at receive of turn a corner place.

12.When transportation light's being red is to can not cross the street.

13.Learning English isn't very difficult.

14.Tomorrow we go to park good?

15.She thinks that the sky is raining.

16.There is thousands website on the Internet.

17.We intend to be on Saturday carry on roasting.

18.You when hold party.

19.Big parts of students can get to school punctually.

20.He invites us to have supper.

21.You can multiply by subway to go to Chinese bank.

1.It often rains here.
Here has many rain.
2.We surprisely met Simon in the train station.
3.Go along the road, and you can see the building at the traffic light.
4.The teacher comes. Please stop talking.
5.Three persons in police suits got out from the car.
6.Suddenly a tall man pushed him into the back of the van.
7.Jill is sitting on my left.
8.Turn right to the cross, and you will find the entrance before yourself.
9.The robber ran out of the department.
10.Let's go on different ways, shall we?
11.A girl in red is standing at the corner of the street.
12.You can't go across the road when the traffic light turn red.
13.It isn't too difficult to learn English.
14.Shall we go to the park tomorrow?
15.She thinks it will rain.
16.Tens of thousands of webs are on the Internet.
17.We intend to go for a barbecue on Saturday.
18.When are you holding your party?
19.Most of the students can be school on time.
20.He invited us to have dinner.
21.You can go to the China Bank by the subway.

1 this often rains. (two),

2 we are surprised to see Simon station.

3. Go along this road, to the traffic lights, you'll see that crashed floor.

4 the teacher come, please stop talking.

5. Three wear the uniform of the police car came from.

6. Suddenly a big push him into the back of the van.

7. Jill now sit on my left.

8. Then turn right at the crossing a word, you will find entrance is in front of you.

9 the robber ran out from the building.

10 we take different routes?

11. The girl in a red dress standing in a corner.

12 when the traffic light is red is not cross the road.

13. Learning English is not difficult.

14 tomorrow we'll go to the park?

15. She thinks it's going to rain.

16. Tens of thousands of Internet sites.

17 we plan on Saturday for a barbecue.

18 you when to hold the party.

The majority of students can go to school on time.

And he invited us to dinner.

21. You can take the subway to the bank of Chi

8.他常常帮助我学英语 He often (help)(me)(for)my english 9.他昨天上学迟到了 He (was)(late)(for)school yesterday 10.谢谢你参加我们的节目 Thank you (for) (joining) our game 11.晚饭后我必须带狗去散步 I (have) to (take) my dog (for) a (walk) (after) supper 12.上个...

你好!意思:(文章)前两段告诉我们什么(信息)?注意:括号内为增译部分。the first two 前两个 类似的还有,the last two 后两个 这里first和two都是形容词,一起修饰后面的名词paragraphs the是定冠词 百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~...

2. 最前卫的管理与科技的语言无可厚非的就是英语。有能力吸收这个信息可以说是新世纪的关键。3.There is an urgent need to have a workforce that is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught.3. 现在急需一个精通这个语言的团队来面对信息技术的冲击。希望能帮...

英语 翻译 句子 语法
1. 原文:Imagine a world where building the tallest skyscrapers was not a race of height, but rather one to collect the most solar energy.2. 概述:省略主语you的祈使句,但不是简单句,而是主从复合句,主句是(You)Imagine a world,其中imagine是谓语动词,a world是宾语。从句很...

1、含义:prep. 关于;大约;在 ... 周围。adv. 大约;附近;到处;在周围。adj. 即将的;正要的;在流行中的 2、用法 9世纪前进入英语,直接源自古英语的onbutan,译为在……之外。在指“不久就要……”时,后通常接不定式,如about to start。也有接动名词,如about starting。但是不可再加...

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所以over此处的作用就是把这二十年看做一个整体 unless governments take more aggressive action.这个好理解,除非政府采取更有侵略性的,更主动的行动,所以翻译成强有力的政府干预。food policy 各国政府的粮食政策,食品政策。可能涉及发达国家如美国,向非洲穷国提供粮食援助方面的内容 ...

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