
作者&投稿:淫胡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我是30907班的一名学生,为了解我班同学上学使用交通工具的情况进行调查,本调查...你选择上学方式 1. 你选择上学方式 * 步行 电动车 自行车 公交车 2. 你...

There are 50 students in my class. Thirty students go to school by on foot because they live near the school. Forty students ride their bikes to school. They think riding a bike to school can save much time. Four students go to school by bus.They all live far from the school. Two students go to school in their parents' car.Their parents drive them to school on their way to work.

Usually I go to school by bicycle.The school is not far from my home,if I went to school by bus,it would take me a lot of time to wait for the bus every day.Also it would take me more time to go to school on foot.It was unrealistic for me to do that by car,for my family isn't wealthy.So going to school by bike is the best way for me.


请帮我写一篇英语作文:假如你是jim Green介绍一下自己。生日8.16。食...
1. 介绍自己; My name is Jim Green. I was born on August16th. My favorite food is hamburger. I like playing basketball very much. I like watching movies and my farotie is actiong movie. Chen Kaige is my favorite film star.2. My brother I have a brother. His name is ...

My Good Friend Zhang Ying is my good friend.She’s in Class1,Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School.She’s a model student.She’s clever and she’s helpful,too.She often helps teachers and young students at school.She is good at Chinese,maths,English,arts and crafts,music and so...

可是,有一种号称“海中之虎”的虎鲸,常常几十头一起围住一头三十多吨的长须鲸,几个小时就能吃光。1、《鲸的自述》短文:大家好,我是蓝鲸,我可是世界上最大的动物呢!别看我们鲸家族的名字里面有个“鱼”字,我们确是地道的哺乳动物。 我们蓝鲸是目前人们所知道的自古至今所有动物中体型最大的...

1、 他大约有十三、四岁。又黑又胖的小脸上,嵌着一个尖尖的翘鼻子。长长的头发,好久没理了。浓浓的眉毛下闪着一对大眼睛,乌黑的眼珠挺神气地转来转去。2、树丛被拨开了,一个小孩的脑袋钻了进来,这是个男孩子,大约有十二、三岁,又黑又瘦的小脸上,满是灰尘,头发约有二寸多长,乱蓬蓬的...


美国著名脱口秀主持人)一样,给人快乐,让人放轻松,当然偶像是用来崇拜的,榜样是用来学习的,所以我的榜样是我们敬爱的周总理。。他可是一名优秀的外交家,外交家嘴皮子可是很好的哦。这说明我是撑得了大场面的。以上就是我的自我介绍。。大家应该记住我了吧。。再次重申姓名我叫XXX ...


Do you have a family the same happy as mine? 我的家人 人人都有一个幸福的家庭。我的家人怎么样? 哦,有四个人在我家。他们是我爸爸、妈妈、我和姐姐。我的父亲和我一样高。我们俩的个子都比我的母亲和姐姐还高很多。虽然我的母亲和姐姐都比我们矮,但是她们都很...

Hello, everybody!Let me introduce our Fuzhou Zoo to you. It is the biggest zoo in southern China, and there are over 100 kinds of animals here. There are tens of birds in our zoo. Some are yellow, some are green, some are orange and some can even sing songs. There are...

无为县17646523301: 写一篇短文,介绍一下你平时去上学的交通方式及其理由. -
蠹包心荣:[答案] Usually I go to school by bicycle.The school is not far from my home,if I went to school by bus,it would take me a lot of time to wait for the bus every day.Also it would take me more time to go to ...

无为县17646523301: 写一篇短文,向同学们介绍一下你的校园生活.50词左. -
蠹包心荣:[答案] 这个就是随便吧你平时做的事谢谢叶不止50个词的啊

无为县17646523301: 写一篇英文小短文介绍一下你平时怎么去上学校的?(不少于六句话) -
蠹包心荣: Each morning I get up at 7:00. The school is 2 kilomteres away from my home. Usually I go to shool on foot. It takes me about half an hour to go along the street and arrive at school. But when it is raining hard or it is very cold, I take No, 212 Bus to ...

无为县17646523301: 以My school day为题,写一篇70词左右的英语短文,介绍一下你上学日的基本活动.开头已给出.如下:I am a student.I go to school five days a week. -
蠹包心荣:[答案] I am a student.I go to school five days a week. Everyday is new to me.I try to make everyday different and meaningful.I get up early in the morning.After washing my face and teeth,I read english loudl...

无为县17646523301: How do you get to school? Please tell me.写一篇短文介绍自己每天上下学的情况 ,可自由发挥.急急急急! -
蠹包心荣: How do students around the world get to school?In North America, Most students go to school on the school bus.Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different.In Japan, most students take trains to ...

无为县17646523301: 你在上学的日子和周末的生活是怎样的呢?请你根据实际情况,写一篇60词左右的英语短文介绍一下.文字不要出现真实姓名. -
蠹包心荣:[答案] From Monday to Friday,I have many classes every day.So I am busy on school days.After class,I can only play for ten minutes.On weekends,I can play computer games and watch TV after fnishing my homework.

无为县17646523301: 你平时是怎么来学校的,那你班的其他同学又是怎么来学校的为什么 -
蠹包心荣: 中文: 我骑着一辆崭新的自行车,兴高采烈地来到学校,一路上碰到了不少的同学,有的同学是走路来学校的,有的同学是赶公交车来学校的,还有的同学和我一起骑车来的.我们一边走,一边聊,尽兴极了.不一会,我们便来到了学校....

无为县17646523301: 你在上学的日子和周末的生活是怎样的呢?请你根据实际情况,写一篇60词左右的英语短文介绍一下. 文字 -
蠹包心荣: From Monday to Friday,I have many classes every day.So I am busy on school days.After class,I can only play for ten minutes.On weekends,I can play computer games and watch TV after fnishing my homework.

无为县17646523301: 请用英文写一篇40词左右的短文,描述自己及家里人平时出门上学记上班的出行方式方式的话走路,火车,地铁,小汽车什么的都行 -
蠹包心荣:[答案] Ok,好的.I usually go to school by foot,I like this way ,because I can exercise at the same time.My father always go to work by his own car,it is convenient for him.My mother is used to taking bus to her company.我觉得上班一般用不到火车吧,不太现实·...

无为县17646523301: 以My School day为题写一篇短文,描述一下自己一天的学校生活和学习情况.要求:中心明确、语句通顺,60 -
蠹包心荣: My School day I am a primary school student. I am twelve years old. I usually get up at 6: 00 in the morning, after breakfast I go to school at 6: 50. I have seven lessons in a day. I learn Chinese, Maths, English and other subjects. In the afternoon, I do ...

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