
作者&投稿:寸婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Nowadays,there are many ways students used to go to school.The most common one is to be fetched by their parents.However,it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by helicopter.This will certainly spoil the children making them materialistic.In fact,student should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school.It does not just reduce the pollution and prevent the traffic jam,yet this can be treated as an exercise.Students can get healthier by doing this,besides it too can train them to be independen




Each morning I get up at 7:00. The school is 2 kilomteres away from my home. Usually I go to shool on foot. It takes me about half an hour to go along the street and arrive at school. But when it is raining hard or it is very cold, I take No, 212 Bus to ...


I'm Li Hua. Because I am far away from school, I often go to school by bus.Sometimes my father drives me. Sometimes I take a taxi .But most of the time, I still take the bus.I never walk. Because my home is too far away from school.How do you often go to...


to school by bus,it would take me a lot of time to wait for the bus every day.Also it would take me more time to go to school on foot.It was unrealistic for me to do that by car,for my family isn't wealthy.So going to school by bike is the best way for me.



假如你的学习成绩好,老师问你平时的学习方法。 写一篇作文
考试时先易后难,要能够狠心跳过难题,不要有心理负担,要立刻投入到后面的解题中去。(因为你是要登报的,这种格式应该还可以)一、三种学习境界 第一层为苦学,提起学习就讲“头悬梁、锥刺股”,“刻苦、刻苦、再刻苦”。处于这种层次的同学,虽然学习枯燥无味,是被迫行为,但能长期坚持下去,也能取得一定的成绩,有时...


a lot of people in the park. Some children were running. A dog run after them. Three old men stood under a big tree. They were watching the children. Four women sit on the grass. They were chatting. Everyone in the park had a good time. We had a good time, too....

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 写一篇短文,介绍一下你平时去上学的交通方式及其理由. -
鄣辉洁尔:[答案] Usually I go to school by bicycle.The school is not far from my home,if I went to school by bus,it would take me a lot of time to wait for the bus every day.Also it would take me more time to go to ...

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 英语作文《你如何去上学》不少于50词 -
鄣辉洁尔: Nowadays,there are many ways students used to go to school.The most common one is to be fetched by their parents.However,it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or even the most exaggerate one is by ...

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 小作文写一写你每天是怎么去上学的65个字 -
鄣辉洁尔: 儿时的我,在“锄禾日当午,汗滴何下土”的诗歌声中长大,每次端起书,看着那毫无生命的方块字,我总是大喊没意思.读书是我最头疼的事了. 渐渐长大了,我感到了知识的缺乏,每次作文,我都不知从何说起.爸爸、妈妈为我不喜欢读书...

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 写一篇你每天上学的方法英语作文80字 七年级 -
鄣辉洁尔: clock.I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoonI get up at six in the morning and get dressed,wash my face and eat breakfast quickly.I get to school at about seven thirty every day.Classes start at eight o'

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 英语作文写一件你平时是怎样上学的包括交通方式和经过路线 -
鄣辉洁尔: Usually I go to school by bicycle.The school is not far from my home,if I went to school by bus,it would take me a lot of time to wait for the bus every day.Also it would take me more time to go to school on foot.It was unrealistic for me to do that by car,for ...

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 介绍你平时如何去上学几点从家走几点到校英语作文五六句 -
鄣辉洁尔: I go to school by bike every morning at six .It is very interesting. Beause along the way I can see the beautiful view and breathe the fresh air. I usually arrive at school at 7 o'clock.

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 以《你怎样去上学》为题写一篇英语作文 -
鄣辉洁尔: I live near my school. So I usually go to school on foot. I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body. Because I walk to school every day, I'm stonger than before. Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school. But I don't...

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 六年级的英语作文!作文题目:写一写你和你的家人上学或上班的方式(不少于5句话) -
鄣辉洁尔: 开头先写反问,说你平时怎么去上学.然后,就写让我来告诉你,我怎样去上学.I walk to the school.My mother go to the hospital by bicycle.And my father go to the bank by bus.最后,再写一句结尾,就好了

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 关于你怎么去学校写一篇英语作文,初二水平 -
鄣辉洁尔: every morning,if i have enough time,i will go to school on foot,it is an exercise,can makes me keep healthy,sometimes i go to school by bus,it take less time and it is fast.

伊犁哈萨克自治州18478895898: 你和你的家人平时是怎样去学习或上班呢?写一写吧(英语作文)五句话哦 -
鄣辉洁尔: How do you and your parents go to school or work every day? My dad goes to work by car. My mom goes to work by metro. I go to school on foot, because my school is close by. I even go home to have lunch because of the short distance. What about...

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